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How often do you guys...
Originally posted by 1ightIf you put it in that way, I surely understand you. I haven't been to the army, but I sure have heard things, but I never expected it to be that hard. Well the army should be paying your rent if you hade your aparment some months before joining.
Accually you have a choice, you can choose what ever food you want to eat in teh near future, you have a choice to either walk over the streets with green light, or go when its red. It's you who make your future, it is you that decide what to do and how you do it.
I hope you'lle get things better after the army, that all your money problems and other problems would fade away. I'm sorry that I complained about my income and other things, if I would have knew that you would have feelt this way, I would have never even wrote what I wrote.
Civil Service sucks too, hell the whole system sucks, if you dont want to be in the army due to whatever reason, you shouldnt have to, nor should you have to do sivil cervice or prison time as an "alternative".
The funniest thing was when i joined up they had the whole lecture about "pay back to your country, look at what the state has done for you, now its time to give back!", what a load of shit, the state has NEVER done anything for me, no free schooling, no free food at school, no nothing, i dont even have free healthcare in Finland, stopped getting lapsilisää when i was like 4, and im not even a member of KELA.. and yet im "here" doing all this shit for the state. Sure im a patriot, and do think that im "blessed" to be a Finn, but god damn if they ever looked at any of my papers theyd see the state hasnt done jack shit for me.
ok rant over.
and thats the last time im gonna touch this topic.
1ight take it easy and youve only got like 10 months left of that bullshit, just take it one day at a time.Displaced> I get pussy every day
Displaced> I'm rich
Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
Thors> prolly
Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!
best comeback ever
Originally posted by 1ightIt is probelm, you see the examples on the street. Bums that have no-life, addicted to the alchohol that they even forget to eat sometimes.. all money goes to %.. They even get what is it called.. something you lit a barbeque with.. filtrates the alchohol from it and get some alchohol cheaply.. But I'm sure you were sarcastic in some way.. and I just happend to have nothing to do.. ^^;''
Heard booz over there was cheaper than beer (You know somethings wrong then).
Anyways, booz is 3-4 times more expensive in Norway, so not many people cant afford to get drunk.
IM BORED, JUST WOKE UP.DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg
1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon
I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/
Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.
Broaden your horizons, read my blog:
-> http://foldhesten.mybrute.com/
Originally posted by RATTY...Alcoholics are actually quite a big problem in Finland, they have a low population, and very many alcoholics.
Heard booz over there was cheaper than beer (You know somethings wrong then).
Anyways, booz is 3-4 times more expensive in Norway, so not many people cant afford to get drunk.
I live in a town name Hanko, the most eastern part of Finland, and Hanko has the biggest drug/alcholic problems, so I've heard. At leasat it not a suprise to see weird people here in Hanko, either its some druggie, alcholics, some crazy old woman or some crazy old vet. of war. There are many vets from the wars we have had here in Finland and such. Hanko is also known to be a beuatiful city, and every summer there all sorts of events here. Mostly just drinking events, or events where people just hang around and drink, who knows what they do i the bushes.But as the winter comes, Hanko is like some hauted and dead city.. ^^
Everyday when I come to work I might see someone taking a morning shot, or just some bottle collector driving around with his bike.. When work ends I go home, and there they are.. doing all the same things that they done before.
I quess you live in Norway, that by the way is a beautiful coutry, most people by their booz from Sweden right? :P At least I have heard that most people that live by the border between Norway and Sweden.. that those who lives in Norway goes to Sweden and buy their stuff, while those in Sweden work in Norway.. Since the payment is much bigger then in Sweden, though everything costs more.. :s
Displaced: No worries, you can yell at me as much as you want, just if that makes you feel better then its all good. I'm here to listen to everyone if they have time and desire to talk about different things.
About 20 min more, then I'm going to the bank, pay some bills, go home, check my computer, rest. Finally weekend again... I may say that this week has flewn by speed. I quess the days goes faster when you get older.Endless space, endless exploration.
It's kinda sad how, in order to argue over the internet, first you have to assume something is true about the person in order to make yourself look like a... um...well, elite flamer I guess. Heh.
Anyway, Lag Killer vs Awesome, the epic battle of wits. Carry on. As Foreign would say, "Just pissin in the furnace."Save a tree; eat a beaver
1:Mefesto> king let me say you something
1:Mefesto> you are a soon of a biatch with retarded face like nostra damus and you got a hump on your dick
Originally posted by LaG KiLLeRAs for you, your just a pathetic kid that never mingled with any of your schoolmates, and as you aged, you isolated yourself from society and hid in your burrow, continuum.
Session Usage: 8 hours 40 minutes
Total Usage: 682 hours 17 minutes
First played: 10-21-2003 7:56:37
Session Usage: 0 hours 0 minutes
Total Usage: 1041 hours 17 minutes
First played: 7-22-2003 19:17:19
Quit playing for oooo 4-6 months durring that time i belive. Yes i go afk from time to time but this is mostly acitve, chat or ?go base. btw car crash and 3 surgurys would give you a bit of free time to.
Juice "Oh my god, when I encounter authority, they just give me more pills. I take the pills and then I'm not so... so anxious to be against authority because I'm... I'm... I'm on the pills."
Originally posted by 1ightI have no life at the moment. I'm forced to work, since I didn't go to the army for religious reasons. Now I'm stuck int this stupid system made up by some stupid people. And my duty to my country is to work until 13.7.05, for the benefit of my country. I get a lousy monthly paycheck of about ~600 €uros, though it rises in time. Like I do work for 13 months and get somewhere near 3k-4k euros, not included with the rent money they give me, my workplace that is, that gives the money for rent. That I could easyly make in about 2-3 months. So here I'm working my ass off for nothing. Tho i get a pretty good cv for this job I do.
So what do I do at my work?
+ surf on the web
+ post in twforums
+ www.deviantart.com
+ other site as boxtorr..e.. nevermind , animenfo.com
+ scripting in PHP and a lil bit in mySQL
+ do small tutorials, like how you make a watermark in word, how to use google.. since many here don't know how.
+ fix computer problems, installing windows and setting all settings ready
+ I do webgraphics/graphics
So my day starts 6:50-7:25, work at 8:00-8:25 (accually 8:00), work ends at 16:00-16:27, I get home, put my monitor on, check my downloads, eat, anime, chat/ss/wolfET. I have my traning with my friend at mondays, wensdays and fridays, schedule changed since I have art class at thursdays at 18:00-20:30.
Anyway, my friend had a surgery on his front teeth or something, and aren't able to train for awhile, about 2 weeks. So basically I jsut come home and sit in front of my computer. These couple of days I've been comforting my friend that parents took a divorce. At saturdays, I go to our Christian youth meeting.
So thats about my life at the moment. I spend alot of time at my computer.. I don't really like my job that much. I like the graphics part tho.. thats why I intend to go to art school next year, and perhaps after that go for some more studies.
Of course I do lot of things that aren't related to computing, as training my skills in drawing and playing piano both synth and ordinary piano.. being with my friends, though one of my best friends just moved, so it gets kinda lonely.
I have no girlfriend at the moment, I guess I have never even had the time for that, have never really had any real girlfriend. Though I was in love 3 years ago, and that was my first time to really fall in love, for real, but it didn't turn out as I presumed, so I have had a hard time on myself because of that. And yet I miss her and think of her, tho I'm just getting over it.. That I think is a good thing.. so that one can move on.
Lag killer, I dissagree with you, not everyone talk shit. And for the comments on Awesome and Cig, I think those to are unique in their own ways, as all are. I find no reason to be mean to them, or insult them. You make a thread about how much time you use of your life in front of the computer, about how ppl bitch and talk shit etc. I think that you are the one being bitchy this time. No offense tho..
We all have feelings, yet this is useless and pointless. There are even more pointless and useless things in this world. I'm glad that ppl like this game and plays it. Instead of taking drugs, kill, rape or something else. I mean, what is life really, what makes a life a life?
Many have different opioins about what life really is.. We all have our different seasons in life, as for Awesome, Cig and as for me.. After a year I probably will dissepear from this forum, and not even be seen in ss. Since I will move on in life.. I don't intend stay infront of my computer all my life.. SS is just a way of having some fun, to be able to for sometime for get all the stress I have, just relax, whine a lil and etc. Oh well..
And hey if you see typos, don't sniff to many beans up your nose because of that.RaCka> how can i get you here
death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
Originally posted by GemfireIf anyone in my school was near my intellect(I dont seem intelligent on this game at all, do I?)and wasnt a fucking douche bag, id be more apt to hang with em, but theyre either jack asses or immature punks. Kinda get screwed over in that dept.
edit:I do things with friends about once a week :P (the rest is hw and other things)
edit2idnt see family, I do things wiht my family rather often(jet ski, camping, go out to dinner, talk,watch tv with them, etc)
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TWLJ Season 10 Champion (Thunder)
TWLD Season 9 Champion (Sk8)
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Captain America was that kid in school that everyone made fun of. He's my brother, but that's about it. I disowned him awhile back, but Superman said I'd still officially "be his brother" in the Superhero world, so I kicked him in the nuts and fed him some kryptonite.Save a tree; eat a beaver
1:Mefesto> king let me say you something
1:Mefesto> you are a soon of a biatch with retarded face like nostra damus and you got a hump on your dick