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Why are people so mean in TW ?? Can we all be nicer in 2021 please??

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  • Why are people so mean in TW ?? Can we all be nicer in 2021 please??

    What happened to the days of not trashing squaddies and working together as a team and being friends while honoring responsibilities when made a captain of a squad you join. Why do silly stuff like dissolve squad or fire everyone on roster out of spite?? Very disappointed in zone recently with 2pacz sigh. Lots more could be on this list too but I am mad today at him because of this behavior in pic.. I urge everyone to be nicer in 2020.


  • #2
    You know why we lost because you kept putting alextron in after him going 6-10 4-9 6-10

    After I specifically told you I wasn't playing with him round 3 and you put him in anyway. Not here to carry paladen every round and I told you this b4 i joined. Only reason i fired your dumbass and axe everyone because you threaten to fire your captain which solely caused the demise of paladen and you wanna talk about being nice to your squaddies? You killed it off long time ago with your selfish behavior keep bringing it back and doing your dumb shit and your gonna put it back in the grave again. You act like paladen is only yours and you run shit you dont run anything you confused identity disorder.

    Alextron has no R1 shooting ability nor has the ability to rush or even get 10 kills on avg and he has been playing well over 10 years consistently, so dont give me any fucking excuses. I told you to bench him you should have listened but your a dumb retarded of a breed that doesn't understand team chemistry or game play and you can't never rush with your team because you play like your in elim arena.

    I had to attach this clown for yall to see this guy with short shorts on and cant manage to rush or close range shoot, if you cant r1 dont play this game it aint for you. I bet if you put this guys cat in he would have gone 10 kills atleast
    Attached Files
    Last edited by 2pac; 12-28-2020, 07:54 AM.

    Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

    wbduel Map Maker Legend


    • #3
      I rest my case. This guy is unreal. Let's have a happier 2021 and stop this behavior.
      TSLD CHAMPION 2018
      TSLB CHAMPION 2018


      • #4
        RIP Paladin

        Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

        wbduel Map Maker Legend


        • #5
          let's talk about how this fella who is #1 most active wb in the zone with about 50% more games played than #2 has a negative k:d in both twdd and twdt

          Click image for larger version

Name:	0a688f066d178a5482e72b96f87e22e0.png
Views:	618
Size:	19.5 KB
ID:	1350571

          Click image for larger version  Name:	fa545dfb6a2b0a99a517c9c3ce80745f.png Views:	0 Size:	28.3 KB ID:	1350570
          Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

          Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

          Don't Poke the Bear.


          • #6

            Without empathy, there is no moral barrier in making others suffer.

            I suppose this is maybe a result of technological modernday society causing a disassociation from our shared humanity due to virtual reality projections made by digital screens and artficial light transposing natural connections to ourselves and each other in a world we ALL share. We can do better than this! We have to, there is no choice. Our survival depends on it! The time draws nigh.
            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


            • #7
              I’d like to throw my observations in.

              2pacz, I understand your frustration. You don’t want to play with a player that doesn't play up to your standards. With that being said, is it really necessary to attack him in public like this? Last I checked, this game is losing people not gaining them. If nothing else, Alextron is a active player coming back so that folks like you can have a DD, even as an opponent.

              In conclusion, we all get frustrated at times with a teammate and wish they followed feedback, but sometimes players as old as he is are unable to adapt. That doesn't mean we showcase their picture and make fun of them in the manner you are. My brief interactions with him is he’s a nice guy. He doesn't have a big ego and just plays the game. The personal attacks on him over a DD game and encouraging him to quit—on a game that needs players and not lose them—is not the best approach or look.

              Something to think about...


              • #8
                bit of an asshole-ish move to post the guy's pic up to ridicule him for his plays - if anything i'd rather see jessup being ridiculed for his retarded decision than just ripping it out of a player worse than you

                also jessup you're actually too emotional for this game
                it's almost like you've just joined the internet, no one wants to be you or think like you
                if anything, the dramatic posts you type up serve to make things worse imo
                just shut up and just play fgt
                you're headed toward rab levels of drama and faggotry

                the last two sentences also apply to 2pacz

                lol still, the short-shorts are kinda funny tho
                Last edited by Sir BattyCrease; 12-28-2020, 01:46 PM.


                • #9
                  I am your mirror.
                  TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                  TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                  TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                  TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                  TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                  TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                  • #10
                    So I have no dog in this fight, but I will say something I think is valid across a lot of different players and squads, not just Paladen or their players in general.

                    People largely do not know how to team in this game. Record is NOT everything. It certainly is better than negging all the time, but pretending that going positive every single game matters is only applicable when the team as a whole wins the game. If you go positive every single game, but lose each and every time, the problem is you. You are not helping teammates, you're playing safe when you should be playing aggressive, you're not luring for people to give them easy shots, you're not taking good angles to vulch and stop others from vulching your team, you're not controlling the spawn zone, you're not playing the same style as the rest of your teammates, etc.

                    The list can go on and on and on, but the point remains the same. There are far too many players in this game that have no understanding of how the team dynamic works, because they never were taught it and never had it emphasized to them by players that understand it themselves. Far too many people think their elim-style is good enough for leagues, and it isn't. Squads that win leagues do so through teamwork, not just by some random players going positive. The reason behind going positive is the entire point. If you only go positive by running away from teammates, praying for r4s and being as safe as possible while you watch your teammates die out one by one due to having no support, you are always going to be a net negative to your team regardless of your record. I will always believe that, because it's true. Great players adapt to what is needed during games. Bad ones stick to only what they know and never switch to what works within their team.

                    Just my $0.02.
                    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                    RaCka> mad impressive


                    • #11
                      Jessup if you want I would like to come back and try and help out a little. 2pacZ might be right in aspects about play style and all that. But as a captain he should set a better standard. Take a few weeks and try to set a process. Bashing teammates 99% of the time has a negative effect. Let me know I would be more than happy to try and help out.
                      Geio> Down to chill and play that
                      Best> rather log off and attempt to suck my own d


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                        So I have no dog in this fight, but I will say something I think is valid across a lot of different players and squads, not just Paladen or their players in general.

                        People largely do not know how to team in this game. Record is NOT everything. It certainly is better than negging all the time, but pretending that going positive every single game matters is only applicable when the team as a whole wins the game. If you go positive every single game, but lose each and every time, the problem is you. You are not helping teammates, you're playing safe when you should be playing aggressive, you're not luring for people to give them easy shots, you're not taking good angles to vulch and stop others from vulching your team, you're not controlling the spawn zone, you're not playing the same style as the rest of your teammates, etc.

                        The list can go on and on and on, but the point remains the same. There are far too many players in this game that have no understanding of how the team dynamic works, because they never were taught it and never had it emphasized to them by players that understand it themselves. Far too many people think their elim-style is good enough for leagues, and it isn't. Squads that win leagues do so through teamwork, not just by some random players going positive. The reason behind going positive is the entire point. If you only go positive by running away from teammates, praying for r4s and being as safe as possible while you watch your teammates die out one by one due to having no support, you are always going to be a net negative to your team regardless of your record. I will always believe that, because it's true. Great players adapt to what is needed during games. Bad ones stick to only what they know and never switch to what works within their team.

                        Just my $0.02.
                        What you’re saying is not wrong. I agree. Does that mean Alex should be ridiculed on his looks and trashed on a public forum over a dd game?

                        That’s the climate of this thread.

                        The reality is, while everything you said is a fair assessment, not everyone will be able to comply. They are too skittish or feel their style is better. Even if you and I don’t agree with it, those people still are valuable to the game because they still play this game. We need players and we don’t want to drive them away with these antics, even if we don’t subscribe to their style of play.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by make tw great again View Post

                          What you’re saying is not wrong. I agree. Does that mean Alex should be ridiculed on his looks and trashed on a public forum over a dd game?

                          That’s the climate of this thread.

                          The reality is, while everything you said is a fair assessment, not everyone will be able to comply. They are too skittish or feel their style is better. Even if you and I don’t agree with it, those people still are valuable to the game because they still play this game. We need players and we don’t want to drive them away with these antics, even if we don’t subscribe to their style of play.
                          Well nothing I said specifically applied to Alex. I personally have no opinion on that matter. I'm saying it as a general thing. Besides that though, maybe don't make possibly unstable individuals captains on the TWD roster if you don't want to possibly deal with them going emo and dissolving the squad.
                          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                          RaCka> mad impressive


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Exalt View Post

                            Well nothing I said specifically applied to Alex. I personally have no opinion on that matter. I'm saying it as a general thing. Besides that though, maybe don't make possibly unstable individuals captains on the TWD roster if you don't want to possibly deal with them going emo and dissolving the squad.

                            As I said earlier, we are in agreement on the style of play. Jessup made a post of the abrasive manner of which 2pacz handled the squad and subsequent bashing of Alextron, your last sentence is relevant to the subject title and would be good advice for Jessup in the future.


                            • #15
                              Point taken. Also guys this thread really wasn't meant to be just about Paladen, me , alex and 2pac either though what happened spurred me on to make it. I just think it would help if people could be a little more sensitive in general. in the coming New Year , myself included. I am no angel always either. I just hope people can pull it back some with the negative vibes and make squadding fun and ultimately respect each other overall. Disrespect begets disrespect in a never ending cycle. All games have some trashtalk but let's keep it superficial and not cut one another too deeply.

                              PS thx geio I msged you.
                              TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                              TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                              TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                              TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                              TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                              TSLB CHAMPION 2018

