Read this log! its funny
C 2:AvenDragon> (hits hawkes in the face with the bong" DIE SucA!
C 2:Hawkes> Thank you
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> (hits joe with a peice pipe)
C 2:dL.Cujo> (defends joe with a compact-rock-hard pound bag of weed)
C 2:JoeRodge> !
C 2:JoeRodge> ^^
C 2:Hawkes> ?
C 2:dL.Cujo> Oh yeah
C 2:Hawkes> defend Joe from what
C 2:dL.Cujo> Let the weed guide you
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> (wips out a 3 foot pipe, and cracks cujo in the head)
C 2:dL.Cujo> (smokes the pain away)
C 2:JoeRodge> defend me from aven =P
C 2:AvenDragon> (grabs light saber and starts swinging it around)
C 2:AvenDragon> (cuts joe's left ear off)
C 2:KontroLz> (talks like this to be included)
C 2:AvenDragon> (then eats it)
C 2:Hawkes> ohh shit man, I forgot i got aven on perma-ignore
C 2:dL.Cujo> hahahah kontrolz
C 2:AvenDragon> (kicks kon of a cliff)
C 2:KontroLz> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> why was i on ignore
C 2:Hawkes> no wonder he doesn't talk to me, hahaha
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> ..ignore
C 2:JoeRodge> LOL
C 2:JoeRodge> so u knew he was on it?
C 2:Hawkes> on what
C 2:AvenDragon> (wips out crack pipe, runs and sidekicks joe in the head, then snorts his blood)
C 2:AvenDragon> (starts gaging, brain is infected with HIV)
C 2:dL.Cujo> (puts aven on the corner to make me some $$)
C 2:AvenDragon> (aven dies)
C 2:J.Birdman> you dont drink de-caff do you aven?
C 2:AvenDragon> (round house kick to cujo's head)
C 2:Hawkes> jesus, is he still spewing out garbage?
C 2:AvenDragon> (bird is to tall, kicks bird in the nuts)
C 2:Jian Xi>
C 2:Jian Xi> yo hawkes
C 2:Hawkes> hey
C 2:AvenDragon> (bird and hawkes fly away to safety)
C 2:J.Birdman> dont kick me in the nuts
C 2:KontroLz> lol aven
C 2:Hawkes> I didn't
C 2:J.Birdman> lol
C 2:KontroLz> fly away
C 2:AvenDragon> (and have birdy sex)
C 2:AvenDragon> lol j/k
C 2:AvenDragon> (sips coffee)
C 2:KontroLz> aven should write action/comedies, or have a robot do it for him, like AWESOME-O
C 2:AvenDragon> i should
C 2:AvenDragon> that or fighting movies
C 2:Hawkes> or check himself into an insane asylom
C 2:KontroLz> lol hawkes
C 2:Hawkes> $$
C 2:AvenDragon> (aven jumps from a five story building only to land on kontrolz, takes kontrol by the head and throws his ass off a cliff
C 2:AvenDragon> (DDDDDOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo........SPLAT!)
C 2:KontroLz> (lands on hawkes and j.birdman were flying by)
C 2:KontroLz> (they carry me to safety, the end :P )
C 2:AvenDragon> (jumps off cliff, and misses kon and keeps on falling)
C 2:Hawkes> and we all live happily ever after?
C 2:AvenDragon> AWW!! AWWW!!!! AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C 2:AvenDragon> lands on bh's house
C 2:AvenDragon> (falls threw roof and lands and breaks bh's favorite bong)
C 2:AvenDragon> (bh takes me by the head and slam's my head repeaditly into his portable fridge)
C 2:AvenDragon> (then cracks me in the face with his 6 foot bong)
C 2:AvenDragon> (then puts a ciggerette out in my eye)
C 2:Ren> youch
C 2:AvenDragon> (aven screams in horror) AHHH!!!
C 2:AvenDragon> (ren comes from the other room with no clothes on and makes a face similiar to this) O_o
C 2:Ren> lol.. thats almost bang on
C 2:AvenDragon> (ren dashes outside only to get hit by a car, that joe was driving)
C 2:Ren> but u missed that part about me urinating in a winebottle..
C 2:JoeRodge> ^^
C 2:AvenDragon> do to the fact joe is paralised in one eye do to the fact he got into a fight with a man at a bar does not see ren)
C 2:dL.Cujo> Joe where are you
C 2:dL.Cujo> come to pub 30
C 2:AvenDragon> (then cujo pops his head from over the seat in the back of joe's car, and strangles him to death, then robes joe of all his money and his car)
C 2:JoeRodge> =/
C 2:JoeRodge> u missed the part where I slam on the gas and hit a tree and he flies out the fucking window
C 2:dL.Cujo> I mean, sorry joe.
C 2:AvenDragon> (cujo drives 40 miles out of the way and hits a stripper, going by the name of kryn)
C 2:dL.Cujo> hahahaha
C 2:JoeRodge> =P
C 2:dL.Cujo> bahah aven lmao
C 2:Ren> then loads the stripper in the trunk?
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:Ren> for later >=D
C 2:AvenDragon> (kryn, also goes by the name nancy wet socks, has an anger problem and has a record of assault to a cop. also wanted for murder in 2 states)
C 2:JoeRodge> lol kryn
C 2:JoeRodge> assault to a cop huh?
C 2:JoeRodge> ^^
C 2:AvenDragon> (kryn shanks cujo in the kneck with a peice of glass she had used to put another mans head threw)
C 2:AvenDragon> (she takes the car also and drives 20 miles, stops, kills a man, and rides another 40 miles)
C 2:JoeRodge> this story sucks
C 2:JoeRodge> if Im not in it it sucks
C 2:AvenDragon> (he is then later stobed by a police, pulls out the flass she killed cujo with, and then attacks the cops, cops fire 4 rounds into kryn, he dies)
C 2:JoeRodge> !
C 2:AvenDragon> (shadow, same cop who killed kryn, takes the body to the morge, later puts away the bodys of, aven, joe, ren, and bh, who commited suicide after he killed aven)
C 2:SHADOWmoses> wait what
C 2:JoeRodge> aven
C 2:JoeRodge> we need a new story with me as the main character
C 2:JoeRodge> gogo
C 2:AvenDragon> then shadows vomets, crys, and blows his head off) the end of the stonerz trilogy
C 2:JoeRodge> aven
C 2:AvenDragon> ok joe
C 2:JoeRodge> wern't you the one that told me I had a story on the stonerz site?
C 2:AvenDragon> (joes driving a truck after coming back from mexico, he is stopped by border patrol after they check his car for suspision. cops dont know joe is bringing over 40 pounds of illegal narcatics, mostly holding marijuana)
C 2:AvenDragon> (cops ask him to step out the car, but jor refuses, and pulls out a shotgun and blows the cop away)
C 2:JoeRodge> #
C 2:JoeRodge> $
C 2:AvenDragon> (cops sore after him as he try's to get away, deputy aven fires 6 shots into his back tires but he keeps going)
C 2:JoeRodge> woot
C 2:AvenDragon> (he finally reaches a house, storms the door, and takes cover)
C 2:AvenDragon> (cops sorround the building, aven wips out a microphone and starts talking)
C 2:AvenDragon> (joe dosent, respond)
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> (he fires a shot and hits aven in the leg)
C 2:Ren> there is still the wounded stripper in the trunk...
C 2:JoeRodge> !
C 2:AvenDragon> (cops drag aven from the scene and into a car)
C 2:JoeRodge> ren
C 2:JoeRodge> new story!
C 2:Ren> i cant get to hornery...
C 2:AvenDragon> (joe finally realises he ran into a tavern, full of wine and beer) he takes his bong lighter, and some rags, then stuffs the rag into the bottle)
C 2:AvenDragon> (he then throws the bottle at the cops, setting the car aven was in into flames)
C 2:AvenDragon> (hits hawkes in the face with the bong" DIE SucA!
C 2:Hawkes> Thank you
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> (hits joe with a peice pipe)
C 2:dL.Cujo> (defends joe with a compact-rock-hard pound bag of weed)
C 2:JoeRodge> !
C 2:JoeRodge> ^^
C 2:Hawkes> ?
C 2:dL.Cujo> Oh yeah
C 2:Hawkes> defend Joe from what
C 2:dL.Cujo> Let the weed guide you
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> (wips out a 3 foot pipe, and cracks cujo in the head)
C 2:dL.Cujo> (smokes the pain away)
C 2:JoeRodge> defend me from aven =P
C 2:AvenDragon> (grabs light saber and starts swinging it around)
C 2:AvenDragon> (cuts joe's left ear off)
C 2:KontroLz> (talks like this to be included)
C 2:AvenDragon> (then eats it)
C 2:Hawkes> ohh shit man, I forgot i got aven on perma-ignore
C 2:dL.Cujo> hahahah kontrolz
C 2:AvenDragon> (kicks kon of a cliff)
C 2:KontroLz> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> why was i on ignore

C 2:Hawkes> no wonder he doesn't talk to me, hahaha
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> ..ignore
C 2:JoeRodge> LOL
C 2:JoeRodge> so u knew he was on it?
C 2:Hawkes> on what
C 2:AvenDragon> (wips out crack pipe, runs and sidekicks joe in the head, then snorts his blood)
C 2:AvenDragon> (starts gaging, brain is infected with HIV)
C 2:dL.Cujo> (puts aven on the corner to make me some $$)
C 2:AvenDragon> (aven dies)
C 2:J.Birdman> you dont drink de-caff do you aven?
C 2:AvenDragon> (round house kick to cujo's head)
C 2:Hawkes> jesus, is he still spewing out garbage?
C 2:AvenDragon> (bird is to tall, kicks bird in the nuts)
C 2:Jian Xi>
C 2:Jian Xi> yo hawkes
C 2:Hawkes> hey
C 2:AvenDragon> (bird and hawkes fly away to safety)
C 2:J.Birdman> dont kick me in the nuts
C 2:KontroLz> lol aven
C 2:Hawkes> I didn't
C 2:J.Birdman> lol
C 2:KontroLz> fly away
C 2:AvenDragon> (and have birdy sex)
C 2:AvenDragon> lol j/k
C 2:AvenDragon> (sips coffee)
C 2:KontroLz> aven should write action/comedies, or have a robot do it for him, like AWESOME-O
C 2:AvenDragon> i should
C 2:AvenDragon> that or fighting movies
C 2:Hawkes> or check himself into an insane asylom
C 2:KontroLz> lol hawkes
C 2:Hawkes> $$
C 2:AvenDragon> (aven jumps from a five story building only to land on kontrolz, takes kontrol by the head and throws his ass off a cliff
C 2:AvenDragon> (DDDDDOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo........SPLAT!)
C 2:KontroLz> (lands on hawkes and j.birdman were flying by)
C 2:KontroLz> (they carry me to safety, the end :P )
C 2:AvenDragon> (jumps off cliff, and misses kon and keeps on falling)
C 2:Hawkes> and we all live happily ever after?
C 2:AvenDragon> AWW!! AWWW!!!! AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C 2:AvenDragon> lands on bh's house
C 2:AvenDragon> (falls threw roof and lands and breaks bh's favorite bong)
C 2:AvenDragon> (bh takes me by the head and slam's my head repeaditly into his portable fridge)
C 2:AvenDragon> (then cracks me in the face with his 6 foot bong)
C 2:AvenDragon> (then puts a ciggerette out in my eye)
C 2:Ren> youch
C 2:AvenDragon> (aven screams in horror) AHHH!!!
C 2:AvenDragon> (ren comes from the other room with no clothes on and makes a face similiar to this) O_o
C 2:Ren> lol.. thats almost bang on
C 2:AvenDragon> (ren dashes outside only to get hit by a car, that joe was driving)
C 2:Ren> but u missed that part about me urinating in a winebottle..
C 2:JoeRodge> ^^
C 2:AvenDragon> do to the fact joe is paralised in one eye do to the fact he got into a fight with a man at a bar does not see ren)
C 2:dL.Cujo> Joe where are you
C 2:dL.Cujo> come to pub 30
C 2:AvenDragon> (then cujo pops his head from over the seat in the back of joe's car, and strangles him to death, then robes joe of all his money and his car)
C 2:JoeRodge> =/
C 2:JoeRodge> u missed the part where I slam on the gas and hit a tree and he flies out the fucking window
C 2:dL.Cujo> I mean, sorry joe.
C 2:AvenDragon> (cujo drives 40 miles out of the way and hits a stripper, going by the name of kryn)
C 2:dL.Cujo> hahahaha
C 2:JoeRodge> =P
C 2:dL.Cujo> bahah aven lmao
C 2:Ren> then loads the stripper in the trunk?
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:Ren> for later >=D
C 2:AvenDragon> (kryn, also goes by the name nancy wet socks, has an anger problem and has a record of assault to a cop. also wanted for murder in 2 states)
C 2:JoeRodge> lol kryn
C 2:JoeRodge> assault to a cop huh?
C 2:JoeRodge> ^^
C 2:AvenDragon> (kryn shanks cujo in the kneck with a peice of glass she had used to put another mans head threw)
C 2:AvenDragon> (she takes the car also and drives 20 miles, stops, kills a man, and rides another 40 miles)
C 2:JoeRodge> this story sucks
C 2:JoeRodge> if Im not in it it sucks
C 2:AvenDragon> (he is then later stobed by a police, pulls out the flass she killed cujo with, and then attacks the cops, cops fire 4 rounds into kryn, he dies)
C 2:JoeRodge> !
C 2:AvenDragon> (shadow, same cop who killed kryn, takes the body to the morge, later puts away the bodys of, aven, joe, ren, and bh, who commited suicide after he killed aven)
C 2:SHADOWmoses> wait what
C 2:JoeRodge> aven
C 2:JoeRodge> we need a new story with me as the main character
C 2:JoeRodge> gogo
C 2:AvenDragon> then shadows vomets, crys, and blows his head off) the end of the stonerz trilogy
C 2:JoeRodge> aven
C 2:AvenDragon> ok joe
C 2:JoeRodge> wern't you the one that told me I had a story on the stonerz site?
C 2:AvenDragon> (joes driving a truck after coming back from mexico, he is stopped by border patrol after they check his car for suspision. cops dont know joe is bringing over 40 pounds of illegal narcatics, mostly holding marijuana)
C 2:AvenDragon> (cops ask him to step out the car, but jor refuses, and pulls out a shotgun and blows the cop away)
C 2:JoeRodge> #
C 2:JoeRodge> $
C 2:AvenDragon> (cops sore after him as he try's to get away, deputy aven fires 6 shots into his back tires but he keeps going)
C 2:JoeRodge> woot
C 2:AvenDragon> (he finally reaches a house, storms the door, and takes cover)
C 2:AvenDragon> (cops sorround the building, aven wips out a microphone and starts talking)
C 2:AvenDragon> (joe dosent, respond)
C 2:JoeRodge> lol
C 2:AvenDragon> (he fires a shot and hits aven in the leg)
C 2:Ren> there is still the wounded stripper in the trunk...
C 2:JoeRodge> !
C 2:AvenDragon> (cops drag aven from the scene and into a car)
C 2:JoeRodge> ren
C 2:JoeRodge> new story!
C 2:Ren> i cant get to hornery...
C 2:AvenDragon> (joe finally realises he ran into a tavern, full of wine and beer) he takes his bong lighter, and some rags, then stuffs the rag into the bottle)
C 2:AvenDragon> (he then throws the bottle at the cops, setting the car aven was in into flames)