I'm going to try to make this short, yes it's sorta like a retirement thread, so if you don't know or like me you'd better click back or start flaming.
I've played this game for almost 6 years. I started in DSB, but moved to TW pretty fast. I've moved to a new place and don't have net anymore, so I can't really play. I may come back, but in case I don't, I just wanted to say goodbye. Sure it's lame, and we almost always come back - but just in case..
Thanks. To all the people who made me trip the hell out, laugh my ass off, and slam my keyboard against the wall. From Arch Angel in DSB to Dependency, Lyssic, RB, Sage, Defiancy, Blue Mist, Juice, Wildfire etc etc etc.. I won't forget you guys, and couldn't if I tried.
Opps, cook ( i'd be nostalgic if you didn't make me promise
), Nessy, Commodore Pickle, Miss Anne, Send, Concealed, Larsson (you bitch
) K.R. , Bigboyyuan, SnallTrippin, blah blah blah sorry if i missed you but a blunt is being lit and my time is short. You guys (i'd list everyone if i could >.<) made SS for me. As did the legends that i remember (banzi, sika insert some other elite dude here).
I hope I play again. I hope no matter how screwed up this game gets, that it'll still be here - and i hope most of all.. that you guys are getting as drunk and high as i am on St. Pattys day tommorow - Peace, Love, and Road Hockey my friends, and good luck in TWL 8.
With mad love and skillz,
Capital Knockers, Knockers, Escales Dante
I'm going to try to make this short, yes it's sorta like a retirement thread, so if you don't know or like me you'd better click back or start flaming.
I've played this game for almost 6 years. I started in DSB, but moved to TW pretty fast. I've moved to a new place and don't have net anymore, so I can't really play. I may come back, but in case I don't, I just wanted to say goodbye. Sure it's lame, and we almost always come back - but just in case..
Thanks. To all the people who made me trip the hell out, laugh my ass off, and slam my keyboard against the wall. From Arch Angel in DSB to Dependency, Lyssic, RB, Sage, Defiancy, Blue Mist, Juice, Wildfire etc etc etc.. I won't forget you guys, and couldn't if I tried.
Opps, cook ( i'd be nostalgic if you didn't make me promise

I hope I play again. I hope no matter how screwed up this game gets, that it'll still be here - and i hope most of all.. that you guys are getting as drunk and high as i am on St. Pattys day tommorow - Peace, Love, and Road Hockey my friends, and good luck in TWL 8.
With mad love and skillz,
Capital Knockers, Knockers, Escales Dante