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  • #31
    That's raw, MAN!!!!


    • #32
      Originally posted by Pearl Jam
      That's raw, MAN!!!!
      you deserve to have your balls pureed and fed to you in a metamucil shake for that.
      plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


      • #33
        Originally posted by Transcend
        I don't know about you, SSJRawman, but when i play pubs or squad duel, i see SSJ's trash talk a lot. And if you hate being called newbies so much, why do you allow your members call others newbies, as i often see? A bit hypocritical, wouldn't you say?
        i'd have to agree with this guy, everytime i play pub, SSJ's are always calling me a newbie. yet you still expect everyone to treat you and your squad with respect. check yourself


        • #34
          Originally posted by code

          i'd have to agree with this guy, everytime i play pub, SSJ's are always calling me a newbie. yet you still expect everyone to treat you and your squad with respect. check yourself
          But... but... you are a newbie.
          jasonofabitch loves!!!!


          • #35
            Originally posted by code

            i'd have to agree with this guy, everytime i play pub, SSJ's are always calling me a newbie. yet you still expect everyone to treat you and your squad with respect. check yourself
            I ignored all the SSJ dudes for the same reason.
            Originally posted by Diakka
            Lets stop being lil bitches


            • #36
              Originally posted by Transcend
              I don't know about you, SSJRawman, but when i play pubs or squad duel, i see SSJ's trash talk a lot. And if you hate being called newbies so much, why do you allow your members call others newbies, as i often see? A bit hypocritical, wouldn't you say?
              I see the same thing as well in pubs and squad duels with them. but it must be because we're on the same squad


              • #37
                one time i picked annux as a weasel in #myth but he sucked so i made him a jav. for his credit, he did manage to kill a few people while he was our very own roof weasel
                Originally posted by Yoshiba
                i lag when i smoke weed


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Annux
                  [B]The TW society tries oh so very hard to be elitist and to keep people out from inner- circles.

                  If you would like to spectate or possibly participate in the daily private basing games, feel free to ?go #mythrandir or sometimes ?go #basing. If anyone bitches, tell the anal elitist scat-porn fanatics that Annux sent you.
                  See, thats everything I was trying to say in my first thread. Even in the priv games its not a big deal if people know about it, since the picking process still exists to keep anyone whos not in pallies ooot. (thats an obvious exageration, but the concept is a fact.) Its about who you know in this community, and what those people you know think of you.

                  I'm not complaining about it, certainly not, but its a hardened truth, this zone has very specific social classes. Pub players are at the bottom, and its not a position thats so much deserved as is a natural fact that comes with the habitat. Pub is dying, because the people who play it are just stupid. I could use lots of words and explainations and try to soften the blow, but really, the majority of people in pubs are only vaguley aware that there are other ships besides the warbird.... that the point is not to KILL KILL KILL, but to get the flag and maintain it, and at the same time, kill kill and kill. I mean yeah, the philosophical point is to have fun, but besides that, (and i have this macroed because I say it so much in pubs) "If you want to toss about and spawn eachother in warbirds and kill each other, type ?go elim OR ?go deathmatch. Otherwise, help in the freakin base!"

                  Another macro I have that seems to help is: "To attach to someone press PGUP or PGDN to scroll to their nickname and then press F7."
                  I notice, and you may take this as concrete proof that there is a definete lack in knowledge/skill in pubs, that after saying THAT, instead of getting help from 2 people in base, I magicly get the whole team pitching in.
                  Its not an argument over whos a newb or whatever, as Bloodzombie has said, if I ever use the term newb to describe someone else shoot me, but there are people who play, who don't know what they're doing, and a lil patience and instruction goes a lot farther than saying "For the quad damage cheat, type ESC and then QUAD."
                  We're always going to need new players, to take the place of people who quit, or move on..... treating new players like that dries up a resource in challenge, because in a game where your opponents are all other people, blocking the flow of new players into the game destorts the challenge and the fun. Not everyone who plays right now will always be there, but as a loyal and die hard fan of Trench I can say un-equivocly that I do not want to see this thing/community/idea, created and maintained by the players, for the players, die. Its just such a great thing.

                  But thats just me, and I for one render any help I can when I see someone ask questions, because the ONLY way Trench will survive, is by the continuation and dissemination of knowledge.
                  Last edited by Ender; 10-19-2002, 05:24 PM.
                  I'm a rocker. I rock out.


                  • #39
                    i think at least a majority of basers are swell fellas that play in pub all the time. i usually spend around a 3rd of my time there. just depends what my mood is.
                    To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                    brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


                    • #40
                      SSJ Rawman didn't even pay enough attention to spell the name of his own fucking country right.


                      • #41
                        I dont really care if newbies comes into #mythrandir, as long as there are vet-basers who someone can pick.

                        What I really hate is when a newbie becomes a cap. By that moment, this particular basing game is destroyed.

                        Besides, how the fuck does newbies even get in there?

                        Last privbasing game where I was at...think it was friday, there were over 5 ppl that I had never seen before

                        Vinny 123
                        Green-Ala-El-Einsg or something
                        DiE ( dvs-dvr ) or something..
                        and someone else.

                        All from LithLum
                        Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                        You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                        There wont be another election for president.
                        Obama is the Omega President.


                        • #42
                          Lol what a joke. I was on that squad for a month or so once. Nothing but public spawners and messages like :

                          write ?squadjoin=SSJRawman:Raw to become elite!!

                          And about private basing, its good as long as there are good players aswell, as Da1 said. Private basing is one of the best ways to tryout for a post as a shark or terrer too, duelling skills with them are not the most important thing when thinking about basing.

                          PS. How about shortening your sentances a little bit?? Hurts to read that (not that I am no gramatical genius either).

                          Is Quiller still playing btw??
                          5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                          5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                          5: Da1andonly> =((
                          5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                          5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                          5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                          • #43
                            yea I think I see SSJQuiller every now and then in pub
                            Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                            You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                            There wont be another election for president.
                            Obama is the Omega President.


                            • #44
                              actually, dab, you're wrong. another SSJ kid came in, and then you started making fun of him, and then he was like "wtf i'm no newb" and you said "who told you to come here" and he said "ssjrawman told me" and i was like "wtf rawman that sounds like gay porn" and someone else said "ssj is an anime term isn't it?" and i said "gay jap porn then"
                              Originally posted by Ward
                              OK.. ur retarded case closed


                              • #45
                                ZeUs!! <ER> who told minimax about this arena?
                                Ezo> actually I did. any problem?
                                ZeUs!! <ER> who is he?
                                Annux> WHO IS FUCKING TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT OUR ELITIST CLUB
                                IlyaZ> he's minimax!!
                                Ezo> I have no idea who he is. he seemed nie
                                Ezo> nice*
                                Annux> we must exclude him

