I've read the applications for staff, and since I''m still a staff-lover, I'm working on a trainbot, who's made for new people who can train with bots WHO CAN MOVE. Though it's hard to complete my bot, since I don't have TWCore, and I've never done it before. Some people will think that this bot won't be a success, cause if newbs, wanna duel, they can duel other players.
That's true, but the only things is, that trainbots will always stay, and players have to leave some time. I'm working on the warbird version, cause the bot will always aim near the player, and I'm working that I can change the aim of the bot. The only problem I have, is that I can't make a TrainBot for javs, since I don't know how I can make a bot who will let bombs bounce. =p If anyone wants to help me with that thing, it would be cool.
I was thinking about some upgrades for the TWD-bots. I was thinking about a key like :TWDDBot:!check , that he can check if a squad has like 6 people online in TW, so you don't have to find in all arena's, if you could challenge a squad.
And since I've been away for a while, I don't know of things change. But a year ago, no one could be banned, if he stayed on a chat while he got kicked of the chat. Most people know the problem, and they know it's verry irritating, you've to create a new chat, and if you've a large chat, you've to message all players to join the new chat. Well, I think people who are staying on a chat, while they were asked to leave, and didn't, should be warned, and after that, even banned. It cost you a lot of work. Or they should add a new comment like : ?message #<squad>:<txt>, so the whole squad will get the message, when they come online. But I don't know if that's possible already, since I've been away for a while.
But ohwell, I'm off now. =p :P
That's true, but the only things is, that trainbots will always stay, and players have to leave some time. I'm working on the warbird version, cause the bot will always aim near the player, and I'm working that I can change the aim of the bot. The only problem I have, is that I can't make a TrainBot for javs, since I don't know how I can make a bot who will let bombs bounce. =p If anyone wants to help me with that thing, it would be cool.
I was thinking about some upgrades for the TWD-bots. I was thinking about a key like :TWDDBot:!check , that he can check if a squad has like 6 people online in TW, so you don't have to find in all arena's, if you could challenge a squad.
And since I've been away for a while, I don't know of things change. But a year ago, no one could be banned, if he stayed on a chat while he got kicked of the chat. Most people know the problem, and they know it's verry irritating, you've to create a new chat, and if you've a large chat, you've to message all players to join the new chat. Well, I think people who are staying on a chat, while they were asked to leave, and didn't, should be warned, and after that, even banned. It cost you a lot of work. Or they should add a new comment like : ?message #<squad>:<txt>, so the whole squad will get the message, when they come online. But I don't know if that's possible already, since I've been away for a while.
But ohwell, I'm off now. =p :P