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MAPCo. - Maps for YOU

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  • MAPCo. - Maps for YOU


    Zabuza and myself have set out on the task of creating maps for you, the TW public.

    MapCo. undertakes:
    1. EVENTS maps to be hosted in TW
    2. Squad maps for old enough squads
    3. And possibly helping start maps up for new zones

    ?Message, PM us your event ideas in games with ideas or whatever and we'll see what we can do.

    Current projects:
    1. Zombase
    2. Invaders
    3. Heavy

    If you're a mapper also rejected from TWDev, MAPCo. is the place for you .

    (Also looking for botters, tilers, lvz, if you think you can help us, get in contact)
    The less douche bag responses i get, the better
    . Thanks.
    Last edited by RascaL; 06-13-2005, 05:42 PM.

  • #2
    Nice work!

    If only map making in trenchwars could go on your CV


    • #3
      Originally posted by RascaL
      If you're a mapper also rejected from TWDev, MAPCo. is the place for you .
      rofl, i was gonna say.. guess you beat me too it
      04.07.05 08:59


      • #4
        Originally posted by RascaL

        Zabuza and myself have set out on the task of creating maps for you, the TW public.

        MapCo. undertakes:
        1. EVENTS maps to be hosted in TW
        2. Squad maps for old enough squads
        3. And possibly helping start maps up for new zones

        ?Message, PM us your event ideas in games with ideas or whatever and we'll see what we can do.

        Current projects:
        1. Zombase

        If you're a mapper also rejected from TWDev, MAPCo. is the place for you .

        (Also looking for botters, tilers, lvz, if you think you can help us, get in contact)

        The less douche bag responses i get, the better
        Why would a bot person want to join something called "MAPCo."? And shouldn't the AP be lowercase? Otherwise it looks like it's an acronym... something like Male Aliased Pedophiles Company.

        What's up with zombbase? The idea sounds gay because of team imbalances and humans are supposed to be hiding from the zombies... not running to attack them.

        And... I just made it worse I guess since you'll probably classify this as a douchebag response.

        BTW, if anyone reads this that is proficient with Java, ?message me in game (Ikrit <ER>) and I'll accept you into TWDev, we need some good bot devs.
        Ban Ikrit


        • #5
          In the words of subspace related speaking

          Rascal and MAPCo = OwNeD


          • #6
            All bots that are not authorized for use by TW Staff will not be permitted in use of the zone. So I hope you guys are gonna get some permits for making new bots for your work.


            • #7
              hmmm i guess i cant join cuz im in twdev and not a reject AHAHAHAHAHAH, afk gg
              Big Chill


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dameon Angell
                All bots that are not authorized for use by TW Staff will not be permitted in use of the zone. So I hope you guys are gonna get some permits for making new bots for your work.
                they are making maps, not bots..
                1 + 1 = 1


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AoS
                  hmmm i guess i cant join cuz im in twdev and not a reject AHAHAHAHAHAH, afk gg

                  ROFL... Rodney such mean! :P

                  oh well... I guess I am not neither~! gl with your "MAPCO." lolz...
                  AcidBomber <ER> ^-^


                  • #10
                    He's asking for bot makers though. What's the point of this? TW Dev gives a few dedicated and skilled people connections with 2D and Arilou, and you get SDP's help on maps and Jacen's help with coding, beyond that their group is almost nothing. to be in it you need to be mature and not be an asshole. It's pretty easy not to get kicked out or rejected so again.. what can you guys do better... with a 12 year old pissy reject running it?
                    Last edited by Kolar; 06-13-2005, 09:04 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Nethila
                      they are making maps, not bots..
                      He wants bot coders for a reason.


                      • #12
                        2D is a beast.
                        USA WORLD CHAMPS


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by D1st0rt
                          2D is a beast.
                          'nuff said
                          Ban Ikrit


                          • #14
                            Did you guys not see i didnt want any douche bag comments?

                            What's the problem...apparently TWDev dont need any more mappers, they have the likes of tibro...LOL.
                            So i've set out to maybe have a small group of mappers make some new events? - Are you guys that sad to trash me for that?

                            Why does the thread need to get personal Kolar? I'm 16, still pretty young, but does it matter how old I am? I'm just trying to give back to TW.



                            PS - I'd like a botter or w/e because some of the events designed need extra features that aren't on the TWBot.
                            And Ikrit, you haven't seen the event Zombase, you shut up untill you know what it is. Instead of flaming, ikrit...why not offer to help, the only botter who may be helping at the moment is Sika.
                            Last edited by RascaL; 06-14-2005, 08:12 AM.


                            • #15
                              Its an open forum, if people think you're a twat, and that is a pointless waste of time with your MapCo., they'll make it apparent.

                              Take the flak,

