i fucking hate robohelp, it's so fucking stupid. I am sure it's helpful to answer stupid questions that people sometimes ask, but sometimes, when you want to know something that you KNOW the bot won't know, the bot answers you and it just makes me so mad.
Robo Help just points out the obvious.
Kyle G> Did you know theres bowling alleys in Noahs Ark?
I want robohelp to do things like send, "GODDAMNIT CHECK THE TRENCHWARS WEBSITE AND THE FORUMS BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION YOU COULD FIGURE OUT IN LESS TIME IT WOULD TAKE ME TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU." This isn't for the pubbers who are setting up twd for the first time, this is for the lazy ass "vets" who send helps like, "durrr, who's playing twl this week, hyuck!".
Robohelp doesn't do _enough_ yet. When it pimp slaps people through there screens maybe then I'll be satisfied.
Can RoboHelp check usages? Perhaps if a name had over x number of usage (ie 500/1000) the bot could screen it that way.
PS: Naive question, but I don't know the answer. Maybe I should ?help it. RoboHelp might send me the answer!
5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead
Moot the point of hiring the <ZH>'s are for them to HELP the zone (Zone helpers) Now i wouldnt expect them to know everything about the zone bc quite frankly i dont, but they should know most of the things if not ALL the things that Robohelp says. He is ther for the basic things like how to shoot and all, if someone is hired for a <ZH> which im sure the deans look into then they should know all of this stuff. Saying they are afk or dont know the answer is rediculous. They wont answer the call or rarely will take the call even if they know robo is giving the wrong answer simply bc they wont get credit for it. I dont know if RObohelp is good or bad for the zone, but i do think that <ZH>'s should be able to cover what he does. Or like someone said above, have it so if no one answers within 10 secs make robo answer. Robo shouldnt be the 1st thing answering someone unless a staff member !tells it too. Bots are always 2nd best to human help and a real staff member should look into the help call b4 a bot regardless if its "how do i shoot" or if its asking how to make FPS higher.
With the size of Trench Wars now I'm glad we have RoboHelp. If you have ever been on staff chat on premium times you'll notice the amount of spam we receive for hosting amoung other things.
About this credit stuff. Zone Helpers who are promoted are not the ones that get the highest amount of calls. And whats wrong with being away from the keyboard or not knowing the answer. If I didnt know the answer to a help call I wouldn't answer it. I'd ask someone else for information or they would take it.
Ok Cig Smoke I'll tell you how RoboHelp works. Because you seem to think people are stealing petty credits to get promoted to sysops.
First off a player sends a help call. Now if a bot picks up a keyword it will immediately reply to the player. If not the bot will let a staffer take it. If the player is not satisfied with the informarion he received he can summon live help. This is quite easy to do. (NO UNFAIR CREDIT WAS STOLEN) (LIGHTNING STRIKE)
RoboHelp deals with only stuff to do with Trench Wars. Therefore off topic questions or harder questions are usually not taken by RoboHelp.
"What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
Do staffers see your help call if Robo auto responds to it?
USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
I think, when it comes down to it, robohelp is nice and all, it helps with peak times and when simple questions come in about how to do certain things, it answers them, IMMEDIATELY. I hate how people whine and complain 'it took me 10 seconds to get a reply to my ?help message, Im upset now' and then they complain 'robohelp is doing too much, or its annoying or its giving helpers credit they dont deserve'. <sarcasm> But then again, I'd have to agree with you guys, this thing is making it easy on staffers that arent even being payed, volunteering their time for the zone, and we should definately get rid of this, we cant be making it easy on staffers now, can we?</sarcasm> Nobody wants a completely automated bot run zone, but is it too much to ask that we have a bot that answers simple questions by the newbs? I know its annoying when you want to know something, use ?help and you get the incorrect responce from a bot... so what just use the !summon command, even better you dont have to, the competent non-busy staffers will realize that the answer the bot gave you was incorrect and get on it quickly. All ?help and ?cheater questions go to all staffers, whether answered by the bot or not. :up:
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
When the help call comes in and the bot takes it he says "ON IT!" b4 any staff member can meaning he gets the credit for the call not the <ZH>'s. I know that there are some <ZH> who will still help u when they realize u didnt get the answer u wanted but the majority wouldnt bc they wouldnt get the credit. I never said the most help calls means u get promoted, but u do have a monthy amount u gotta meet.
ANd like i said above. The Robohelp only answers general questions. Like stab said, if ur on this game obviously u should know how to shoot bullets or probably already know how. U dont need those types of things on the robohelp. I can see certain things needed like thethings some staff members might not know, or things some ppl in pub or in the zone mite not know, but there is alot of useless things on it. ANd i also think it should be a 2ndary responce to an actual person. I was on staff u know that. I was very active so i saw how things went at the peak and the non-peak hrs. Obviously on peak there is more staffers online simply bc there is more ppl. Im not saying remove robohelp all together, but i do think it should be #2 to a person and that it shouldnt be set off by a certain word or something. Maybe have it so only staff memebers who see the help call can do !tell or something.
help call comes in asking how to shoot
Instead of Robohelp automaticaly answering it staff members read it and simply !tell how to shoot and then the bot will tell them what it does now. That way u will avoid simple mixups like u have now with it getting set off by 1 word and things like that. Plus if a staffer wanted too then he jsut answers himself which in the end would be alot better then a bot.
I like when i do a help call and i get yelled at by a mod because it's not a valid question. Help is there for a reason who cares if it's a question or not.
ZeUs!!> 48k - 44k
leroy> zeus, it's time base
ZeUs!!> yeah im old fashioned
Zerzera> can't hear you lappos, you have a 300ms delay
3:Uz> the only difference between a mexican and a texican is that they are on the side of the fence where the oil is.