I do wonder about BRITISH sometimes. I've chatted to him and hes quite a nice guy a lot of the time, but there have been a few incidents where I have wondered if he should be staff at all, the way he snaps at players, calls them names, all up on his high horse when really he should be serving them and aiding them, not calling them noobs when they do something wrong.
He should be looked into.
I was asking a question before in twld pub chat, and british responded with "sumpson stfu you idiot", and I was like hmm ain't he staff? nah, can't be..
1) Ofcourse, some staffers try to better serve the SSCU TrenchWars Community. I never said EVERY staffer is useless, but there are too many rotten eggs in staff. Who just don't follow the rules, who abuse their powers and who are completely useless. For example if you take the rule about "no personal attacks" ... People on the forums get banned and their thread gets closed as soon as they say the truth about a Staffer. But if that staffer than replies to that person, and calls HIM bad things, it's no problem.... Doesn't make sense.
I wasn't directing my comment towards you, I was directing it to those who feel that way. Again, I honestly can't say that I've seen staffers abuse their powers.
Originally posted by Anduril.
2) Don't act like you're Jezus or something please.
Acting like Jesus? So it's wrong for me to believe in the Golden Rule? Is that what you are trying to tell me? I don't spawn in elim cause I don't want to be spawned back. Am I acting like Jesus in there?
Originally posted by Anduril.
3) You don't want to play against cheaters... That's normal, but the mods also just warn/ban people who just are better than them and are beating them. Just give them a warning or ban for cheating and the Mod feels big again. Doesn't make sense .. Seen it before in DD's for example. Someone is putting on an ownage round, and than just gets banned for cheating.
I have my own example aswell .. I was playing ?go base, and I got an University connection which just is crap and spikes from time to time. So suddenly I lagspike, so I just fly into the FR and reappear inside of it. People cry like they're gonna die IRL. A Moderator enters the arena and I'm disconnected from the server. Got banned for "LAGCHEATING". So the Mod wasn't even in the arena, I lagspiked with my uni connection, and he just bans me. Thought a Moderator had to see it himself to make judgements ...
Ever heard of a stake out? These staffers and warnings you see coming out of the blue don't happen out of the blue. We only warn and ban if we have good reason to. And don't tell me we don't have good reasons to, we have our ways to check if the player is abusing or not, we are staffers, we have that kind of power. Granted there will be a few judgment calls that went wrong, and we have something to answer that. The e-mail address I gave above is ONE of those answers.
Originally posted by Anduril.
4) You have lives ? If you do, you shouldn't be staff. And if you do, you shouldn't be online and be AFK 24/7 than. You just see 30 staffers online and when you do a ?cheater /?help call nobody responses. And than you say that Staff is there to "Help the community by taking on the cheaters". It's obvious that most of the staffers just don't react on the calls as they're too bored for it. Yeh yeh yeh .. Not all of them, but most though.
So instead of going to my full time job, working on my homework for my college classes, I should be on SS 24 hrs a day 7 days a week? You know shit happens in other peoples homes where they have to take care of shit right then and there, so they have to leave their computer. I'm sure stuff like that happens to you too Andruil. I highly doubt you put off school for SS, or even dinner. And I seriously doubt someone, lets say who has a baby, is going to put off attending to their child for SS.
Originally posted by Anduril.
5) Don't warn and ban for unexisting reasons. Like yesterday ... lols ... I was in a pub, and someone was TeamKilling all the time. So I thought "let's help the Zone some because the Staffers are too busy anyways." So I typed to that guy "Please quit TeamKilling. This is illegal in SSCU TrenchWars, and if you continue doing so it will result in a ban from this zone."
Suddenly IIIIIIIII get a warning for "Impersonating staff". I haven't said that I was the one doing the ban .. I just said it was illegal. So that's what you get for helping staff huh ...
Than the funniest warning I got yesterday too, was for TeamKilling. I sit in a safe, a friendly lev flies in and I fly out. He turns around and TeamKills me. I return with my jav and shoot a bomb into the Safe. The lev was INSIDE the safe so as we all know you can not get killed or kill inside. So ofcourse he didn't die. But he did come out again and shot me again. Suddenly I get a warning for TeamKilling..... I didn't TK ! I just shoot into a safe... wtf .. abuse ?
So you were warned for impersonating staff and tking all in one day? As for the impersonating, you should have added "...from a TW staffer" at the end. I'm sure someone sent in a ?Cheater call saying you were impersonating staff. Next time re-word what you say and there shouldn't be any confusion from other players as to if you're impersonating staff or not. And for the TKing, you should have sent a ?cheater call in. But instead you decided to shoot at the levi and I'm sure that levi sent in a ?cheater call on you. A staffer came in, saw you shooting into the safe, looking like you're attempting to TK the levi, and hence the warning.
Originally posted by Anduril.
6) Wrote an email yesterday. But I do not believe it will get answered or even looked in... so please amaze me and reply on it.
As I said, we can't get all the e-mails and investigate them all in one day. I don't mean to come across as an ass when I say this, but please use your brain here. Think of how it is in the real world with the way the legal system works. You send a complaint in the real world and nothing is gonna get solved that very same day. There are procedures and investigations that must be followed.
Originally posted by Anduril.
7) Don't volunteer your free time if you're not planning on doing it correctly and with passion. Than just stay a normal player and save the zone from shit like this.
Thank you. -_-
Again, are you suggesting I forget about my full time job and college? Andruil., I seriously doubt you could do a better job than any other staffer. There will be times where you have to make judgment calls and you too will get yelled at, like you are doing so now at us. And when you make that judgment call, you too "won't be doing your job correctly" for that player won't like the end result. Hence why I say I doubt you could do a better job, since you think we all seem to be doing a shitty job. If staffers didn't care for TW, TW would probably already be in the shitter right now...and non-existant. Who would you get to run the bots for TWL/Base/Elim/ER events/wbduel/tourny/TWD?
We had a staffer once who abused his powers in elim. He would put himself in the game while it was in progress. That staffer was abusing and was dealt with accordingly. That staffer is no longer on staff. Don't tell me we don't look into such matters for abuse and such.
So instead of going to my full time job, working on my homework for my college classes, I should be on SS 24 hrs a day 7 days a week? You know shit happens in other peoples homes where they have to take care of shit right then and there, so they have to leave their computer. I'm sure stuff like that happens to you too Andruil. I highly doubt you put off school for SS, or even dinner. And I seriously doubt someone, lets say who has a baby, is going to put off attending to their child for SS.
Sorry .. it's kinda sad but I do put universtiy off for SS. Sad sad sad but I rather have fun than study.
So you were warned for impersonating staff and tking all in one day? As for the impersonating, you should have added "...from a TW staffer" at the end. I'm sure someone sent in a ?Cheater call saying you were impersonating staff. Next time re-word what you say and there shouldn't be any confusion from other players as to if you're impersonating staff or not. And for the TKing, you should have sent a ?cheater call in. But instead you decided to shoot at the levi and I'm sure that levi sent in a ?cheater call on you. A staffer came in, saw you shooting into the safe, looking like you're attempting to TK the levi, and hence the warning.
In 5 minutes actually. And nobody reported me. Tatsu was in that arena, and saw my msg to the TeamKiller. And was speccing me when the lev shot me twice and I shot into a SAAAAAAAAFE once. Read .. SAFE.. lev sitting INSIDE the green area. Think Tatsu doesn't know yet that you can't be killed there. That's why it's called a SAFE.
As I said, we can't get all the e-mails and investigate them all in one day. I don't mean to come across as an ass when I say this, but please use your brain here. Think of how it is in the real world with the way the legal system works. You send a complaint in the real world and nothing is gonna get solved that very same day. There are procedures and investigations that must be followed.
Ofcourse I understand that and I'm not crying about that. I'm just hoping that my letter actually GETS read once and I'll recieve a reply so I'll know that that stuff actually is getting used. An ex moderator once told me, that those mails just get deleted once in a while without being read. Prove me wrong.
And I do think I can do a better job as Staff than a few of the current staff. Yeh yeh you'll say it's bs, but I know it's true. Not the first time that I have to explain something to a ZH, or that I just made stuff up about something and some ZH believed me. Some ppl r just incapable and some are lazy.
Lols .. I'm sure that if you give Due and me ZH for 3 days you'll see how right I am. We're online from 01pm till 03am our time. Makes up for all the hours of lack of staff.
Anyway, this is an useless argument and I don't want people to get mad on me and stuff so I'll just be quiet, but the fact is that a lot of useless ppl are on staff and lots of crap is going on.
And again I say .. I do not mean EVERY staffer with it, so don't get insulted.
7:Barton> hi tats
7:Barton> still no smod?
7:Barton> :(
7:Tatsumaru uk> heh no
7:Barton> guess u need to do more ass kissing
3:Harder> we could be like tom cruise in top gun with team speak
Sorry .. it's kinda sad but I do put universtiy off for SS. Sad sad sad but I rather have fun than study.
In 5 minutes actually. And nobody reported me. Tatsu was in that arena, and saw my msg to the TeamKiller. And was speccing me when the lev shot me twice and I shot into a SAAAAAAAAFE once. Read .. SAFE.. lev sitting INSIDE the green area. Think Tatsu doesn't know yet that you can't be killed there. That's why it's called a SAFE.
Ofcourse I understand that and I'm not crying about that. I'm just hoping that my letter actually GETS read once and I'll recieve a reply so I'll know that that stuff actually is getting used. An ex moderator once told me, that those mails just get deleted once in a while without being read. Prove me wrong.
And I do think I can do a better job as Staff than a few of the current staff. Yeh yeh you'll say it's bs, but I know it's true. Not the first time that I have to explain something to a ZH, or that I just made stuff up about something and some ZH believed me. Some ppl r just incapable and some are lazy.
Lols .. I'm sure that if you give Due and me ZH for 3 days you'll see how right I am. We're online from 01pm till 03am our time. Makes up for all the hours of lack of staff.
Anyway, this is an useless argument and I don't want people to get mad on me and stuff so I'll just be quiet, but the fact is that a lot of useless ppl are on staff and lots of crap is going on.
And again I say .. I do not mean EVERY staffer with it, so don't get insulted.
About the TK warning. Anything that looks like an attempt to TK is grounds for a warning, no matter where one is. I just want you to know that we are trying. I know I'm not the greatest staffer on TW, probably far from it. There are staffers who exceed the quota set for them as far as taking help/cheater calls and hosting. I've played the game for about 4 years on and off now. So I figure why not give something back. I try to better server the community at least when I can. I just want you to know that we are trying.
We all know the stories about wronghfull bans and undue warnings... some of them are true some of them are not totally true and others are just a lie. From my point of view tw staff should work as a if it was a "part time job" in the part that you need to have the right profile to do it... it's not everyone who can be staff... not everyone has the right profile i guess. On the other side and unlike a "part time job" staffers are actually doing it for free... i mean how many of you would have the patience to be teaching some newb how to use a terr or chats or how to signup for twd?! or even taking care of a cheater or someone who is acting like an ass and spamming public chat? and even if you had the patience to do it would you have the nerve to do that following the regular procedures all the time and don't receive nothing for it!? not even a cent!? you need more than love for this game to be staff... of course that dedication and love for and to the game is a must and it helps but that's not enough sometimes. And yes staff also have a life they have a job a family some of them might have kids a wife or a husband maybe a boyfriend or a girlfriend other hobbies so i guess that asking for someone that is already doing is best to help the zone "and actually doing it for free" asking someone to spend 24/7 in tw is asking for a lot...
All of that is true but we all know that sometimes someone in staff might brake the rules... "just like a cop shooting an unarmed thief that is stealing a candy" in that case you should expose your case to upper staff as they have already explained "wich in the cop case would be to press a charge to the cop and wait for a trial or further investigation".
So you do put your faith in a bunch of basers who think think all Elim people are bad ? I see more people cry in Base than in Elim.
That's not what I see.
Originally posted by anduril
And opinions aren't based on imaginary things. Opinions are based on experiences.
reguardless they're not pure fact nor should they be publicly disscussed if they're negitive and personal matters.
Originally posted by Anduril
And the forum rules ? I have been following them all in this thread. I don't see any violation of any rule.
I'm not blaming you, just saying that the rules and protocol for these kind of things does not allow for public threads.
Originally posted by Anduril
I know all mods, sorry.
bullshit 1
Originally posted by anduril
Nobody was watching me.
Bullshit 2
Originally posted by anduril
and he told me he just based his opinion on a pm of Rz. (aka Zerzera in the old days.)
Bullshit 3
Originally posted by Andruil
And most staff are Americans, or a few Europeans who are only online at evenings. You need European people who also are online during the morning/midday hours. (European times)
Yes we need more Mods during those times.
Originally posted by Anduril
I don't know how you thought of that one ... Saying that TeamKilling is illegal, is illegal too now ? So if someone in Pub asks "How do I attach to someone?" you can't answer it ? Ohh.. it's impersonating staff huh ! Don't answer as non-staffer or get banned. Makes no sense, sorry.
Using the same format or language a staffer would to warn players about team killing is illegal. How you say it is sometimes more important then what you say, staff impersonation is one of those things.
Originally posted by Anduril
That sure is the easiest way of evading it. You just say "We reply to LOTS of emails, but sorry .. just that one from you wasn't part of it." While actually 0% of the emails get read or replied to. My e-mail was based on decent facts and if it doesn't get replied on, I know enough.
A lot of complaint emails are not replied to, this is not singling you out Anduril. There really is no need if you think about it, you complain, PL checks into it, there's no need for follow ups because it's now his.
I don't think you or Due are mature enough to be on staff in any zone.
Pfff... Sorry, not replying on everything because this is an endless discussion, and I guess I'll be the most mature one and just let you have your pleasure.
Only one thing I have to say is about the Ban for the lagspike. Your bs2 and bs3. I don't remember you being there, Kolar. I do remember I was there. And I do remember having a conversation with Qan (the mod who banned me) and I do remember what Qan told me. As he told me he based his ban on Rz's pm, I think I am right. To use his own words "I heard it from undercover mod Rz". I still remember it made me laugh.
So please do not act like you know everything and like you've been there.
And about the mature part .. I think we are older than 80% of the TrenchWars population. But some people make me not take this game and especially the forums too seriously. And if you don't know me or Due, it's another judgement you make here based on stuff you don't know anything about. Same as above. The people who do know me well, and to whom I talk serious, the way I am, know I'm not like you probably think of me due to this Forum.
7:Barton> hi tats
7:Barton> still no smod?
7:Barton> :(
7:Tatsumaru uk> heh no
7:Barton> guess u need to do more ass kissing
3:Harder> we could be like tom cruise in top gun with team speak
Pfff... Sorry, not replying on everything because this is an endless discussion, and I guess I'll be the most mature one and just let you have your pleasure.
You can do what you want, I'm still here if you want to talk but don't act like that's an ungodly thing to do on a forum please.
Originally posted by Anduril
Only one thing I have to say is about the Ban for the lagspike. Your bs2 and bs3. I don't remember you being there, Kolar. I do remember I was there.
So then, what should I belive? maybe I shouldn't have know about that situation because 1:I wasn't there 2:It was a personal issue between you and the Mod and 3: I only got your side of it now. Are you starting to get it?
Originally posted by Anduril
And about the mature part .. I think we are older than 80% of the TrenchWars population. But some people make me not take this game and especially the forums too seriously.
You dont have to take the game seriously and your age most of the time does not reflect your maturity. It's my opinion that both of you are not fit to be on TW Staff, that's from seeing and watching you in game and on the forum. That's one staffers opinion, take it in whatever way you want but it is still a "vote" or a person with some kind of influence in staff. Staff is far to laid back (not lazy, just not a high stress enviroment, which I think both of you would do better in) for a person like you to actually enjoy and stay with anyways.
Hey Kolar <ZH>, whats up!!! I like your TW Videos : )
1:Zcraft> due sense when r u a smod
1:Zcraft> what do u do
1:delectable> need a forum sig
1:delectable> gonna use the last 6 lines from this chat
1:Zcraft> O.o
1:Zcraft> rofl!
1:Stratify> this one included ? $
1:delectable> yes
:DoCk>:So what can your bird say
:DoCk>:Mackie said you talk to your bird all the time
(DoCk>)>i do but it doesn't talk back