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How much better DSB Zone is

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  • How much better DSB Zone is

    Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey

  • #2
    Personally, I do not like DSB ... but hey, isnt it a matter of taste?

    Its only funny hearing the other pubes of TW comparing zones, its almost hillarious ...

    Hello. My dilemma is this: I love my guitar, but my guitar don't love me back. What should I do? Stevie Ray Vaughn's guitar was his first wife, she didn't speak to him, she spoke for him. That's the kind of relationship I'm trying to develop with it.

    Dr. Zaius Replies:

    As much as I work with your kind, you humans never cease to baffle me. It is bizarre and pathetic that you expect your "love" for an inanimnate object to be returned. The real problem is that music is a high art, and as such it requires a higher intelligence, and a fully developed set of emotions. Give up.


    • #3
      their website has content


      • #4
        As much as you hate them and how ridiculously ugly their map is, they have things that TW does not have and probably never will have at this rate.

        Even though this is mostly because of the way the settings and map work together which is actually quite nice when you think about it. There are no horribly unbalanced ships that destroy basing, unlike our zone with the warbird and the levi. THEY HAVE A BALANCED SHIPSET. Now it's not good but it is balanced which doesnt allow for levterring or spawning warbirds like they have. Also all ships are attachable and all ships need to green to attach, the greens are right there which is convienent and YOU CAN SPAWN WITHOUT GETTING KILLED BY SOME OUT OF BASE LOSER. The safety spawn is brilliant, with the added touch of the greens right there so you can safely green and resume the fight for the flags. Now there are multiple flags which splits it up alot so the action is often not intense.

        Also they do not host gimmicky crap like deathmatch and javs and tourney and whatever bull at every 10 minute interval there is, so their action is always in the pub and it's always focused on what the zone is about.

        This doesnt mean I like DSB more, TW's basing shipsettings are great for basing but there is still alot to be changed, and won't because staff only cares about what the sheep want which we all know isn't basing. Also the map is alot better and the one flag concept keeps the action together once it gets going.


        • #5
          rich: u need to broaden your horizons. I hate LTing and I rarely play pub (especially in WB). Some people enjoy javs and deathmatch as well as tournies. You can also find those people on squads like Disoblige, Pallies, WR, and others. You seem to be in an "Anti-Everything Except Basing" attitude. There are other things to do out there.
          Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


          • #6
            but the things is Basing is (should be) the main point in tw. Or the pub map should be changed to focus on the main part of tw.
            There once was a man from Nantucket.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mayo Inc.
              rich: u need to broaden your horizons. I hate LTing and I rarely play pub (especially in WB). Some people enjoy javs and deathmatch as well as tournies. You can also find those people on squads like Disoblige, Pallies, WR, and others. You seem to be in an "Anti-Everything Except Basing" attitude. There are other things to do out there.
              I would be fine with that if pub was atleast set for what it's for instead of how unbalanced it is now. There is no place for basing other than the occasional privbase. And, I hope you notice how much more those ridiculous games get hosted more than basing, it's completely uneven.
              Like I said, you will hardly ever see staff in DSB host anything, and their pub scene is stronger than ours ever will be.
              Whatever, I know I'll never be able to change it, but it doesn't mean I'm going to sit quietly and watch the foundation on what the zone is for get destroyed without bringing it up.


              • #8
                omg its liek 8:40 at night time does that mean that right now TW is the really best zone or does that happen later.
                Originally posted by Yoshiba
                i lag when i smoke weed


                • #9
                  i think dsb league matches way cooler than trench.. when my squad had a match, we didnt win, but we did come close. in trench it is usually a total blowout, one team emerges a clear winner and keeps the flag room the whole time. on the other hand, trench has so many more cool events.. when i get bored with one i go to the other, and if i get bored of zones that require no skill then i go to neither
                  Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                  apt>yes u can wtf
                  apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                  apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                  apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                  Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                  apt>ill show you pictures
                  apt>next time I masturbate


                  • #10
                    Zones, witch I like:

                    SSCU Trench Wars
                    SSCX Extreme Games
                    T3 Metal Gear CTF
                    Assassination CTF
                    SSCE Hockey Zone

                    Zones, witch I don't like so mutch:

                    SSCU Death Star Battle
                    SSCU Warzone CTF
                    SSCX PowerBall

                    I've played all of them, longer than month
                    - Acid Tank

                    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Acid Tank
                      Zones, witch I don't like so mutch:

                      SSCU Death Star Battle
                      SSCU Warzone CTF
                      SSCX PowerBall

                      I've played all of them, longer than month
                      Wtf powerball owns

                      I only need to say 2 words about DSB: "Tube campers".
                      Originally posted by Diakka
                      Lets stop being lil bitches


                      • #12
                        Don't be surprised if a large portion of TWers end up in PB in a couple months. I mean, with a cool league, great ship settings, and fast paced oodles of elite combat who could resist ?go speedball? Did I mention it has balls? Something which TW seems highly lacking in. That's right, you've got to have balls to play speedball.

                        Incidently, first matches are tomorrow (Sunday the 8th) at 3pm EST in ?go speedball3 and ?go speedball4 in PB. Come watch me suck at hosting!


                        • #13
                          Wadi is right!
                          Originally posted by Diakka
                          Lets stop being lil bitches


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Eeks
                            Wadi is right!
                            Eeks is right!
                            - Acid Tank

                            "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain


                            • #15
                              Public should remain as it is. If you get too restrictive you will lose the chemisry that makes Trench Wars so successful and full of variety. Specialization should always remain in the sub arenas.
                              LAME -

