It was a late Friday night (2AMish)... Turretwar2 hosting was at it's best with Many different hosts, hosting at different times that evening.
But the last person to host was Puppet <ZH>
He decided to pull some KRAZIE game out of his hat.
The Game Was: 15 minutes
1st 5 minutes was Spiders
2nd 5 minutes was Javs
3rd 5 minutes was Levis
The Two terrs were Krazie_Killer and Gran Gurerro.
here are the results!

after this, Puppet decided to host a 5 minute tie breaker match (TWZ Sudden Death) which was going to be in Spiders.
Krazie_Killer ended up winning, but it was a great game!
Thanks to all the participants and our host Puppet <ZH>!
But the last person to host was Puppet <ZH>
He decided to pull some KRAZIE game out of his hat.
The Game Was: 15 minutes
1st 5 minutes was Spiders
2nd 5 minutes was Javs
3rd 5 minutes was Levis
The Two terrs were Krazie_Killer and Gran Gurerro.
here are the results!

after this, Puppet decided to host a 5 minute tie breaker match (TWZ Sudden Death) which was going to be in Spiders.
Krazie_Killer ended up winning, but it was a great game!
Thanks to all the participants and our host Puppet <ZH>!
