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EMP Duration (Basing)

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  • EMP Duration (Basing)

    The question came up about whether it's better to wait out an EMP or to die. I think it depends on how long EMPs last for. I generally feel like they're about 2-3 seconds, but the other day I had one more like 13 seconds (twbd). It defo isn't a fixed number, so how does it actually work? Is it a random number within a range? Are some values more likely than others within that range? Is the config the same in all basing arenas (base/twbd/twlb)?

  • #2
    To explain it as simple as possible, EMP duration is based on how much total damage you take from an EMP bomb. It is at times smarter to actually die and respawn than wait it out as it can save you upwards 5-6 seconds.

    I have made these two pictures in the past with the first one showing how long an EMP will last at specific damage values, and the second one displaying how large and deadly bomb explosions are. The thread itself is worth to check out as it also explains how game mechanics such as repels work in more detail. You can check the thread out by clicking the following link:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	6e6eb132cdff9f9ffb0a4f82d527d7ea.png
Views:	133
Size:	6.1 KB
ID:	1342045

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vEGvihD.png
Views:	117
Size:	25.7 KB
ID:	1342046


    • #3
      Nice. In my situation I was a spider and was EMPd by a bomb around the edge of that inner circle, but while EMPd I was hit by a spider bullet and was left with about 30 energy. So based on that table I think that should have been about an 8 second EMP. The game was recorded so I can see the EMP lasted 10 seconds. I wonder if the bullet hit added to the EMP duration?


      • #4
        I have been emp'd for almost 20 seconds before while in spider, on more than one occasion. Spider does not have anywhere close to 2650 health, so there has to be more involved, maybe rab is on to something with getting hit while emp adding to duration? Another thought, maybe "close bombs" reduce the damage of said bomb but only after emp duration has been decided?
        Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd

        rylo> 1.5 mil for whoever kills renzi
        (10 seconds later)
        rEnZi is out. 17 kills 10 deaths. 2 players remain.
        P TW-Pub> rylo sent you $1,500,000, you now have $4,047,199.

        If you're going to do a thing you should to it to the best of your ability or don't do it at all.


        • #5
          I don't believe I have ever seen an EMP last for over 11 seconds, even if at times it feels like an eternity for the suspended recharge to continue, but it is definitely possible that the duration might be based only on the blast radius and negated by how close the enemy shark is to the point of explosion (similar to how close bomb calculations work) which might make the calculation slightly more complex. My hypothesis was that the EMP duration was determined in a similar way as bomb damage is calculated where it exponentially starts to drop off the further away you are from the point of explosion, but in hindsight this might've been too simple of a solution.

          The other option is that perhaps the arena uses a different EMP bomb multiplier arena setting (essentially the setting called EBombDamagePercent) which I had not considered at all while writing that post.

          POiD likely has the exact calculations somewhere.
          Last edited by Turban; 06-05-2020, 10:48 AM.


          • #6
            I would like to have a better idea on how long emps last too... at least so i could guesstimate how long ppl are emped


            • #7
              Originally posted by Turban View Post
              POiD likely has the exact calculations somewhere.
              As with all things ss the calculation is fun:

              BlastRadius              = BombExplodePixels * [weaponLevel + 1 + (4 if thor) ]
              EBombTotalDamage         = EBombDamagePercent * BombDamageLevel / 1000
              PlayerDamagePortion      = EBombTotalDamage / BlastRadius * ( BlastRadius - Distance between Player and Bomb )
              IF the Shooter is within blast Radius
                    DamageReduction     = (EBombTotalDamage / blastRadius) * (blastRadius - shooter distance from bomb) / 2
                   PlayerDamagePortion  = PlayerDamagePortion - DamageReduction
              Total EMP Time            = PlayerDamagePortion * [ EBombShutdownTime / EBombTotalDamage ]

