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Annoys me

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  • #16
    Re: Annoys me

    Originally posted by SSJRawman
    Clueless fukers who keep calling me and my squad n00bies u look back to may 2001 and u will see that alot of todays leets are in a squad named SSJRawman

    Jus stop judging us jus because i have an SSJ infront of the squad name and my own people altermatically assume i am new i work very hard on this squad and i don't want the reputation that has already been ruined by a bunch of idiots to get any worse.

    I can already imagine some of the replys alot of u will post about this thread which is pretty typical.

    All i am asking is that people stop logging on and insulting my members jus because they are in my squad, their just trying to have some fun why can't you just leave them alone.

    Hoping for some posative comments for a change

    Peace Out


    It's difficult to start and maintain a squad.
    People playing SS have always been and will always be a bunch of total assholes (with a few exceptions, but only a few).
    Don't take it so hard when somebody calls you a newb or insults your squad. You know better and that's all that counts!
    Just try to have fun
    There's no place like


    • #17
      I like watching Dabram go insane, it's funny
      There once was a man from Nantucket.


      • #18
        Well having the "SSJ" is eternal damnation to being called a noob. It's just like having a name like "lol4life304" or something, everyone will call it n00bish.


        • #19

          Why do some people have to be assholes? My god.


          • #20
            Dear Tony Brookus,

            While some people may call you naieve (and spell it properly) for claiming to think that certain TW circles aren't elitist and isolationist, I'd prefer the term "stupid." In fact, I'd venture out to even say that you are indeed one of those elitist scum bags with a 4 foot dildo sticking out of their badly rummaged asshole.

            Private Basing has been kept on a hush for a reason. Because the "professional baser" class does not want SSJ_BenjaminWerburd45 in their presence. The fact that you can even try and say that PBing is well known to the public just reflects your own ignorance and denial. Incase you haven't noticed, CoT's forums are long gone. Now, we have new forums! People who aren't in the in-crowd aren't exposed to the basing scene. Whether you wish to admit this or not is irrelevant -- since it is a fact. And you can't argue with facts, no matter how gay your captain is.

            PBing games are broadcast on basing chats. People on Mitch's chat, Pallies chat, my chats, WR chat, and some others are the ones who get notified of the playtimes. Not once have I seen a public advertisement for a PB game, nor an infoflash on ?chat=tw. When there are not enough players for a round of PB, has anyone dared to ?go in a pub and make a macro to attract some Pubers in there? Since you are in denial, I'll answer that for you: No.

            PBing will never become friendly to everyday players. Some people don't want to be around SSJ_BenjaminWerburd45 because he is a) likely young or immature, b) not up to caliber in basing, c) unrecognized by the incrowd, and d) prone to ridicule. Other people, who are generally not good in basing, use their intuative logic to put 2 and 2 together. If there are more contestants in ?go #Mythrandir, there may be less chance of them getting picked during selection. This brings up another point: some of these Pubers are simply AWESOME players. When brought into the streamlight of private basing, they may shift onto the stage of recognition, which takes the attention away from lesser players (such as most of Anti-Scrub's roster).

            For those reasons and more, private basing will remain an underground phenomenon. You seem to really believe that the TW crowd is accepting and welcoming of new individuals. Sadly, that is not the case. Also your claim of me being a hypocrite isn't very viable. I recognize the fact that there is an elitist society and admit to it. Eventhough I regularly participate in PBing, I do not keep it a secret or pretend it to be some elitist activity that only a few individuals should partake in. While I may occasionally chide a newcomer for their lack of knowledge, I am always happy to see new faces (and happy to get them on my team when captain) in ?go #Mythrandir.

            With Love and Compassion,

            Papa Annux


            • #21
              the arena should be without the # to encourage more ppl to play base
              Originally posted by Diakka
              Lets stop being lil bitches


              • #22
                Originally posted by Annux
                a bunch of stuff
                i will agree with whatever you just said because you used more words than brookus, thereby proving him your bitch. now that my support is on your side, we shall truly vanquish all evil.

                p.s. i fly lancs in priv basing to piss people off. <3
                plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                • #23
                  I flyed a weasel once and called Jonas a minority, next thing you know -- im booted from pallies chat!1!

                  Wheres the justice in that?


                  • #24
                    Annux> lets advertise private basing through private chats
                    Annux> make sure none of them pub fellas get in here
                    RogerMexic> that's like double the privateness
                    yung> yep
                    yung> extra private
                    yung> so private we should put a rating on it
                    yung> like EP
                    yung> .... for extra privatge
                    Annux> 5.9 on the 6.0 private scale?
                    yung> like 5.98
                    yung> its really close
                    Annux> thats pretty private, yung
                    yung> yep
                    yung> thats almost as private as .?go #private
                    Annux> omfg ?
                    yung> yep, that private.
                    yung> i know its shocking, but it is


                    • #25
                      You're not touching my private.
                      The individual, a prisoner. Humanity holding the key to the opression. Everyone a prisoner, holding a portion of the whole truth. And so the enigma perpetuates. Insentient, lifeless. Grinning mockingly at its creators through its cold, inanimate lips.


                      • #26
                        Well that wasn't to unexpected sorry bout the spelling it was late but Dabram u fool do you always make up false quotes and put peoples names into it because i was not once asked how i got into that arena last night.

                        Fallen Angel i know that i should not take it seriously when people call me a n00b it just annoys me when certain leetists still do it when they know full well that i'm not new and that i've been playing longer that a good few of them. but ty for the feedback

                        Arrogance we wouldn't have had a problem going to lower last night if you stopped dying, you done real bad terring last night and you had no right shouting at others they were all trying there best to get down there but it didn't help that by the time you had crawled your slowass' into flag they were already at the door/enterance.

                        And finally Disliked i dunno what your on about because i never dueled you or your squad last night.

                        Well i guess thats about it cya all online

                        Peace Out SSJRawman


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Dabram
                          all i wanted to know was how new ppl like u who hardly know how to base get in a privatebasingarena were people come to have some quality basing



                          • #28
                            I don't know about you, SSJRawman, but when i play pubs or squad duel, i see SSJ's trash talk a lot. And if you hate being called newbies so much, why do you allow your members call others newbies, as i often see? A bit hypocritical, wouldn't you say?


                            • #29
                              I think it's somewhat unfair to advertise for something where not everyone will get a chance to play. (TWL Matches excepted, because people enjoy spectating those) That said, I think there needs to be more chances for the people who won't get a chance to play a privately hosted base game to play some organized basing. That's what arenas like ?go base, ?go pointbase, etc.. are around for. I don't know if they still get hosted. I should hope that they do.

                              P.S. Arro is cute.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by SSJRawman
                                Arrogance we wouldn't have had a problem going to lower last night if you stopped dying, you done real bad terring last night and you had no right shouting at others they were all trying there best to get down there but it didn't help that by the time you had crawled your slowass' into flag they were already at the door/enterance.
                                EYE HAFE SKILLZ $

