?go baseelim3
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New Baseelim Map???
Originally posted by HarkUnrelated topic: British abuses his powers.
Have a log:
BrItIsH> wtf voth
voth> shut up
BrItIsH> u just ate again
voth> stfu
BrItIsH> i ###### wont u cheeky ####
voth> stop crying
Dai Shan>
Motu> !help
rEvolt is out. 11 wins 10 losses
rEvolt> ha
Forces> lol
Motu> .!help
Vys> LOL
Screenshot taken: screenshots\screenshot121.bmp
TEAMWORK is the key word for this coming week-end's events! For more info www.trenchwars.org -Event Coordination Team
Motu> aww screw it
Dai Shan> hehe
Vys> 1 sec
Vys> phone
Vys> LOL wtf
Dai Shan is out. 11 wins 10 losses
Vys> stupid adver
Vys> t
voth> ?spec
Vys is out. 9 wins 10 losses
Forces> ?
Vys> what?
Dai Shan> that's really old vys..
Forces> nothin
P voth> off
P voth> k?
P Forces> ok
voth> oo
BrItIsH is out. 8 wins 10 losses
voth> ?lag
PING Current:150 ms Average:130 ms Low:60 ms High:1670 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.0%
Motu> forces wom
Motu> won
voth> o
Motu> who?
P voth> hider
voth> ?spec
P voth>
P Forces> 8{
P voth> <3
voth> ow
* MODERATOR WARNING: Cheating is illegal in Trench Wars and punishable by a ban! If you do not stop immediately you will be banned! -Parasect
voth> wtf?
P voth> cheating?
P voth> Last 2 weeks I've been lagging
Forces at J6 voth at K8
voth> ?klag
voth> ?lag
PING Current:150 ms Average:130 ms Low:60 ms High:1670 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.0%
P Robo_Ref> Go to base!
C 1:Trouper> sound cool
voth> sec force
voth> i got warned for "cheating"
Pummel> WTF
P Forces> ..
P voth> i dont know
Vys> voth using Cheatengine
P Parasect> yes, you have a terrible lag
super vill> liar
P voth> It's not "cheating"
super vill> why woould you get warned for cheating
P Parasect> and the only thing that can be causing it is some kind of program
P Parasect> twister or ####
P voth> There's a different between cheating and bad lag
Forces> cmon..
P voth> No
P Parasect> just turn it off and your green
P voth> my ISP has a bad router
P voth> I dont have any programs running
P Parasect> okey, well, try to fix your problem
Screenshot taken: screenshots\screenshot122.bmp
Country Ki> kill him
Forces> i can't
Forces> i'm trying
P Parasect> if you can't, then refrain from playing, because eating bombs isn't funny
P voth> you're going to be reported for assuming im cheating
super vill> wow
super vill> you should spec lol
P voth> I didn't eat anything
P Parasect> listen, nothing to worry about, just try to keep it steady
voth is out. 13 wins 10 losses
GAME OVER: Winner Forces
C 9:BElimAlert> Next baseelim game is starting now!
Country Ki> .....
Forces> yay
P Forces> ..
T Robo_Ref> Free to enter
Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go baseelim to play
Vote: 1-Jav in base 2-Shark in base 3-Cloaks in flagroom 4-Terr in base
P voth> thanks for tking
Pummel> 1
T Vys> Ayden it's like me saying all american people are fat
C 2:Ease <ER>> Rofl i can't believe you got warned voth
It is Jav in base. Vote: How many deaths (1-10)
P Forces> i had to
Skilder> 10
C 2:voth> me either
C 2:Fludd> for?
Motu> 2
Discount> 10
C 2:voth> "cheating"
Vys> EA
Vys> T
C 2:Ease <ER>> That's bullshit, im gonna report it
C 2:Fludd> lol
Javelin elim in base to 10
C 9:BElimAlert> baseelim voted: Javelin elim in base to 10
Rules: All on own freq, all must go to base! Die 10 times and you are out
C 2:voth> apparently I ate one bomb from British
C 2:Ease <ER>> i was watching too.
C 2:voth> and he cried to all the other st7aff
C 2:Ease <ER>> ban happy ######
P Forces> mod told me to
C 2:voth> was I cheating?
C 2:Ease <ER>> hell no
Screenshot taken: screenshots\screenshot123.bmp
Get ready. Game will start in 10 seconds
Screenshot taken: screenshots\screenshot124.bmp
P voth> you're stupid, theres a difference between inducing and lagging naturally
P voth> seriously, I thought you were better mod than this
Motu> opps
Skilder> Hunted
Motu> mb
Country Ki> pirate hooker
badbOyZ> wow
C 2:voth> british got amd cause i told his fatass to stop crying
hazuki> !
hazuki> nice tank ;d
Vys> why
Vys> u lame me
rEvolt> lol
rEvolt> its fun
Vys> u never joining shriek now
rEvolt> haha
C 2:Ease <ER>> i might warn you in a minute with Disregard that last warning
rEvolt> sore loser
C 2:Ease <ER>> just some heads up
C 2:voth> please do
C 2:Ekko> excuse me?
hazuki> hrm
hazuki> the bomb went th ewrong way..
Country Ki> hooker
C 2:voth> ima complaints@tw.org these #######
C 2:voth> and compliment u9
C 2:voth> ease for sysop
hazuki> Lol
C 2:Ease <ER>> lool chingy
Thanatopsi> lol
P Forces> ..
P voth> didnt kpnow it was u
hazuki> ROFL
P Forces> lie..
hazuki> ..
C 2:voth> ease tell those ####### that they're a bunch of ######## for me
C 2:voth> thx
P voth> no i didnt know
* MODERATOR WARNING: Please disregard that last warning, as it was completely unwarranted. Thanks. -Ease <ER>
badbOyZ> wowo
Screenshot taken: screenshots\screenshot125.bmp
C 2:voth> thx ease
Forces> haha
Forces> wtf
P Robo_Ref> Go to base!
hazuki> LOL
C 8:wound> vys is blackanese
rEvolt> ew
Motu has been removed for not obeying rules
Motu> ???
C 8:BrItIsH> lol
Motu> wtf
P voth> juked
P Pummel> truly
P voth> O MAN
Pummel> gg
Motu> ok
Pummel> :?
P Parasect> hey, listen, lol man I have no idea what this is all about
P Parasect> people told me, if your lag jumps like that, I can warn
P Parasect> and what was even more weird was that british didn't want to warn you himself
Pummel> l.ol
P voth> Hey shut the #### up, you don't go warning people cause British said so
P Parasect> he wanted me to do it
P Parasect> so it seems like he has some personal issues with you
P voth> Because he knew it was wrong?
P Parasect> ill tell them to remove your warnings
P voth> Maybe that's why?
P Parasect> my mistake
P Parasect> yeah
hazuki is out. 6 wins 10 losses
P Parasect> he should be warned
hazuki> gg
rEvolt> rofl
P Parasect> because your lag jumps doesnt mean you cheat
P voth> he's a stupid fat POS
P Parasect> kinda simple heh
P voth> thats what i've been saying
P voth> brit was mad cause I) ate his bomb
Pummel> LOL
rEvolt> lol
Pummel> CLOSE
P voth> BOO HOO
P Parasect> I know
badbOyZ is out. 7 wins 10 losses
voth> British why don't you warn me yourself next time you scumbag
rEvolt> lol
rEvolt> sigh voth
BrItIsH> becos i was playing u
voth> lol
BrItIsH> i cant do nothin lol
Thanatopsis is out. 5 wins 10 losses
Discount> gg:
voth> Nah, you knew it was wrong to warn, so you got para to do the ########
voth has been removed for not obeying rules
BrItIsH> did i warn ?
BrItIsH> Para was told to warn u by lnx
voth> ?find lnx
Not online, last seen 6 days ago
voth> .?find lnx
voth> you are so
voth> stupid
BrItIsH> rofl
BrItIsH> aliased ?
voth> SO amazingly stupid
voth> Surewe'll see
voth> ?find Lynx
Not online, last seen 0 hours ago
BrItIsH> ok
rEvolt> wow
rEvolt> die
Screenshot taken: screenshots\screenshot126.bmp
voth> I have a log + screenshots of this ahaha
Vys is out. 6 wins 10 losses
Country Kitchen is out. 9 wins 10 losses
P voth> Wave bye bye to British, after the smods get a hold of this they should axe him
Someone bring the kryptonite to ?go duel, Morgane has a 63 game winning streak in warbird! -DuelBot
C 1:voth> 63
C 1:voth> wooow
C 1:voth> I wanna see his session usage :/
Pummel> lol
Discount> Oo
Discount> ns
C 2:voth> lol ease
Forces> lol
C 2:voth> Parasect is trying to apologize now
voth> ?lag
PING Current:110 ms Average:130 ms Low:60 ms High:1670 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.0%
C 2:Ease <ER>> lol
Pummel> lol
C 2:voth> PING Current:110 ms Average:130 ms Low:60 ms High:1670 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.0%
P voth> PING Current:110 ms Average:130 ms Low:60 ms High:1670 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.0%
rEvolt> ouch
P voth> Just because my lag spikes to 1670 once in a while doesn't mean I'm inducing
Skilder> :>
P voth> if I was inducing, you'd know
P Parasect> yeah
super villain is out. 4 wins 10 losses
Screenshot taken: screenshots\screenshot127.bmp
rEvolt> rofl
Hiders: Forces at K7
C 9:BaseAlert> A basing game just ended at ?go base. Another game will start when enough people are here
P voth> So this doesn't happen to anyone else in the future, I wouldn't warn just based on what another mod says
P voth> See it for yourself7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?
Duel Pasta> great
Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face
TWLB Champion Season 12
TWLJ Champion Season 11
TWLB All-Star Season 10
Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history
Firstly, there is more to your lag than ?lag. There is tinfo too, which shows your "jumpiness". I'm not a mod, but I believe you can be asked to spec/reconnect and even warned if the jumps are of a certain value or above.
Secondly, your log shows you were cheating in elim, maybe not lagcheating, but trucing is illegal.
Thirdly, why do you ALWAYS censor swear words with ###### ?
Fourthly, that log doesn't really prove much at all...USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
It Also has nothing to do with this topic.
And Really you are allowed to swear if u didnt want to see swear words try using ?obscene that may work ?
And the reason why Parasect warned u was becos of your tinfo, your difference was like 400+ so yeh u was eating badly, thats why u was warned.
that was an amusing log to read.
went to visit the two maps on twdevzone.
i liked baseelim, it's a good map except for some weird parts.
belim was going for the more rounded look, i couldn't check it out because i dont have 36 hour in that zone.Last edited by Edify; 07-16-2005, 12:33 PM.thread killer
Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game