This isn't really very important since Shark elim's are pretty much a break from Javs where people mess around and have fun, but I'd like it if you could, like in any other arena, mine while boosting.
Because you can't mine while boosting, which means you can rush past someone, drop a mine, they explode... Shark elims degrade into a pathetic wall-humping shrapnel-straying borefest... This applies to their repels too. And Terrier's bursts while we're at it. I know it doesn't take much to change it, so I'd like it to be fixed!
Like I said, nothing really important, but it'd be nice to see it fixed.
Because you can't mine while boosting, which means you can rush past someone, drop a mine, they explode... Shark elims degrade into a pathetic wall-humping shrapnel-straying borefest... This applies to their repels too. And Terrier's bursts while we're at it. I know it doesn't take much to change it, so I'd like it to be fixed!
Like I said, nothing really important, but it'd be nice to see it fixed.