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A reply to Apoc. WOW's Thread

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  • A reply to Apoc. WOW's Thread

    Why did I make a separate thread?

    Perhaps It's something important and needs serious attention.

    You made some real good points Apoc. Wow. Infact, the URL of the post location should be advertised by a ZH in TW. Perhaps people will go and read, and that may automatically help us out. I have been playing for 6 years, and every year, I see more and more people turn up with crappier and crappier attitudes. More people use racial words, more people talk stupid stuff that makes absolutely no sense. It's really sad what happenings to this great zone. Everytime I do ?help on someone acting stupid in pub, or jsut buggin' people, I get something like "sorry I cant do anything about it" bla bla bla. You obviously need to do something about it, because it's getting worse every year.

    And the point that you made about people being too "elite" to even talk, that made me really want to type out this reply: (more about this at the bottem)

    I agree, it's a game, you should get along with everyone you see almost everyday. That's not too much to ask of the community. Sometimes I try to get people to talk in ?go duel.

    Last Rites> Good luck and have fun m8.
    Last Rites> Wow you have nice accuracy
    Last Rites> Very good dodges
    <the other player,not going to type name> Ffs jsut play noob, you talk too much.

    Besides the sad fact he lost that duel terribly, it could have been so much easier if the other player could simply have said something like "Thanks, but lets jsut play". Seriously would not have hurt anyone, infact the possibility of getting alogn with someone else could have increased, but sadly some are literally in this belief, that if you are very good, you should not comm. with "noobs".

    "Noobs" :

    Whats the point of calling out "noob" when someone kills you, or you kill them? I see people use the word "noob" against others who have been playing much longer than themselves, perhaps they simply do not know the meaning of the word? In that case, you might as well call yourself a "noob".

    Grow some common sense.

    TWDD/JD/BD/W/e it is

    After squads have finished dueling, about 90% of them start to talk crap. This leads to absolutely nothing, why even start it? it's 100% pointless 99.9999% of the times.

    Being in Gantz, Me and some of the squaddies try our best to keep at good relations with every squad, others should try their very best to do this also.

    We always cancel for others
    Always keep it professional, or try to.
    Axe the ones that start the crap, or get them to stop. (oh plz just stop)
    Tolerate no stupidity.

    After reading apocs plea for help with Basing, I will personally make sure that now, even Gantz starts to BD more often, hopefully giving other squads a chance to have fun, because thats what a game is for. *Believe it, or not*

    I thank Apoc. WOW for his good thread, I hope he continues to post such things, I will start also, it is quite helpful.

    Staff: Great staff = great zone. I am sure alot of the staff here are nice people. My personal favorite is Dr. Coiff. H keeps things real cool, and plays around, and goes out of the way to be nice to others.

    More on that elite thing: This made me laugh in real life as I typed it, (lol). I noticed that even some of the STAFF members are far too good to talk to others, thats probably the worst thing a zone can have.

    Thanks for the attention,

    Last Rites
    Last edited by Last Rites; 10-15-2005, 06:18 PM.

  • #2
    Some people find it hard to type TY after a NS... or type in a compliment in that 8 seconds before you respawn... for fear of being lamed or spawned. On several occasions this happens to me... Look at my pub rec on The Catholic, and then my rec on Sage of Vengeance and you'll see what name I refuse to talk on. It is not that I view myself as elite, which anyone will tell you I am a 'noob.'

    However in the duel arena, when it is one on one, there is no excuse for rudeness from anyone, not even from those 1337 people.

    Signature under construction...


    • #3
      It's part of the game. Don't take it too seriously and just live with it. Well, racism is something we should get rid of.

      (Tho I have to admit the whining is very annoying at times)
      Regency> not in for dd lol
      Regency> would rather eat some cock ;<


      • #4
        I can't believe you're not some kind of gimmick. WHO CARES ABOUT THIS SHIT? I mean, I could see getting a little peeved, but you're writing entire manifestos because the internet was mean to you.


        • #5
          Originally posted by FuzzyWuzzyBear
          I can't believe you're not some kind of gimmick. WHO CARES ABOUT THIS SHIT? I mean, I could see getting a little peeved, but you're writing entire manifestos because the internet was mean to you.
          Don't defend the mean internet.
          When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

          T0MA> play like a man

