I, the captain of Disoblige, here by inform the rest of you fellow trenchers, that this will be the last season of TWL, for Disoblige. For too long now has this squad that once stood in glory been pestered by people filled with too big egos. It seemed like we were becoming the next Light. I'm writing this with a tear in my eye, may sound cliche, but I really am. I didn't want this to end like this. Download, Decypha and Nethervoid are axed. More may leave, who knows. I'd just like you to understand why we did this. The decision to axe them were made by the leaderboard, as was the decision of finally dissolving after this TWL. Yes, it's true, we won't be as competitive now, but for the most of us in Diso, that has been here for a long time, we find fun in just getting online, and having a good talk. Get a game every now and then, in other words, just enjoying the game. Now lately, things haven't been going too well. We've had hard times before, years ago, but since almost all of the original Disoblige members are semi-active/somewhat retired, things have changed.
Pallies, we will try to give it our best shot against you in our TWLB. Too bad the time sucks, so it might be a question if we get enough online. But as Divine "motherfucker" Rides said, it will be the last epic battle of two squads filled with glory, hatred and love. Our brothers.
With love, a proud member of Disoblige.
Pallies, we will try to give it our best shot against you in our TWLB. Too bad the time sucks, so it might be a question if we get enough online. But as Divine "motherfucker" Rides said, it will be the last epic battle of two squads filled with glory, hatred and love. Our brothers.
With love, a proud member of Disoblige.