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Warbirds and Spiders

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  • #46
    :P that'd only be because you're good, grime.

    I'm not saying the spider is better (I leave that to the poster). I simply mean its better in the competitve format, due to the fact it has good advantages inside the base and out. A spider defending the entrence is much more fit then a warbird, because it can hold more enemies back.

    Reclusion odviously has a good grasp on game balance issues, which helps. I agree with you completely. I was simply saying that a spider is more fit for basing, thusly this whole "Spider is better" delusion. We'd need to see the best wb player, vs the best Spider player to see which had the advantage in the encounter. Veritility is the spiders strong suit, thusly why its used. In pub, things change alot. I personally prefer a warbird unless I got the flag, in which case I switch to either jav/spider/shark. In priv/league you dont have that option.

    So basicly it comes down to what you wanna do. I'd bring a WB to a duel before a spider. But I'd bring a spider to a base before a WB (unless I planned on defending lowerbase).

    As for the newbie ship thing, when I say lanc is a n00b ship, I mean its the ship n00bs take on too. I respect good lanc useage. I feel bad for newbies that don't make proper use of them, since they're only hindering themselves. When I started playing TW after about 6 months again, I NEVER used a lanc again, due to the fact it ruined me once. No ships are lame or cheap in my mind. Even weasels

    But I have a feeling you were more referring to the topic poster.


    • #47
      <insert gay picture with a thread critisizing phrase photoshopped onto it>


      • #48
        today i saw a porno with a girl who had a cast on her arm. it was pink and now whn i see pink casts i gt a boner so i hope i dont break my didck and then the doctor puts a pink cast on it
        Originally posted by Yoshiba
        i lag when i smoke weed


        • #49
          I was not aware of cast fetishes...

          The unexplored possibilities!!!
          Dishonor is like the scar on a tree, which time, instead of healing, only helps to enlarge.


          • #50
            this is my opinion only. Just like its my opinion to hate opera, mullets, and pepper.

            The difference between spiders and warbirds is like the diff between rappers and singers.

            guys who cant sing - rap.

            guys who dont have any skill at aiming or evaision play spiders, since you can just throw a million dinky bullets in the vicinity of a target and at least weaken him to the point where he cant return fire. then just heave a million more and hope enough hit to kill him.

            How can anyone say the wb is a newbie ship?

            With the warbird, you have one shot, then several seconds of vulnerability to follow. So that one shot is very important. Play a warbird long enough, and your skill at aiming will greatly improve.

            I cant say that the spider is actually bad though. I think they play a big roll in the game. they're great turrets for terriers (especially when two or more are turrets - awesome defence for levterr's)

            They also work best fighting in-base as defence. they may not kill alot, but will weaken targets and prevent return fire.

            - rap isnt bad either...
            Last edited by Zer0Zer0; 09-20-2002, 02:36 AM.


            • #51
              your metaphor sucks


              • #52
                yes it is!!

                Well, most of it.... Most of the popular people who sample everything suck. I have some respect for streetrappers though. Being a metalhead I am still impressed sometimes into streetrapping. Expecially improv.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Bigwig
                  your metaphor sucks

                  Apparently he cant sing.


                  • #54
                    It's all up to your different playing style i suppose.
                    You generally have to be a little more careful with wb after you make a shot.
                    I'm never careful so i just suck at wb


                    • #55
                      Are you "people" with the similar black and white avatars the same person who can't decide on a forum name?
                      "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
                      • Shark
                      • Dicer
                      • Sager
                      • Trench Wars Map Uploader


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Mootland Farmer
                        Are you "people" with the similar black and white avatars the same person who can't decide on a forum name?
                        Probably, or theyre in the emporers of the future or somethin


                        • #57
                          all about individual skill,
                          you're good with a spider -> you can kill wbs,
                          you good with a wb -> you can kills spiders


                          • #58
                            ok heres the deal.. the warbird certainly isnt a newbb ship, it is just the one all the newbs fly, trust me, u may think its the lancaster, but the lanc is the one that the REALLY new people play, and there is nothing wrong with that. sometimes u see a skilled player playing lanc and doing quite well, its annoying to pick it as a favorite though because for it to be most effective it needs multifire, and greening? haha trench wars players dont green, thats why they picked trench wars (or part of why)!

                            when im flyin around outside of base doin my spider thing, not a single warbird ever knows how to fight me, ever. they all really suck. no one is good there, no one. they can aim. they can dodge. they suck. no brains, trencher's IQ below average.

                            if u warbirds that say u can beat a spider hands down in a duel every time dont know what that mistake that all warbirds make while fighting spiders is that im talking about, them pm me and ill be glad to duel u. even if u win ill garuntee it wont be a huge victory. to the others who do know what im talking about, u dont necessarily win the duel either. the spider is the ultimate guerilla ship of trench wars, it goes into a fight, and ducks right back out if it doesnt get the kill, trying to keep it close, and if it can do that it has good odds.

                            other ships? theres no such thing as a newb ship, but each one can be used with a certain level of skill and some just have a lot of newbs flying using no skill. there is no ship that is lame, but there are ships that lame pilots like flying. the cloaker? i have nothing wrong with that ship unless ... well say im sniping thru a hole in the tunnel with a warbird and i am killing some dude a lot, and he comes back as a cloaker to kill me instead of using his present ship because he cant do it with that ship. another lame thing is when javs use rockets against people who arent even attacking them out side of base :/
                            Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                            apt>yes u can wtf
                            apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                            apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                            apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                            Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                            apt>ill show you pictures
                            apt>next time I masturbate


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Grime
                              END OF ARGUEMENT.
                              Your post reminded me of the Bill Hicks joke where he talks about high people getting in an argument. I'm not going to tell the joke. I just wanted to let you know that your post reminded me of it.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Bigwig
                                your metaphor sucks
                                You suck. And so does your user text. "I Will Deny You"? Of what? I want a cookie. It's over at the dining hall. Try and deny me, bitch. Oh! You can't deny me, can you? I can get all the cookies I want!

