Join hundreds of players in the 'events' chat. Type ?chat=events to join!
If you join the chat, you get a whopping 50k1 as a reward.2
If you refer another player, you both get another 50k1 each.
You can also earn exclusive rewards3 by playing events!
?message Dwopple or Sprackle to claim your rewards.
1 rewards are in Trench Wars cryptocurrency TWPUBBUX (
2 must be a new member to the chat to receive rewards.
3 must be a member of the events chat to earn exclusive rewards.
If you join the chat, you get a whopping 50k1 as a reward.2
If you refer another player, you both get another 50k1 each.
You can also earn exclusive rewards3 by playing events!
?message Dwopple or Sprackle to claim your rewards.
1 rewards are in Trench Wars cryptocurrency TWPUBBUX (
2 must be a new member to the chat to receive rewards.
3 must be a member of the events chat to earn exclusive rewards.