It isn't supposed to be for chatting... it's supposed to leave important messages to big groups of people. Like, if TWL is messed up, PL can message an entire TWL channel that the thing is down for x hours or just cancelled for the day instead of 100 people coming online and wondering wtf is going on.
I posted that on the testing thread and it helped people (well... 1 person so far) understand
i have 5 chats.
this all seems pretty complicated, and i dont think i would really use it because i already have redchat. i might use it if theres no one on my chats, but thats rare.
edit: also, u mentioned it is not for chatting. if it's for messaging, what makes it more different then ?message fdafd:fdsafdsafds other than being able to spam ur whole squad channel?
thread killer
Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game
Copying the message I just posted on the BasingCrew website, it might help some players who don't understand the use of this and how it could be usen:
Hey there, important news post for all BasingCrew members here.
TrenchWars got something new! a MessageBot, I will explain a bit about why we use it and how it works.
We use it so captains and assistants can easily inform the squad about things happining within the squad, for example a member joining, a news post on the website, or the time for a TWL match.
I will not explain each single option of the bot, because I know you're not that interested, I will only explain the neccesary things in here about the bot. If you want to know all the options type :MessageBot:!help
First off, type :MessageBot:!join BasingCrew
This will make you join the BasingCrew channel. Important Edit: To read messages you will have to type !messages to the bot, it will not show wether you have messages or not if you get online yet. Till this is added please add at your profile under Auto: :MessageBot:!messages (If you already have something at Auto add \ infront of it, this way you are able to have more than one auto message when you get online).
That's pretty much all you have to know if you are not a captain or assistant, those are the only ones able to send messages, I agree its kinda weird, but still it is very usefull.
Captains and Assistants:
Caps and Assists will be operators of the channel and be able to !announce and !message. It is important we don't abuse this system and take it serious since not all members can get operator and it would be kinda anoying if they get messages like: YEAHAAA FU IM DRUNK LROLOLOFLLL. while they cannot send messages by them self trough it.
An announcement is a message which will only reach online players, I don't really see why we would ever need to use this since we have ?chat and :#basingcrew: command to PM. the !message is very usefull tho. it will leave a message for all members of the channel either online or offline. to do this type :MessageBot:!message BasingCrew:<message> as a captain/assistant I will trust you on not abusing this.
One question - I use !message to leave message to members. How will those members be onformed that they have got the meassage? Only pm or bot will use ?message ? its quite important because if they wont be online when i use !message to the bot they wont get notify that they have got message
Plutarch: "To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult."
One question - I use !message to leave message to members. How will those members be onformed that they have got the meassage? Only pm or bot will use ?message ? its quite important because if they wont be online when i use !message to the bot they wont get notify that they have got message
Originally posted by Ikrit
I need people to critque this bot as much as they can. When I get it perfect, one of its best features will be "enabled". By "enabled" I mean it'll be put up on RoboQueen where I can use a pubbot module I wrote to inform messagebot that a player has just signed on so that messagebot can tell them that they have new messages.
-channel members repeatedly appears on !requests list despite they have been accepted
-It would be nice if there would be possible for everyone to message without having op privilegia. It can be done by "messager" rank or something so u can promote ppl to that without giving them too much power about the channel.
-typo in !help
(MessageBot)>!me -Tells you what chennels you have joined.
edit: - and when i use !banned list of chat members appears instead
Also I hope the unread messages feature on login will be implemented soon. I think it doesnt need to be done through RoboQueen (not sure if she is the bot which gets info when someone login to game). It can be easily done by leaving a ?message - so every member on the channel will be ?messaged when new message "arrives". At least make it as provisional feature because at current state the messagebot doesnt help so much if u have to make ppl check if they have unread messages.