I used to play Space Duck Battle owned by Catid and someone before that died. I played T3 Gauntlet for a while, DSB for a while, a little EG, and a lot of Powerball before it stopped letting me play that. But, my top 4 favorite zones would be Space Duck Battle, then TW, then Powerball, then DSB.
1ight, the big and messy maps are big and messy because that's the way the first maps were. (Ok, I'm not really sure about this, haven't played THAT long, but that's the impression I've got.) They're not that bad. Yes of course no one will come after you if you go hide in some corner, but why would you do that?
Yes of course no one will come after you if you go hide in some corner, but why would you do that?
Hehe, true, but my point was, why make a big messy map, with lost of places to go to, when people won't come after you to fortess x, even though its located on the map. Waste of space.. I like it nice and tidy, not too open spaces, one place where you focus and defend/attack.