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Base Games

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  • Base Games

    Hello everyone,

    I decided to write this when I saw how poor these base games are .
    As I noticed today, there were at most 4 games in a row and then everyone quit for some reason. When I first began playing in ?go base there were a lot of basers and people usually sat in the arena for hours to get in since there were more than 40 people. There were usually about 25 or 30 people in the base chat but now it's like about only 20 people at most from 9am EST to 5pm EST, and then more people start to come and base gets active.
    Second point, I should admit that staff picks um....well newb captains. I'm not talking about "newb captains" as the people that are really really new to base. I'm talking about people that've played base for sometime and must know the base lineup (1 terr, 2 sharks, and 5 spiders OR 1 jav/wb/lanc and 4 spiders <--usually). So, as I faced it today and many time in the past mounth, that people keep setting 1 terr 2 sharks 1 wb 1 jav and 3 spiders, or 1 terr 2 sharks 2 javs and 3 spiders. Unbelievable?! Well, believe it. It not like I don't like that lineup (truly I don't), or yes of course you can put 2 javs when your team is winning by really much and you don't cram but fight in mid, but who would win in this case:

    1 terr 2 sharks 2 javs 3 spids VS 1 terr 2 sharks 5 spids(5 pretty good spids)
    Example shown above is the lineup that was set at the very start or beginning of the game.

    Furthermore, staff wouldn't kill the game when the freq with 2 javs is losing completely and people are starting to spectate. Why? Because the staff is in the winning team XD.
    I think, that's what makes the base games alike the pub games and people leave.
    Therefore, why wouldn't the captains pick good teams so everyone have fun playing, and more people will come to base to make it even more active.


    Rem & Co.
    Last edited by Remezetti; 08-18-2005, 05:23 PM.

    Trouper> i like child porn
    Trouper> ooops

  • #2
    Well, that's just how it works in ?go base. Some people would like to try different things because at the end of the game, there is no real prize for winning.


    • #3
      Is there a prize for winning in TWBD?? other then bragging rights no <_<
      i think TWD should start with some money prizes jsut like that crappy game Ryl

      eh eh???

      naw, were to low budget :P
      Touch me, touch me now!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dameon Angell
        Well, that's just how it works in ?go base. Some people would like to try different things because at the end of the game, there is no real prize for winning.
        Hi Dameon,
        I was talking not to make base a pub and I agree with you that you should try different things at the end but don't put 2 javs vs all spiders at the beginning! This is just crazy. :death: inch: :annoyed:

        Trouper> i like child porn
        Trouper> ooops


        • #5
          As far as picking captains goes, it's always been a little in the grey area. Not much can really be done about it. Sometimes you'll get experienced players who never call for caps, leaving only inexperienced players that call for caps. Sometimes it's a mix...can't really do anything about that. I don't think anyway.

          As far as basing lineups, it all depends on the situation and what you can do and can try. If the other team with 5 spiders has really shitty sharks, then maybe having 2 javs (or even one) on your team would probably be a good idea. I've even seen squads play one shark, 2 javs, and 4 spiders before. Hell, if a squad wanted to really try something new.... One Terr, one shark, one jav, one wb, one lanc, and 3 spiders; OR one terr, two sharks, one jav, one wb, one lanc, and 2 spiders. You know, now that I think about it, I don't really know how many javs/lancs/wbs can be put in at a time per team. The only limits I do know is the one terr and two sharks at most. Either way, any lineup is possible.


          • #6
            Originally posted by all.your.base
            Is there a prize for winning in TWBD?? other then bragging rights no
            yes, points. WWONDERFUL POINTS
            Originally posted by turmio
            jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
            Originally posted by grand
            I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


            • #7
              ?go base is all we have now I'm afraid, I noticed games in #mythrandir sometimes but it seems they are no longer being played there. Plain and simple, if you want quality basing, join an active basing squad.
              7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

              Duel Pasta> great
              Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


              TWLB Champion Season 12
              TWLJ Champion Season 11
              TWLB All-Star Season 10
              Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


              • #8
                Would be nice to have Trench Wars being a competitve zone..
                Only the loyal count.


                • #9
                  Like this guy pointed out. Its all about who is selected as captains. As asmodeus said sometimes staff cant help but make a "newbie" or a "dikhead" a captain bc thats all tht asks. I think its more a problem if u got a dikhead captain who plays a stupid lineup, or himself in terr or switches everyone to jav when losing then it is to hav ea newbie captain pick a team. There are many problems w/ .?go base, always have been, i for one dont play it to often atm bc i think pub is more fun, but with less ppl located in .?go base it also gives more ppl an opertunity to play instead of the same 16 every single game.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                    Like this guy pointed out. Its all about who is selected as captains. As asmodeus said sometimes staff cant help but make a "newbie" or a "dikhead" a captain bc thats all tht asks. I think its more a problem if u got a dikhead captain who plays a stupid lineup, or himself in terr or switches everyone to jav when losing then it is to hav ea newbie captain pick a team.
                    Tha's what I'm saying! :greedy: B) -_-

                    Trouper> i like child porn
                    Trouper> ooops


                    • #11
                      Dont play base then, it's fine in the evenings when the basers come online. Btw, there has been atleast 10 more threads similar to this.

                      SeRtIfi> What's the point of going out with friends everyday just to hang out when I meet them in school and sometimes on weekends anyways, if I can play in SubSpace with them?


                      • #12
                        I agree with Spike.

                        .?go base is only fun when there is like 50 ppl where to pick from.


                        • #13
                          ?Go base is for fun...

                          but he say there is no fun anymore, thats the point :P


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Remezetti
                            Hello everyone,

                            I decided to write this when I saw how poor these base games are .
                            As I noticed today, there were at most 4 games in a row and then everyone quit for some reason. When I first began playing in ?go base there were a lot of basers and people usually sat in the arena for hours to get in since there were more than 40 people. There were usually about 25 or 30 people in the base chat but now it's like about only 20 people at most from 9am EST to 5pm EST, and then more people start to come and base gets active.
                            Second point, I should admit that staff picks um....well newb captains. I'm not talking about "newb captains" as the people that are really really new to base. I'm talking about people that've played base for sometime and must know the base lineup (1 terr, 2 sharks, and 5 spiders OR 1 jav/wb/lanc and 4 spiders <--usually). So, as I faced it today and many time in the past mounth, that people keep setting 1 terr 2 sharks 1 wb 1 jav and 3 spiders, or 1 terr 2 sharks 2 javs and 3 spiders. Unbelievable?! Well, believe it. It not like I don't like that lineup (truly I don't), or yes of course you can put 2 javs when your team is winning by really much and you don't cram but fight in mid, but who would win in this case:

                            1 terr 2 sharks 2 javs 3 spids VS 1 terr 2 sharks 5 spids(5 pretty good spids)
                            Example shown above is the lineup that was set at the very start or beginning of the game.

                            Furthermore, staff wouldn't kill the game when the freq with 2 javs is losing completely and people are starting to spectate. Why? Because the staff is in the winning team XD.
                            I think, that's what makes the base games alike the pub games and people leave.
                            Therefore, why wouldn't the captains pick good teams so everyone have fun playing, and more people will come to base to make it even more active.


                            Rem & Co.
                            your haven't got a fucking clue, stick ur shit back up ur ass.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Spikester
                              Dont play base then, it's fine in the evenings when the basers come online. Btw, there has been atleast 10 more threads similar to this.

                              I am so sick of people saying that.

                              Sure, there ARE 10 more threads similar, but most are over 3 months old. You can get banned for reviving dead threads.

                              Also about the base thing, i have noticed it too. People getting cap because they are known basers, and then adding himself and a friend in jav, and not giving 2 shits that the team lost by 10 minutes.

                              I have been on both ends of those teams, and it sucks either way. Base is most definately not what it used to be.
                              k8> (both my dad's are gay :( )

