We recently moved/upgraded our server software for the TWD/TWL sites, and unfortunately the password database isn't compatible with this new software. You won't be able to log into the TWD/TWL/TrenchWars sites until you change your password.
Create a new password. To do this, follow these directions:
1. Go to ?go twd
2. Private Message (PM) TWDBot with !signup newpasswordhere. As an example, it should look like this - :TWDBot:!signup abcd1234
2b. Your password must be at LEAST 5 characters long and contain at least 1 digit (0-9) or the bot will not accept it.
Pretty easy. Keep in mind that we have had some people trying to bruteforce captains passwords on the TWD site. It's suggested to make a password that is at least 7 characters long, and contains at least 1-2 digits. Using those guidelines, your password will be a LOT harder for anyone to guess or bruteforce.
Create a new password. To do this, follow these directions:
1. Go to ?go twd
2. Private Message (PM) TWDBot with !signup newpasswordhere. As an example, it should look like this - :TWDBot:!signup abcd1234
2b. Your password must be at LEAST 5 characters long and contain at least 1 digit (0-9) or the bot will not accept it.
Pretty easy. Keep in mind that we have had some people trying to bruteforce captains passwords on the TWD site. It's suggested to make a password that is at least 7 characters long, and contains at least 1-2 digits. Using those guidelines, your password will be a LOT harder for anyone to guess or bruteforce.