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  • #16
    Originally posted by Disliked
    I was once on Predator Rulez's chat (with Enflame) and the racism on there was intolerable, primarily BrItiSh, I tried reporting but no1 cared.

    I wouldn't have normally reported it but a week earlier I had heard that racism on chat had become an offense, as long as there was a member of staff present or something. But if a member of staff is on the chat they're liek to be freinds with the offender and so won't ban them.
    You're not black are you? So how is it offensive...

    How can calling a white person a "***" or w/e be offensive.

    EDIT: LOL, YOU CANT SAY Yeah, well done, you found out how to bypass the censor. Consider this a warning. -NaiLed

    Nailed tried to ban me for saying offensive things about him? Wtf is that?Power mad i would say -Rascal

    Rascal is a lovely young fellow, i wouldn't dream of banning him, as for me...if only i could be more like him...oh, ive done to posty things! woopsie!. -NaiLed

    This is a prime example of where TW staff abuse there powers...Nailed banning me or w/e because i called him a nerd? Pretty...mmm, don't really know the word, abusive?

    Look. I've told you not to bypass the censor. You edit my warning. I edit it back. You edit it again. I ban you. I'm not sure what's abusive about that. Use if you must. See you in a week. -NaiLed
    Last edited by NaiLed; 07-28-2005, 05:12 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Uridium
      dont make racism an issue, simple as that. Dont think anything racist and you wond say it or type it.

      Dont make it an issue if someone says/types something racist, just ignore it. Most of the people who play TW are little kids, they'll get bored of it, just like any other trend.
      firstly, racism has been around in TW for years and years..if not forever. secondly, read TK's post

      (Moved to TW Staff)
      Last edited by NaiLed; 07-28-2005, 08:45 AM.


      • #18
        Being racist is a sign of ignorance. Using swear words is a sign of ignorance. If you can not come up with a more appropriate work or phase to communicate, than you ought to try working harder at an education.

        However, all of us are humans, and we often make emotional mistakes. As such, I forgive people who might slip up and say a 'bad' word, or pass a racist joke. But I wouldn't belong to any chat where people continually acted in a racist way or pepper every sentence with profanity. I make mistakes, I am just not sorry after I make them, I try harder to not to repeat them.

        I really don't understand why people are not willing to spend some time and effort on a bit of introspective work. What is so hard about trying to make yourself a bit better? Is it just easier to blame everyone else and/or build yourself up at the expense of others? The 'Meism' that is shown in this community is wide-spread and ugly and it crosses all national boundaries and religious backgrounds.

        What is 'freedom of speech'? It feels to me that most people on these forums would define it as, "I can say whatever I want'. My opinion is that a big part of 'freedom of speech' is an effort that everyone should be making inward, towards themselves. This part is where we all consider 'freedom of speech' as the responsibility to LISTEN to other people, give them that same respect we all want and deserve. 'Freedom of speech' goes both ways, we all have the responsibility to not simply blow off what other people have to say, and to try not to prejudge and just ignore others.

        Most of you guys are a lot younger than myself. But take my word on this....
        Try to live a good, honorable life when you are younger. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
        Last edited by Ephemeral; 07-28-2005, 09:52 AM.


        • #19
          In my opinion swear words are appropriate sometimes and they do not always show a sign of ignorance.
          it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


          • #20
            I can agree with that to a certain extent, they can carry 'shock' value at times. But I would say that is only in situations where you and the listener know each other fairly well.


            • #21
              Originally posted by RascaL
              You're not black are you? So how is it offensive...

              How can calling a white person a "***" or w/e be offensive.

              EDIT: LOL, YOU CANT SAY Yeah, well done, you found out how to bypass the censor. Consider this a warning, I am also a stupid nerdshit that has nothing better to do than moderate these forums, i hope one day - to find my first friend, any takers? -NaiLed

              LOL, who does this nailed faggot think he is? EDITING MY POST?

              LOL nice one

              Ontopic: I always got banned for racism , this is my longest now 1month( +1month for evading they say,which isn't true but that's not the story)
              I only say the word *** when somebody really pisses me of and annoys me , I can't help myself and they shouldn't ban people that's just ridicalous! Now i can't enter tw I mostly play metal gear or alpha zone and in metal gear they just silence you so you can't say anything for a certain time!! They should put this system in trench wars, so if you say *** you get silenced for 1hour and if you say it again 2hours , again 3hours etc....!


              • #22
                But from what you just said, the problem is in yourself, not with the system. I don't know how you can inadvertently do that again and again without realizing you should try to stop it. If the word you keep using is what I think it is, the three letters are far enough apart that you can't just blame it on reflex. I don't see how you can blame TW's racism policy for it either as it's your responsibility to break the habit.


                • #23
                  I know the problem lays with myself but it's a word what is zo easy to say/use. And yeah I think the system tw uses is a bit hard!! You don't know how it is beeing banned for 3months (2months banned+now 1month im off on vacation) it sucks man!!!


                  • #24
                    fked up

                    Rules Quote :
                    Discrimination,Racism,Childporn or anything related to it in game.
                    This includes but isnt restricted to Names,Squadnames, and Banners.

                    Im simply going to highlight one word - Discrimination.
                    Racism is included in the same catergory as discrimination, then why does trench allow discrimination to happen? They clearly class it the same catergory as racism.

                    The perfect example of this : tyestick awhile ago gets pissy with me in pub, an basically shouts at me calling me obese. I shout back at him in an angry mood an basically call him a J**. I get a warning yet he doesnt, although racism and discrimination are classed in the exact same rule which appear at the top of every pub map. I dont condone my actions at the time, but the fact he gets away with saying that to me its wrong, its discrimination (even tho im not obese).

                    This is how truly fked up the tw rules are.


                    • #25
                      But it's NOT easy to say/use. Most people don't even use it or one of it's alternate forms. If it helps you, try to start using something else to vent. Make up a new thing to say when you get pissed off and start using it often. You mentioned a 3 month ban as being hard, but as you said yourself: you've done this several times before. If you haven't been able to manage it yet, then it's not the system's fault the penalty is so long.


                      • #26
                        well i know for sure i never will say anything racist or do something else because i don't want to get banned again


                        • #27
                          If you can't stop yourself from saying the n-word or Jew (in a derogatory manner) then you're stupid enough to deserve a 3 month ban and probably won't live 3 months to see your ban lifted (nobody likes people who run around calling them n*gs, especially black people).


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by genocidal
                            If you can't stop yourself from saying the n-word or Jew (in a derogatory manner) then you're stupid enough to deserve a 3 month ban and probably won't live 3 months to see your ban lifted (nobody likes people who run around calling them n*gs, especially black people).
                            Lol gen!
                            Despite agreeing or not with what you said :grin: i belive that shouldn't be the reason for banning someone for racism. People who endorse racism and who oposse to the strict regulation about racism should think about the "other" side of tw... despite being a online internet game where you play a 2d spaceship game you also like to have a "normal" conversations with some of your acquaintances that you might have made in game, dissuading racism also helps to create a more peacefull environment free of racial descrimination wich is a major issue in today's social relations and one of the most used forms of discriminations that everyone of us should fight to eliminate.
                            A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving.

                            Cyrano de Bergerac


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Arikel
                              Lol gen!
                              Don't laugh at me, I'm not here for your entertainment.
                              Originally posted by Arikel
                              Despite agreeing or not with what you said :grin: i belive that shouldn't be the reason for banning someone for racism.
                              Why not? Unless the context proves otherwise (i.e. I say, "Yes, I am of the Jewish faith") racism should not be tolerated on any level. Yes that includes your twisted friendly level of racism.
                              Originally posted by Arikel
                              People who endorse racism and who oposse to the strict regulation about racism should think about the "other" side of tw...
                              Now I'll fix this sentence:
                              "People who endorse racism and who oposse to the strict regulation about racism should take their fists and shove them up their sphinctors because the other side of TW doesn't matter one goddamn bit to racists seeing as they have no place in TW (yes that includes both sides of TW).
                              Originally posted by Arikel
                              despite being a online internet game where you play a 2d spaceship game you also like to have a "normal" conversations with some of your acquaintances that you might have made in game, dissuading racism also helps to create a more peacefull environment free of racial descrimination wich is a major issue in today's social relations and one of the most used forms of discriminations that everyone of us should fight to eliminate.
                              I thought PhD's in sociology could spell. And I don't know anyone who considers the words n*gg*r, k*k*, g**k, or any other such word part of "normal conversation." If my buddy starts cracking jokes about black peoples' lips or something then the conversation has been derailed from "normal" to "fucked up." Follow?

                              I understand your argument but on this 2d internet game, children should realize that all discrimination and racism is "unfriendly" and not a good idea.


                              • #30
                                I just read this.

                                Opinions and solutions.

                                1. Racism is illegal in TW, and it's just stupid in real life. No point to it. You say something racist in TW and you will get warned and then banned if you continue. In real life, calling someone a "N word" will get the living crap beaten out of you in South Central LA.

                                2. Saying EZ in public is not illegal. It's actually rather funny if you think about it. Spamming is illegal, and you will either get warned or !shutup.

                                My solution to the above is to !ignore SPAMMERELITE. You can also add their name to ignore.txt in your Continuum directory.

                                If you can't handle people saying EZ, then you need to get a life, because there are more important things to worry about than to get mad at people typing EZ in a 2d spaceship game.

                                My suggestion to eliminate any annoyance or trouble in this game is to either, 1) !nopubchat, or 2) Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs>Uninstall Continuum

                                Take care bro.
                                Last edited by gerry; 07-28-2005, 09:13 PM.

