I just want to know. :P
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What's something you can do to get instantly banned for 1 year+?
Avoiding bans, cheating, hacking in some way (stealing important passwords). I think that's pretty much it.I have stopped swimming in the rock pools a few days ago. Now instead of 40 minutes swimming, I substitute it with 40 minutes power walk - usually on the beaches or around the cliffs. Nothing beats burning the fat in the cold wind. Colon minus pee.
Instantly? Hmm might be a little difficult in TW.
I suppose racial insults towards upper staff usually do the trick, but the upper staff in TW is usually absent...or absent minded -- so that won't have much of an effect.
Cheating is a good way, but beware, if you don't have a bad record, they'll let you go with a week ban or so.
Running a cheat site would seem like a shoe-in, but people don't really have good working cheats anymore. Those that do don't distribute them.
Crashing a server will get you a life time netban but that takes alot of effort and intellegence. Typical Trencher lacks both.
My best recomendation for a long ban is a series of back-to-back violations. If you get banned for abusing ?help, the day your ban is lifted - abuse ?cheater with a racial slur. If you get banned for TKing, the next time you enter TW you should go out of your way to find a Mod or a Smod and constantly TK them, using racial insults nontheless. There's a common theme here.
Ooh ooh, avoiding bans is a big plus too. But when avoiding, don't forget to let them know that it's you! One good way is joining a squad the Smod's on using a newbie alias(GreenDreams2MrSpam)
I hope I've been helpful.
Originally posted by Annux
Crashing a server will get you a life time netban but that takes alot of effort and intellegence. Typical Trencher lacks both.
Crashing a server has nothing to do with what version of client you use. When you crash a server you are basically sending a whole bunch of packets at the specified ip/target, the server crashes when it can no longer proccess the excessive incoming packets. If you have a botnet that consists of a few oc3 connections with a synflood daemon than a server can be pretty much rocked in a matter of milliseconds. If you use something more primitive, like a subseven cable packet net running shiver.exe, then you need 30+ connections under your net, as opposed to 5-6 if the connections are more substansial (oc3/12/etc). A botnet running shiver.exe would probably fail to crash a good server if its equipt with decent filters etc, but it will effect the server in terms of lag and would evantually cause it to go. The reason why this isn't done as much as one would expect it to be is 1) because its a waste of time, and 2) unethical in terms of packeting a free service. Then you have those who do feel the need to crash the server (catid), in an effort to get people hanging off their nuts and to reinforce their elitism. In reality, these type of people are nothing, at best comparable to defacers who go after high profile domains.ROCKING MY OWN WORLD SINCE PUBERTY.
Try flying a lev at terrier speed in the base, being invulnerable at the same time, and while you are at it, don't be bothered by walls.
Then, in the center of the base poop out l4 bombs in all directions while screaming you're actually Priitk's mother.
If that doesn't do it, avoid all bans, do it again, but this time claiming to also be his father or something :PThe absence of evidence is not evidence of absence...
Last Experience (Jimi Hendrix)
Fill up your harddrive with some shit and remove the tw map
from your continuum dir, then enter tw, subspace will try to dl
the map again but will fail because there is not enough space,
you will enter a blank map with ships flying around and bouncing
in a weird way from invisible walls, heh, you'll be able to just go
straight up to the damn flag room and take the flag.
You'll be banned instantly, 7 days, if you do it again, a month,
after that it'll go sky high if you still haven't learned your lesson.
Though this worked only with ss 1.35 >Ara / AraGee / Death
SSCU Trench Wars Player since 1999
SSCU Trench Wars Staff since 2001