I thought it would be interesting to start a thread about people we think should be banned from ?go base because they lag so bad. My favorite nominee is Necromotic.
When he javs, he'll be pointing one way, like up to the rt, then all of a sudden a bomb will leave his ship going down to the left, his ship skips around and he's in like 5 different positions at once. He'd be at the top of my "laggiest people who play ?go base who should be banned".
Post about other laggots.
When he javs, he'll be pointing one way, like up to the rt, then all of a sudden a bomb will leave his ship going down to the left, his ship skips around and he's in like 5 different positions at once. He'd be at the top of my "laggiest people who play ?go base who should be banned".
Post about other laggots.