Spent all that time and he goes and misspells leviathan.
Originally posted by paradise!
pretty sure the flu is just bacteria found everywhere, just during the winter our immune systems are at its lowest, thus the bacteria aren't exactly killed off.
1:Reaver> HALP
1:Reaver> HELELP
Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
Philos> there is something about you
Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work
PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"
Click on that image to download all five banners in a *.zip-file. (4,14 KB)
Now post yours... if you don't have webspace to upload your banners, feel free to use http://imageshack.us
edit: #1 and #3 are not really self-made, I just modified them a bit.
and.. I already saw two people wearing #5, I'm glad some of you like it $
pixel the first one is a gray version of the ancient ReDS banner, its been around for something like 6 years. Unless you tell me you are the founder of ReDS and made that banner, your a THIEF
Yea the ship banners i got are cool, and shutup twerp all you know how to use is FACTS (gg) took me a while to make the ships, i use whatever ship i play as, in dd a wb in jd a jav in bd a terr in pub a lanc (cuz im just that lame) i think there cool tho, message me in game if u want one so u dont have to go thru the bloody copying
Not sure if anyone has seen Tarah and Terris? They ride the terriers around and the banners actually stack up to form a worm like thing ....kinda the ones in super mario sunshine ...sry for bringing this up again just kinda funny