Don't give advises on how to evade bans here.
Can't believe you were that dumb Leaf lol, you could've made your own
server and try it out there with your friends or what ever.
Today it's much harder to evade bans and if you do succeed it's almost
certain that you'll be dumb enough to tell a person who you really are
and we do find out aliases even if you're not using your own computer.
Maybe not through mod powers but through connections. There's lot of
socially active people in TW Staff and you could say that we're linked to
every player in tw through max 3 players. That's why people get nice bigass
bans for evading. :/
But on the other hand, it's funny when a staffer tries out cheats in SSCU
TRENCH WARS without a permission and doesn't get a netban. Only a month
long normal ban and gets hired back to staff. So Rudy's comments don't seem
just. But on the other hand giving you a banfree in TW would mean that we
support cheating outside of TW. That's not the case, sorry.
Life's full of drama even in 2d internet games!
Can't believe you were that dumb Leaf lol, you could've made your own
server and try it out there with your friends or what ever.
Today it's much harder to evade bans and if you do succeed it's almost
certain that you'll be dumb enough to tell a person who you really are
and we do find out aliases even if you're not using your own computer.
Maybe not through mod powers but through connections. There's lot of
socially active people in TW Staff and you could say that we're linked to
every player in tw through max 3 players. That's why people get nice bigass
bans for evading. :/
But on the other hand, it's funny when a staffer tries out cheats in SSCU
TRENCH WARS without a permission and doesn't get a netban. Only a month
long normal ban and gets hired back to staff. So Rudy's comments don't seem
just. But on the other hand giving you a banfree in TW would mean that we
support cheating outside of TW. That's not the case, sorry.
Life's full of drama even in 2d internet games!