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The Evolution of A Staffer

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  • #46
    I fit in under all of that Ewan, now bow before my hosting prowess before I abuse you and get another chance, abuse you and get another chance, abuse you and get another chance.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #47
      Originally posted by Ephemeral
      Which part of this, "Just poking fun of SOME of the ex-staffers. I truly appreciate the time and effort everyone makes towards the game and community." didnt you understand?
      Sure I understood, have you seen the direction in which this thread has gone though?


      • #48
        I started the thread as something humorous, much like a political cartoon, something so over the top that it could not be confused as a flame.

        Isn’t it true that most threads in the Staff forum take the direction that you mention?


        • #49
          Originally posted by genocidal
          Pretty funny how all the no-names of the forum form a circle-jerk around Eph's groundbreaking thread which is actually just more whining about staff. Tired subject, give it a rest.
          What's wrongh with constructive criticism :turned:

          I think it was made in a pretty funny and consistent way. Criticism is nice when it points out mistakes and has no intention but to point out wrongh things and show them in a funny and non offensive way. Not all bash the staff and whine about staff are actually wrongh... we just should do it in a funny and more subtle manner... even though i dont think that was Ephemeral's intention has he already pointed out.
          A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving.

          Cyrano de Bergerac


          • #50
            Originally posted by Arikel
            Criticism is nice when it points out mistakes and has no intention but to point out wrongh things and show them in a funny and non offensive way. Not all bash the staff and whine about staff are actually wrongh... we just should do it in a funny and more subtle manner... even though i dont think that was Ephemeral's intention has he already pointed out.
            This thread was intended to have neither and was actually directed at an ex-staffer(s) as a comical peice. Whining and Bashing is Whining and Bashing, it's not constructive or welcomed here so don't start sugar coating it with some fucking Lols!!1 and gay/female forum personas. Eph is not liable for the "circle jerking" and hate bullshit from the ungrateful fucks either. Take this for what it is and come back when some newbie or retarded kid posts about getting banned because he says he's black or wants to shoot the yellow ships.. oh and hope Kim or Rudy doesn't close and ban before you get the chance to be an asshole for another day.
            Last edited by Kolar; 10-03-2005, 04:39 PM.


            • #51
              Or maybe Zeus will come and ban me again for no real reason.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Kolar
                This thread was intended to have neither and was actually directed at an ex-staffer(s) as a comical peice. Whining and Bashing is Whining and Bashing, it's not constructive or welcomed here so don't start sugar coating it with some fucking Lols!!1 and gay/female forum personas. Eph is not liable for the "circle jerking" and hate bullshit from the ungrateful fucks either. Take this for what it is and come back when some newbie or retarded kid posts about getting banned because he says he's black or wants to shoot the yellow ships.. oh and hope Kim or Rudy doesn't close and ban before you get the chance to be an asshole for another day.

                Ok now im confused...

                Whatever you might be trying to say i didnt understood, im sorry.
                Now ill just stay quiet and not post here or someone might throw me a rock for my innocent comment on it...

                PS : Despite the fact that i didnt understood your post completely i think you are overreacting... chill down... i know it's not easy to do that everytime but you seem to have taken it close and personal "whatever it might be..." so ill just stay quiet and try not to post here anymore since i don't think i have completely understood the situation... if there is a situation at all <_<

                PPS: Oh and don't use to many angry words in your posts or i might get intimidated... really :flowers:

                PPPS: Oh and by the way i think you might be mistaking me for someone else or placing me in a group of persons to wich i don't belong... watch your mouth and don't acuse me of something i dont usually do!
                Last edited by Arikel; 10-03-2005, 05:52 PM.
                A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving.

                Cyrano de Bergerac


                • #53
                  While I don't have much to say about the content of the thread itself, I really thought that Eph had better things to do than type stuff like this up
                  Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                  My anime blog:


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Epinephrine
                    While I don't have much to say about the content of the thread itself, I really thought that Eph had better things to do than type stuff like this up
                    I was fighting the perception that I am always 'too serious'.

                    Additionally, isn't 'better things to do' very close to 'its just a game'? It is not like I am some young person who should be working hard so they can build themselves a life. I have already done that, for the first time in my life I now can afford some free time and have the ability to spend it in what ever way I see fit. So there, nan-nan-nan-nan :P


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Ephemeral
                      I was fighting the perception that I am always 'too serious'.

                      When I joined Cripples you went on for about an hour with me and drow about Anal Sex and how we should try to convince our women to have anal sex with us.

                      I just like the above quote, and what you talked about
                      The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                      Originally posted by Richard Creager
                      All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                      • #56
                        I thought it was his life story............
                        We live in hope, We live in fear,
                        We live to die, We die to live


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Broly
                          some people actually have intentions of helping the game and other people
                          you shouldn't make such judgements when you yourself are noone in game/forums to make such a conclusion, thanks

                          Last edited by StarKitty; 12-13-2005, 10:17 AM.
                          A White Mage

                          Buy edu backlinks


                          • #58
                            Actually I was replying to a question in chat bout ‘how to do it’.
                            The only ‘convincing’ I had to do was to convince you guys to only do it with members of the opposite sex. :P


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Ephemeral
                              2005 – As a backup plan, he establishes a new female nick
                              Lol eph haha nice one.. I just found out a new side of you.. you DO have some humor :P
                              Mirror <ZH> omg it shark
                              Mirror <ZH> this sucks
                              Server> dont worry mirror
                              Server> shark fits your tits
                              Peace <ZH>> shut up
                              Peace <ZH>> i do not apperciate you talking to my girlfriend in that manner

                              i.d.> Teach me how to not choke
                              Witness> well first you put it in your mouth ... but not to long

                              1:Hercules> ghoul
                              1:Hercules> im level 90
                              1:Hercules> in 9d
                              1:Hercules> bought a char off ebay
                              1:Hercules> cost me $50 but was worth it


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Ephemeral
                                The Evolution of A Staffer

                                1990 – Bastard child born to a white welfare mother and mysterious black man
                                2000 – He receives his first PC through a Social Services ‘Computing For All’ program
                                2001 – He masters Half Life game
                                2001 – He gets AOL and soon discovers the excitement of chat rooms and online games
                                2002 – His first pubic hair arrives
                                2002 – He discovers porn and cybering
                                2003 – He stumbles into SS after hearing about it from one of his cyber friends
                                2004 – He quits playing DSB after acting like a total newb
                                2004 – He changes his nick and starts playing TW
                                2004 – He gets pissed over the Elim hour restriction and becomes determined to own everyone
                                2004 – He tires of it being so easy to own everyone in Elim
                                2004 – He joins TW forum to make sure everyone knows how great he is
                                2004 – He wants to be staff so he starts playing ?go base
                                2005 – As a backup plan, he establishes a new female nick
                                2005 – He finally gets ZH and answers 135,489 help calls the first week
                                2005 – He develops a ‘holier-than-thou’ attitude due to the amount of contributions he has made to TW
                                2005 – He kisses ass and finally gets ER
                                2005 – He abuses his powers but gets another chance
                                2005 – He abuses his powers but gets another chance
                                2005 – He abuses his powers but gets another chance
                                2005 – He gets axed
                                2005 – He comes into this forum and flames senior staff
                                2005 – He is now recognized as a TW vet

                                PS. Just poking fun of SOME of the ex-staffers. I truly appreciate the time and effort everyone makes towards the game and community.

                                I know this thread died long ago but its good
                                Singularit> Ive seen old men do alot of scary shit
                                Beasts> ur grandpa always runs around on ice singu?
                                Unorthadox> LMAO
                                Unorthadox> LMFAO
                                Singularit> mine does
                                Singularit> but hes ubergrandpa
                                Unorthadox> ROFL

