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Base Terrier - the most frustrating ship in the game

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  • Base Terrier - the most frustrating ship in the game

    I recently started trying to play Terrier in ?go base. Usually it goes ok, but sometimes it is just so frustrating that I want to just turn the computer off. I have a completely newfound respect for guys who play terr primarily, especially in ?go base where you usually don't have a solid team that you can trust. Terrier is absolutely the most frustrating ship in the entire game.

    First of all, your entire team depends on you. You have to be alert for the entire game, unlike most other ships where you can dick around for a while if you want. Then you have the issue of bad teammates, who do shit that causes you to die, or don't protect you well enough. If your sharks aren't playing well during that game, you will go nuts. Then you have the one or two people that will complain or whine when you die; this just makes things even worse. A team is way better off without a whining bitch, no matter how good they may be as an individual player. When I terr, if someone complains I start to do considerably worse and go on a downward spiral. The absolute most frustrating thing about the Terrier though, is when you die because of a mistake one of your teammates makes. Having played the Terrier, I realize now how absolutely infuriating it is to die from a mine or burst being repelled into you, or being tked by a jav bomb or shark mine. Terrier just sucks because as long as you are being alert and playing ok, 90% of your deaths will probably come as a result of one of your teammates making a mistake or not doing something they should have done.

    I don't know how people can stand to play Terrier in ?go base over and over. I find it's ok once and a while if you have a solid team, but for god's sake, in a few of those games I was ready to just press escape Q.

  • #2
    I played terr about two months ago in base, it absolutely drove me nutty.


    • #3
      The only thing more frustrating to me is capping. Terring is more nerve-racking, but capping can just suck. The simple solution is to just ignore the things people type, but it seems like the times it's most annoying is also the times it's hardest to stop reading.

      Meh, what else is new.


      • #4
        Yea, i just started playing terr more and more, but i still suck. Its quite frustrating at times :up:


        • #5
          TERRIER OWNS... but yeah sometimes if i'm terring in base there are like 15 people on your freq you say 'ALL ATTACH TO ME I'M BT and nobody attaches, that makes me crazzy or you have base with terrier your the only one there and you say 'please attach fast I have base {{hurry}} ... still nobody attaches... then you die and you see some people attaching ... that drives me nuts
          help: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.

          4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out


          • #6
            nice signature stabwound :up:


            • #7
              Hmm Terrier is a ship for people that are more laid back imo. Thats why I never terr. If I was in a TWL match Id choke under the pressure probaly. Everything else its not nearly as much as a burden compared to the terr. Thats why I shark


              • #8
                If I get a hankering to be a BT in pure pub..or any other pub for that matter, and you have like 5 extra people on your team(like 15 vs 10) and the nme can keep the base BECAUSE ONLY TWO PEOPLE ATTACH, thats the most RAWRSDVKSDBNVLSKVBSDLVKB thing alive. :x


                • #9
                  Base terr... no fun.. Roof Terr = $$


                  • #10
                    Yeah... I'm not talking about pub terr... I mean in an organized 8vs8 game.


                    • #11
                      Oh, I know. I'm a good terrier (My own opinion) But i mean jesus christ! Twerp is the worst. We're in i think it was weird base or something, can't remember. He just starts yelling at me for no reason. I die, he's like "JESUS CHRIST YOU SUCK" I was like "..We lost becase because nobody was protecting it" He's all going nuts, I die again because Im reading his stupid shit, then he goes nuts again! It's just so annoying, I know what ya mean man.
                      CD-Rom> I wonder what would happen if you stuck a human into the microwave...

                      pixelsoft> CD
                      pixelsoft> I just want to touch you all over


                      "It's not my fault baby! I tripped, my dick fell into her!"


                      • #12
                        I've never tried and also never intend to start terring anywhere other than pub...
                        Terriers in general do tend to be stressed. It makes some of them more alert, like a hunted animal always looking round corners.

                        Originally posted by Disliked
                        Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
                        +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


                        • #13
                          Terring for Spastic is the easiest piece of pie ever!


                          • #14
                            help: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.

                            4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out


                            • #15
                              Terring in ?go base is so much fun. Although I often do stupid things and drive people mad
                              I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...

