Well i got baned for being on the squad I Hate Nightmares
veh <ER> baned me with out hearing my case he said your being racist in a
warn then said stop being racist or ill ban you in 30 sec hes already banning
me with out saying what i did so i asked him what i was doing
he said yur squad says *** bye...ionno isnt it proper procedure to say how i
was being racist in the warn? i know posting this doesnt matter and since
you baned me youll get a promotion since we all know pure_luck hates me
being he has to go out of the way to talk trash on me in staff chat but not
to me.
veh <ER> baned me with out hearing my case he said your being racist in a
warn then said stop being racist or ill ban you in 30 sec hes already banning
me with out saying what i did so i asked him what i was doing
he said yur squad says *** bye...ionno isnt it proper procedure to say how i
was being racist in the warn? i know posting this doesnt matter and since
you baned me youll get a promotion since we all know pure_luck hates me
being he has to go out of the way to talk trash on me in staff chat but not
to me.