Originally posted by Disliked
How can calling a white person a "***" or w/e be offensive.
EDIT: LOL, YOU CANT SAY Yeah, well done, you found out how to bypass the censor. Consider this a warning. -NaiLed
Nailed tried to ban me for saying offensive things about him? Wtf is that?Power mad i would say -Rascal
Rascal is a lovely young fellow, i wouldn't dream of banning him, as for me...if only i could be more like him...oh, ive done to posty things! woopsie!. -NaiLed
This is a prime example of where TW staff abuse there powers...Nailed banning me or w/e because i called him a nerd? Pretty...mmm, don't really know the word, abusive?
Look. I've told you not to bypass the censor. You edit my warning. I edit it back. You edit it again. I ban you. I'm not sure what's abusive about that. Use complaints@trenchwars.org if you must. See you in a week. -NaiLed