I love the new settings. X vs Terrier duels are now a reality, and its bittersweet fun to watch all the terriers I own get all hot after they lose a duel <insert some smile here>
Oh and dont worry about father leiper and weabird.....I've already owned them <insert some smile here>
Now..im off to challenge and defeat more Terriers <insert some smile here>
I just want to point out one thing, nvm, forget it. I was going to be mean, so figure it out by yourself, use your imagination. But on second thought, I hastely thought that I shouldn't be mean.
btw has an x squad ever existed for extended periods? i'm reviving xFire again and hope to recruit some lamer xs.
Heh, weabird, I like your avatar. I think my favorite way to kill as an x is to nail unsuspecting levs from behind, over and over again. It really evens out all their easy wall kills and gets them really, really mad.
IMHO I seem to be doing fairly well with the new weasel and I never use the cloak. If I did I think I'd feel guilty it'd be so easy.
The best change they could make is to leave it as is but make the cloak an energy drain. Make it so you can do a 10 second cloaked run&still fire. That way lamers can't just skulk around for an easy target.
...my first post. Thought I'd registered before- but I guess not.
I think my favorite way to kill as an x is to nail unsuspecting levs from behind, over and over again. It really evens out all their easy wall kills and gets them really, really mad.
riiight. then they get smart and stay in one spot when u charge thru them u discover the little birthday present they left behind, a nice, blue blinking(in my gfx atleast) mine!
thread killer
Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game
riiight. then they get smart and stay in one spot when u charge thru them u discover the little birthday present they left behind, a nice, blue blinking(in my gfx atleast) mine!
Hehe, that would work, but I guess the levs I face aren't clever enough. (:
Usually the levs are always trying to get somewhere. The grass is always greener on the other side of outerspace.