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Its wierd .. i miss the game

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Miku19
    I've never considered Terminator to be a wise man from the past.
    Actually he was from the future
    More cowbell...


    • #32
      Originally posted by arwen_7
      why dose everyone comment one each others english? i dont see people commenting on someones dutch or finnish or any other language that people that play this game talk.
      That's because when people are speaking Finnish or Dutch you have no idea what they are saying. For all you know, all those ancs talking to each other could be saying "Man, your Finnish sucks!"
      USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
      ---A few minutes later---
      9:cool koen> you scorereseted
      9:Kim> UM
      9:Kim> i didn't
      9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
      9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
      9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
      9:pascone> lol?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Sudden
        I dont miss this game, guess that makes me cool since you're obviously uncool!

        You're the one who is uncool!

        You have to miss is! which I do (bad)


        could you get a smaller signature..


        • #34
          Yes, the game can be very addicted..

          I've been waiting for about over 5 months to get a connection. I even playied continuum at my friend's house for awhile.. And almost everywhere at places with a good connection. Damn, I've even have playied with a modem some times.

          Tho it is possible to not miss the game.. It's when you just can't get online.. after awhile your "need" dissepears, when focusing on something else.. a life perhaps?
          Endless space, endless exploration.


          • #35
            Originally posted by ISRAELI F15-I ACE
            I only now know how much i love this game .
            Im working for 2 months in summer camp in usa and i can barely use the interent and also they dont let me download anything ..
            Shit heads ..
            I cant believe im missing a computer game .
            Its hard to believe how addicted i became .
            How do we get addicted to a game so simple ...
            I miss bombing with my levi ..
            I miss playing dd ...
            I miss talking nonsence, here where im at i have to be nice and stuff and i need some place to put my shit on .
            Anyway guys and girls ..
            However od it may seem i miss u all ..
            And i meen all of u with no exeptions .
            And as a old and wise man said once long time ago............................
            "i'l be back"
            ur no nerd, but u start getting sounded like one.
            i got a tip:
            every time u start thinking about this game, think about ur favorite kinda sex, it distracts u from it,
            greetz dr. Bee/Phil

