1. No html. It isn't enabled.
2. No spam.
3. No Disgusting/Porn pictures, including links. It doesn’t matter how much warning you give, no means no.
4. No Warez/Serials/Cracks/Hax0ring/SS Cheats/etc, including links. This includes discussions of bittorrent/DC or other file sharing programs. It’s just not what these boards are for.
5. When posting pics, keep the screen and file size reasonable.
6. Do not leech bandwidth. If we get complaint emails we’re sending them on to you.
7. Keep your fights in Trash Talk forum. If you have an issue with in-game staff, please refer to the sticky in TW Staff forums.
8. No attention whoring/gimmick accounts.
9. If your topic has been moved, closed, or deleted: don't post it again.
10. If you have a complaint about a ban take it up with a forum administrator.
11. No reffering links for offsite offers/games. free ipods, etc.
12. Racism is forbidden
2. No spam.
3. No Disgusting/Porn pictures, including links. It doesn’t matter how much warning you give, no means no.
4. No Warez/Serials/Cracks/Hax0ring/SS Cheats/etc, including links. This includes discussions of bittorrent/DC or other file sharing programs. It’s just not what these boards are for.
5. When posting pics, keep the screen and file size reasonable.
6. Do not leech bandwidth. If we get complaint emails we’re sending them on to you.
7. Keep your fights in Trash Talk forum. If you have an issue with in-game staff, please refer to the sticky in TW Staff forums.
8. No attention whoring/gimmick accounts.
9. If your topic has been moved, closed, or deleted: don't post it again.
10. If you have a complaint about a ban take it up with a forum administrator.
11. No reffering links for offsite offers/games. free ipods, etc.
12. Racism is forbidden