Should we really complain that a free service isn't working as well as we want it to? I mean, it is kinda annoying, but we're not doing anything to compensate people for their work...
Dishonor is like the scar on a tree, which time, instead of healing, only helps to enlarge.
Your right Blue.
Its fine really. I don't mind this packetloss at all.
I can't play elim, or levi spawn in pub, but its alright. Maybe I'll find another pastime, like PLAYING EG AHAHHAHAHA. Yeah. jk.
"What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
The individual, a prisoner. Humanity holding the key to the opression. Everyone a prisoner, holding a portion of the whole truth. And so the enigma perpetuates. Insentient, lifeless. Grinning mockingly at its creators through its cold, inanimate lips.
Oh, so this packetloss thing isn't just my prob? Phew!
Yesterday I had like 7.8% s2c packetloss, and it was visibly affecting the game. Like, sometimes I would clearly hit a non moving levi, and it wouldn't even hurt it. Other times I would hit a ship, and it wouldn't die for 5 seconds...
Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
apt>yes u can wtf
apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
apt>so i dont miss the toilet
Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
apt>ill show you pictures
apt>next time I masturbate
Dyst when i only see your avatar and not your nick i think tawt made the post and i ignore it because i get th efeeling of pure hatred in my gut and spit at my monitor and eat it then shit it out, print out his pic and throw the shit at his pic then eat that then go shit on a abarbeque then eat that
hmmm well i guess thats cause its client to server, but for the rest of us its sever to client, mine was good last night but now its bad again
Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
apt>yes u can wtf
apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
apt>so i dont miss the toilet
Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
apt>ill show you pictures
apt>next time I masturbate
Same here, and when of 30 people 20 are in spec you are not gonna tell me its just me.
I wonder whats going on, and just that you did not pay doesn't mean you can't ask questions or even complain when something is not going well, I thought this game was kept alive by fanatics so I bet they like to see the game running properly just like us.
And if they think the one that is complaining is wrong they can still ignore him. I think that the usage of all players together shows how greatfull we are to all the people that keep the game running.