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gay ass bans

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  • gay ass bans

    i wasnt banned, but apparently almost was.. heres the story

    My squad Melee got a dd vs Orecks.. So im DDing and kicking ass when all of a sudden Lunar PM's me that i have excess lag, i notice it then and then relog to server like she asks, and also i close AOL instant Messanger cause i was talkin to freinds b4 the dd... Now i relog to server and lunar says i still have the same 'obscene' lag...(42kbs what do u expect)... so during round 3 lunar claims Cpt.Guano! shows up in the arena... well sometime around that i get dced from the server, dont know why, but i did. I relogged to server yet again, and now my lag is apparently normal.... after that dd i talked to lunar, she says she nearly banned me but i got the 'mercy vote' to not be banned... What is this bull, i complied with all of lunars requests and did no wrong doing, i was not lag cheating or anything... getting banned would have cost me my position as TWRC op and Twdev member...But yet apparently i was 'forcing lag' Who thinks this is completely unfair, cause i do... Please put ur opinions regarding this in here..

    Last edited by Killer Soldier; 12-12-2004, 01:57 AM.
    Lofty> Why must I sit in my chat, listening to some pseudo-homosexual adolescent males go over my looks with such care

  • #2
    We can see the spikes in PING which your ?lag doesn't pick up cause it's 'update' periods are longer than the spikes. I know my AIM can do crazy stuff to my lag and kick me outta the server. Happens to me in Counter Strike, Continuum, Warcraft 3, anything.

    And i'm 99.9% sure she was messing with you about the banning thing. You need to chill. If she was gonna ban you she woulda done it.


    • #3
      Read the fucking rules topic, you know this is going to get closed and it doesn't matter if Lunar was being an idiot or went on this without actual knowledge (which is up for debate) don't post it here.

      Edit: Further, by posting this and not actually showing some kind of respect for the proper channels for compaints, I think this is an even bigger issues that could effect your ass kissing outlets.
      Last edited by Kolar; 12-12-2004, 01:43 AM.


      • #4
        And another help...

        ..making the thread "gay ass bans" isn't gonna get you anywhere fast, and isn't gonna help your case. Come out respectable, and you'll in turn recieve it.


        • #5

          Hell yeah, dont wanna lose my freaking job from twdev cause some dumbass bans me for "forced lag" ass forced lag, ks, u dont have or need forced lag to own, rock on!


          • #6


            • #7
              The only mistake I see is her telling you that a mercy vote saved you from being banned. From the earlier requests for you to relog in, you likely knew that someone complained about your lag, so they had to at least see if you were lag cheating. That seems pretty routine to me.


              • #8
                Btw, this post isnt about getting lunar in trouble, its about the policy of bannning being completely wrong. People shouldnt be banned when they do nothing wrong.. I just hope with this issue some policys could get changed so people who are not doing anything wrong getting banned, i think it is lame.
                Lofty> Why must I sit in my chat, listening to some pseudo-homosexual adolescent males go over my looks with such care


                • #9
                  But you weren't banned, were you? I mean, if you're complaining that it could ever have been a possibility, then I don't think you have a legitimate complaint.


                  • #10
                    Troll, im just saying, 99% of people are not forcing their lag, and im guessing it was someone im friends with who told lunar not to ban me, but anyhow, i just dont want this to happen to anyone else, because it is indeed not very fair at all, noone should be banned because they lag unintentionally.
                    Lofty> Why must I sit in my chat, listening to some pseudo-homosexual adolescent males go over my looks with such care


                    • #11
                      You're still posting this with intent to bring forth a personal issues. The fact that you're asking for opinions on a specific personal issues is enough to issue a warning for this thread. If you wanted to bring up flaws within staff policy I would have gone without "gay ass" in the title, I wouldn't even reference this incident at all but there are respectable and rights ways of doing things, you've done neither.
                      Last edited by Kolar; 12-12-2004, 02:06 AM.


                      • #12
                        I get this every time I play in go base. However, I think that a lot of staff that answers help calls concerning me in particular have come to the realization that I have a piece of shit connection. Just give them time Killer.
                        1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
                        1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
                        1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
                        1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes


                        • #13
                          Kolar, u never have anything positive to say...But i did put Gay ass bans when i was pissed off, and how r u saying its personal, i already have said its nto to get anyone in trouble, ites merely for staff members to read and hopefully change how they feel about banning people with no wrong doing, and the opinion part is that i wanna know if people have had this happen to them or not, wheter that its fair or not..
                          Lofty> Why must I sit in my chat, listening to some pseudo-homosexual adolescent males go over my looks with such care


                          • #14
                            The point is that when someone is lagging suspiciously, staff must always consider the possibility that that person is cheating. If you're arguing against that possibility even being an issue, then it's like an Olympic athlete complaining about peeing in a cup because of the possibility of getting banned from their sport if they were found to be cheating. The majority of athletes probably aren't guilty but in the interest of competitive honesty, they still have to pee.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Killer Soldier
                              Kolar, u never have anything positive to say...But i did put Gay ass bans when i was pissed off, and how r u saying its personal, i already have said its nto to get anyone in trouble, ites merely for staff members to read and hopefully change how they feel about banning people with no wrong doing, and the opinion part is that i wanna know if people have had this happen to them or not, wheter that its fair or not..
                              I have no idea who you are for 1 so I wouldn't right off say I'm negitive about everything. You're asking for peoples opinions on wheather it was fair for lunar to consider and almost ban you (pretty fucking insignifgant but hey, I've seen worse attention seeking on this board). There are two problems with this thread 1: You are asking for opinions on a personal issue, it isn't my opinion, it isn't what anyone is inferring, it isn't that complicated. 2: You're trying to bring attention to broad, unfonded and unclear flaws in staff when it comes to lag cheating yet you're doing it in a way that no one would care to read or be able to read. Even if you believe that you're asking for opinions within the confines of the actually procedures the Mods go through you're still leaving a lot to be interrupted in your first post "Please put ur opinions regarding this in here".

                              Edit: Fuck it, you're being stupid about the entire procedures mods must do and being blind to the fact that lag cheating is a real problem.
                              Last edited by Kolar; 12-12-2004, 02:27 AM.

