:P that'd only be because you're good, grime.
I'm not saying the spider is better (I leave that to the poster). I simply mean its better in the competitve format, due to the fact it has good advantages inside the base and out. A spider defending the entrence is much more fit then a warbird, because it can hold more enemies back.
Reclusion odviously has a good grasp on game balance issues, which helps. I agree with you completely. I was simply saying that a spider is more fit for basing, thusly this whole "Spider is better" delusion. We'd need to see the best wb player, vs the best Spider player to see which had the advantage in the encounter. Veritility is the spiders strong suit, thusly why its used. In pub, things change alot. I personally prefer a warbird unless I got the flag, in which case I switch to either jav/spider/shark. In priv/league you dont have that option.
So basicly it comes down to what you wanna do. I'd bring a WB to a duel before a spider. But I'd bring a spider to a base before a WB (unless I planned on defending lowerbase).
As for the newbie ship thing, when I say lanc is a n00b ship, I mean its the ship n00bs take on too. I respect good lanc useage. I feel bad for newbies that don't make proper use of them, since they're only hindering themselves. When I started playing TW after about 6 months again, I NEVER used a lanc again, due to the fact it ruined me once. No ships are lame or cheap in my mind. Even weasels
But I have a feeling you were more referring to the topic poster.
I'm not saying the spider is better (I leave that to the poster). I simply mean its better in the competitve format, due to the fact it has good advantages inside the base and out. A spider defending the entrence is much more fit then a warbird, because it can hold more enemies back.
Reclusion odviously has a good grasp on game balance issues, which helps. I agree with you completely. I was simply saying that a spider is more fit for basing, thusly this whole "Spider is better" delusion. We'd need to see the best wb player, vs the best Spider player to see which had the advantage in the encounter. Veritility is the spiders strong suit, thusly why its used. In pub, things change alot. I personally prefer a warbird unless I got the flag, in which case I switch to either jav/spider/shark. In priv/league you dont have that option.
So basicly it comes down to what you wanna do. I'd bring a WB to a duel before a spider. But I'd bring a spider to a base before a WB (unless I planned on defending lowerbase).
As for the newbie ship thing, when I say lanc is a n00b ship, I mean its the ship n00bs take on too. I respect good lanc useage. I feel bad for newbies that don't make proper use of them, since they're only hindering themselves. When I started playing TW after about 6 months again, I NEVER used a lanc again, due to the fact it ruined me once. No ships are lame or cheap in my mind. Even weasels

But I have a feeling you were more referring to the topic poster.