Well first of all.... i think those people if they arent zh's should be er's :P
second of all.. my list would be..
:light: and just to make it even more crazy..
lets make dock an er and give gerry sysops. Crazed TW!
(Dont ask i just wanted to post something! )
kyle shutup and stop trying to suck up to me! >.<
DarkAcid05> BLAH!!!
Xog> Ok dracula calm down.
Kakka> deary i have a question for ya
DeArEsT> ???
Kakka> if i were a squirrel
Kakka> and you were a tree
Kakka> would you let me bust a nut in your hole?
DeArEsT> ........
Jr5> ROFL!!
Foobarz> mmmm hmm...
I'm pretty sure that the people listed above will never be made a ZH much less an ER. I don't think Goddess (sorry if this offends you) should be made tw staff ever again. That is my opinion though but I think that when people bring controversy and extended problems.... they shouldn't be bring it into TW staff. But that's what I think, who Pusher and Pure_Luck want to recruit is entirely up to them and what we say or think won't change that.
I deserve to be an event referee. I'd be perfect for it, too. I've got good people skills, I wouldn't always host the same events, and I'm fair to everyone, and I'd let certain things be decided democratically. Oh, and I'd host something every time someone else wasn't.
and yeah make awe staff again... he deserves it cause he's "turned over a new leaf" and is soooo much nicer now... why i can just see him being so helpfull to all the new people that need it.