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New Idea, TW Dev/ dock> pls read

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  • New Idea, TW Dev/ dock> pls read

    Im really crap at english please forgive grammar/ spelling mistakes
    An idea
    Trench wars is one of the largest, if not THE largest community in Continuum/ SS. It has grown far beyond its settings, with
    weekly hosted events, leagues and even fantasy leagues. It has huge social groups and a life span of infinite years? With the
    server being paid for by yet another of TWs features, it should last a long time!

    My idea is to add what most other communities have, credit, money, cash and <3 (minus the <3).
    By adding credits we increase the things to do, like ?go base and ?go elim, wbduel and spiduel this would increase the fun
    as well as bring more elements into the game. The credits would be linked in certain arenas.
    Credit Commands:
    !creds - checks your credits
    !donate - donate money

    Ideas of earning credits have been given:

    1. Publics - through killing in publics would be the first way people can earn credits.
    2. ?go elim,base,wbduel etc. Winning one of these or becoming MVP to earn credits as a reward increases the stakes, hopfully
    people will become better
    3. Leagues - winning TWL or TWD, once again MVP also gets a reward
    4. Racing - cant forget this, enough people enjoy it to be something that should be added.
    5. Mini Games - such as Black Jack or Poker
    6. RPG - Look at the next section.

    Basic Pro/ Con
    Pros - Promotes pubbing instead of sitting in spec when a not being picked for a game or missed an elim
    - Gives a new element of game play, those who want can try play the mini games with money.

    Cons - People become to Obsessed on winning
    - They become bums, TW Hobos :P Damn beggers

    Ok so why credits? Whats the point if theres nothing to spend them on?
    Well theres some ideas of how to spend them aswell theres the main TW ideas and there a seperate idea, If everyone remembers Fiene?
    The TW RPG that didn't quite take off, I was thinking more of a space RPG added where you upgrade your ship I'll talk more about that
    in a bit.

    TW main (not the rpg).

    Why not have a few games that need credits for people to play? Like racing everyone gets some money taken off when they enter and the winner of a
    race gets the money, this would work with elim as well, have an option of a credit elim!
    Credit Duels? Why not!?
    Pay money to enter a draw? Like lotto :P Could be a week end event?
    And many more!

    Mini Games
    Such as black jack and poker.... I was thinking the could be apart of the rpg :P

    Heres a topic that'll bring some issues up.
    I was thinking as a main thing of squads have credits to let a squad into TWD (twl would be free of course) aswell as paying money you'd need a certain
    squad level, which you can buy using credits. This promotes squads to play in public more to be able to increase their squad level. Say increasing a
    squad levels allows, more Max players, Increase Assistant Caps and Captains, so they start with 1 captain and - AC. This means even the bigger
    squads need to earn creds.
    Winning TWD and TWL games would also be an idea, as well as squad related events such as the squad Deathmatch.
    Squad Arenas, troublsome arenas that they are they just sit their taking up space. We could say once you reach a certain level you can have an arena?
    (one that you made)

    A few other things came into mind.
    Mr. Arrogant 2 not bothering him if you bribe him (alot), this is kind of a joke one but would still be fun, once you get enough creds you can bribe him
    to allow you to sit AFK for a month! woot! You usage whores will be able to sit and relax.
    Like E-Card you can pay a bot to send a premade message, Like Happy Birthday, Pwned! or evil ones such as making the bot say "Im gonna get you!"
    uuuuh I did have alot more ideas for this but I seem to have forgotten... oh well onto the RPG idea.

    RPG Idea (The Dev would need to go over this in more detail, lol)
    This would be in one arena with many space stations/ planets and what not, it would be a rpg simply. The mini games could go here and such.
    The main idea is to be able to upgrade your ships here, which would mean new settings instead of TW ones. You'd need enough credits to buy a ship
    and weapons then upgrades can be things like
    Energy, Speed,Rotation and such.
    I was thinking of making it so the ships have no recharge and making it more like hitmatch? When you wanna leave and you have like 1/20 energy left you
    do !leave when you return the bot prizes you a certain amount of Max energy as you had when you left and also puts you in the coords you left.
    When you die your ship would be gone so you need another one! Or if your about to die you can go to a repair station and get it repaired.
    This would mean the bot needs to record Energy Left and Energy Max bought.
    Main ways of earning creds here could be, taking over a space station, selling goods (upgrades, badges ( see below) or collecting crap, like the flags could be rare
    ore or something like that.
    Also made mission, such as you go !mission the bot gives you a mission like, hunt and kill Rodge_Rabbit or Transport these good to this station.
    I could go on all day about this.... but I wont. I'll let you guys discuss this.

    Idea 1.5
    Anothe idea that runs along with this is Badges like for getting a certain amount of MVPs or Kills in a game or doing this # many missions in the RPG
    or being the richest player or winning TWL. These would go on a site so a players profile could be looked at. This brings a new !stat element into the game.

    Tell me if you think these ideas are good or bad, if TW staffs like this I'll be willing to help.
    Last edited by Slicer666; 10-27-2004, 06:35 PM.
    Ginger planet

    I am incurable!

  • #2
    So basically... you just want... a new form of points?

    "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"

    Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.


    • #3
      Originally posted by SpiderMage
      So basically... you just want... a new form of points?
      In a way it is but, this goes all around like a global form that can be used for alot more.
      Ginger planet

      I am incurable!


      • #4
        I love the could even have lame and spawn points, I'm down with that for sure. Umm but what do the points do? Is there a catalogue of Tw goodies? Like X-RAYdar specs (.amaze your friends.) and the popular Pubber Crybaby Pacifier (.waaaaaaaaaa, pop, stfu newb ty.)


        • #5
          lol sorry I should of made it a bit more clear on what stuff could be spent on, read the second half :P its long but some ideas are there.
          Please add some ideas of your own people
          Ginger planet

          I am incurable!


          • #6
            alot of zones use creds already, but i think it would be pretty "nifty" if tw had them, like if u pubbed or whatever or if u elim'd or twd. then they could prolly dish out a site with the ppl with most money, it would make it more intresting i guess
            Big Chill


            • #7
              duel for credits and own all of tw
              I agree.


              • #8
                90% of TW will leave


                • #9
                  I think this is an ok idea, as long as the credits can't be used to buy upgrades that will give you an advantage over newer players in pub, elim/belim or TWD/TWL.
                  USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                  ---A few minutes later---
                  9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                  9:Kim> UM
                  9:Kim> i didn't
                  9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                  9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                  9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                  9:pascone> lol?


                  • #10
                    It's too big a thing to ever happen.
                    5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                    5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                    5: Da1andonly> =((
                    5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                    5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                    5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                    • #11
                      yea, until people get paid to do the work to implement this kinda thing, the chances are slim to none.
                      Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
                      Philos> there is something about you
                      Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

                      PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Randedl
                        yea, until people get paid to do the work to implement this kinda thing, the chances are slim to none.
                        was thinking make it over a period of time I've been told the bots wont be to hard to do, and upgrades only in rpg :P
                        Ginger planet

                        I am incurable!


                        • #13
                          I like the idea being able to place bets in dueling, javs and basing, then if you win you get the winnings. But i think it might be to much time and effort to pull it all off
                          Fat people are really hard to kidnapp.
                          Shock.p3 Media Player


                          • #14
                            What happened to the old ways: Play for fun?

                            It will become a competition and even more players will become nasty with the idea that since they have more credits, they are better. (Just studied the economic philosophers of Europe in the 1800's). I think that you'll here "NEWB" and "EZ" more often then.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Twerp
                              What happened to the old ways: Play for fun?

                              It will become a competition and even more players will become nasty with the idea that since they have more credits, they are better. (Just studied the economic philosophers of Europe in the 1800's). I think that you'll here "NEWB" and "EZ" more often then.
                              I cant remember but there was a guide to zone making that said "ez" and "newb"
                              were good if people were using them. To tell you the truth its just like usage you cant see anyone elses usage so how are they gonna know? :P
                              Last edited by Slicer666; 10-24-2004, 03:45 PM.
                              Ginger planet

                              I am incurable!

