A TW player playing in HZ is equivalent to sitting in spec. HZ players are pricks especially because they only pick people that they know. Well that's expected, but i mean if a new player jumped in, atleast give the person a chance before removing him. But noooo, we're HZ and we like to feel superior and .remove.
Automated hockey in TW would be good, but then again, Ewan would lose his job. Maybe there could be 2 arenas, autohockey and regular hockey. When people get tired of bot calling defensive creases on dinks, they'll want a good old fashioned hosted game.
And yeah, if you're not known in HZ you'll not a game unless pub is actually active(rare) and someone leaves.
2:puker> gilder is any band bigger than metallica in your country
2:gilder> if artist count, madonna, cause he was in finland once
2:puker> he
2:puker> maledonna
2:Sika> whats metallica
So fucking get known then. You're all a bunch of babies. Hockey Zone does not have an automated basing arena, why should there be an automated hockey arena in TW? I'm all for an automated strikeball arena because it was a genuine TW idea (or rather a conglomeration of powerball and hockey, but all the same), but Hockey Zone has been around since virtually the beginning of subspace and TW has no right to steal the idea.
Don't get me wrong, though- I'm all for hosting it in TW. It advertises HZ and gets players interested enough to go visit the zone (that's how I started). However, automated hockey is a different issue entirely. As much as you'd like TW to be some super-zone where all the games are readily-available, it will never be that way. The public arenas are fully automated in HZ so essentially all you'd have to do is get people to come with you through word of mouth (the same way you'd get them to come to ?go hockey in TW) to the publics and play there. It's not that difficult.
P.S. To people commenting on TW Hockey League; it's already been done. And there have been countless TW Hockey Teams and they rarely work out. If you want to play hockey, your best bet is to play Hockey Zone (SUPRISE).
Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
i just wish it was longer
Originally posted by Cops
it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.
The hockey arena works pretty well on its own as automated game. Yes some assholes can start bcr'ing, but usually thing have worked out pretty well.
Anyways, the worse problem. There would not be enough people. If ?go base is having troubles with getting 8v8, how on earth could an automated event of 6v6 get enough people seeing how it sometimes has troubles with getting enough people WHEN IT'S HOSTED.
It's nice that ewan hosts hockey...but still, he doesnt do it enough.
Automated hockey AND strikeball to TW.
Ikrit has an automated strikeball in TW. Its on MatchBotR
People who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful journeys. People jump out at them from behind rocks then say things like, "Oh. Sorry. I thought you were someone else."
A TW player playing in HZ is equivalent to sitting in spec. HZ players are pricks especially because they only pick people that they know. Well that's expected, but i mean if a new player jumped in, atleast give the person a chance before removing him. But noooo, we're HZ and we like to feel superior and .remove.
Automated hockey in TW would be good, but then again, Ewan would lose his job. Maybe there could be 2 arenas, autohockey and regular hockey. When people get tired of bot calling defensive creases on dinks, they'll want a good old fashioned hosted game.
I am not a HZ player, yet I just got to play 2 and a half scrims in a row and then I got to play mini pretty much constantly for about 2 hours.
USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
The hockey arena works pretty well on its own as automated game. Yes some assholes can start bcr'ing, but usually thing have worked out pretty well.
Anyways, the worse problem. There would not be enough people. If ?go base is having troubles with getting 8v8, how on earth could an automated event of 6v6 get enough people seeing how it sometimes has troubles with getting enough people WHEN IT'S HOSTED.
Easy enough to answer...basing is boring, hockey is fun - and when hockey is hosted there's always more than enough for 6v6.
I don't think that automated hockey is a good idea. I perfer to play hockey in TW as opposed to HZ, because the current scrim system in HZ is flawed (and hopefully gone forever if HZ makes the switch). GL Kuuk with the team, make sure you get in touch with the League Coordinator, cause they are signing up for next season.