Are javs a problem?
In my opinion, they are. Not all javs, but some give the others a bad name.
People like playing jav. Because they can bounce a bomb, and don't need too much precision if the enemy is near a wall.
Changing the jav completely in a manner that has a very noticeable change (Ie like a weasel-nightwasp change, or levi-modified levi (tested month or so ago)change) will annoy people and they won't stand for it.
So any changes to jav must either be very subtle or all other tw ships changed around jav.
I suggest this for a jav change that might help: Decrease the bomb radius. This could: a) decrease accidental teamkilling b) require more precision c)decrease kills from bombs exploded a fair distance away when on low energy.
Is such a change possible?
In my opinion, they are. Not all javs, but some give the others a bad name.
People like playing jav. Because they can bounce a bomb, and don't need too much precision if the enemy is near a wall.
Changing the jav completely in a manner that has a very noticeable change (Ie like a weasel-nightwasp change, or levi-modified levi (tested month or so ago)change) will annoy people and they won't stand for it.
So any changes to jav must either be very subtle or all other tw ships changed around jav.
I suggest this for a jav change that might help: Decrease the bomb radius. This could: a) decrease accidental teamkilling b) require more precision c)decrease kills from bombs exploded a fair distance away when on low energy.
Is such a change possible?