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elim usage

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  • #16
    While playin baseelim he private messages me.
    I laughed my ass off, as i usually do when people like him come whining in pm to me.

    Adult> stop being susch an incredible LAME vulcher
    Adult> for gadsaken newbie
    Variable> then stop rushing towards me, you fool.
    Adult> then STOP shooting me from 10 miles while im fighting some1 else
    Adult> how lame IS that what u do
    Adult> VERY LAME
    Variable> its a fucking game, you just take it seriously
    Variable> im not in the mood for your childish comments now
    Variable> so leave it
    Adult> lol...took u long time to tpoe
    Adult> listen..u just vulch on the lamest way possible..
    Adult> for real.... go fight me 1 on 1 next time instead of just shoot from 10 miles away
    Adult> and luck stray me
    Variable> vulching isnt lame, if you think like that then killing is lame
    Adult> the way u do it is lame and mostly annoying...and i think most ppl agree with me on that one
    Variable> so in otherwords i shouldnt kill you cause you wouldnt like it
    Adult> no... killing me is oke
    Adult> But just not on that always lame awy of yours
    Variable> vulching is killing
    Adult> if u kill me 1 on 1
    Adult> im fine
    Variable> you die when i vulch you
    Adult> but not when im fighting..and u shoot a stray bomb that i dont know maybe even exidentaly hits me
    Variable> lol!
    Adult> sometimes u shoot from the otherside of the map
    Variable> then its a stray, luck. its a part of the game. accept it
    Adult> Where u dont even see me
    Adult> happens to often from u to me
    Variable> sue me

    imo, elim should be open for everyone. Besides if these 'newbs' you keep talking about get the 100h usage that still dosnt make them experienced enough, i assume.
    Underpants gives us great advices:

    Underground> Dont die
    Underground> And you win!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Downdraft
      if u want to get better is it better to fight a whining and laming and vulching newb or a skilled person? althought many "vets" have terrible attitude they are still skilled and that is what matters most to me. to improve ur skills u must fight these persons therefore the limit must be a lot bigger so that newbs dont get so ez access to elim
      You can always just duel good players or something..
      What is even the elblow?


      • #18
        you can't have a rating above like 2 without vulching, some people don't realize that
        'vet' is the new 'newb'.
        sit ez vet, sit.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Variable
          While playin baseelim he private messages me.
          I laughed my ass off, as i usually do when people like him come whining in pm to me.

          Adult> stop being susch an incredible LAME vulcher
          Adult> for gadsaken newbie
          Variable> then stop rushing towards me, you fool.
          Adult> then STOP shooting me from 10 miles while im fighting some1 else
          Adult> how lame IS that what u do
          Adult> VERY LAME
          Variable> its a fucking game, you just take it seriously
          Variable> im not in the mood for your childish comments now
          Variable> so leave it
          Adult> lol...took u long time to tpoe
          Adult> listen..u just vulch on the lamest way possible..
          Adult> for real.... go fight me 1 on 1 next time instead of just shoot from 10 miles away
          Adult> and luck stray me
          Variable> vulching isnt lame, if you think like that then killing is lame
          Adult> the way u do it is lame and mostly annoying...and i think most ppl agree with me on that one
          Variable> so in otherwords i shouldnt kill you cause you wouldnt like it
          Adult> no... killing me is oke
          Adult> But just not on that always lame awy of yours
          Variable> vulching is killing
          Adult> if u kill me 1 on 1
          Adult> im fine
          Variable> you die when i vulch you
          Adult> but not when im fighting..and u shoot a stray bomb that i dont know maybe even exidentaly hits me
          Variable> lol!
          Adult> sometimes u shoot from the otherside of the map
          Variable> then its a stray, luck. its a part of the game. accept it
          Adult> Where u dont even see me
          Adult> happens to often from u to me
          Variable> sue me

          imo, elim should be open for everyone. Besides if these 'newbs' you keep talking about get the 100h usage that still dosnt make them experienced enough, i assume.
          Hehe. Adult is one of the worst lamers himself. $
          Originally posted by Diakka
          Lets stop being lil bitches


          • #20
            Thats retarded

            Frenzy doesn't have 36 hours yet, raise it and I slay you all! I don't want to use my other names ;P


            • #21
              save the noobs
              i'm bored


              • #22
                heh. foreign once suggested a 1000 hour elim usage requirement.... personally i dont care what the fuck happens with elim since i have enough usage to play no matter what they would set it at (reasonably speaking of course)
                Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Roxy
                  Usage should be lowered to 10 hour

                  - To prevent people from making a billion names just for
                  a nice record, 10 hours should be sufficient to counter
                  - TW has always been the most newbie friendly zone
                  and elim should be no different.


                  • #24
                    36 hours is a joke. i have a friend who just got 36 hours. the worst thing about this is that the most significant improvement in most trenchwars players careers happens from hours 1 to 50. By hour 36 the player notices they have improved and they start to think they are really good, when in reality u dont get good until about 500 good solid hours. so it gets really annoying when this sort of thing happens

                    Enigma is fun! My mom likes enigma! ?go enigma to play! -Some <er>

                    Me> lets play enigma!
                    friend with 36 hours> ok how?
                    Me> didnt u read the ad?
                    Friend> yeah..
                    me> sigh... ?go enigma
                    friend> ok im here.

                    ~after the game~

                    me> I won, HAHA!
                    friend> it wasnt fair, I kept getting weird spheres and stuff...

                    this also makes the complaining ten times worse. I constantly see this in public chats while playing with my newb friend.

                    me> its just lag, all u have to say is "hit" or "lag"
                    friend> fuck this game and its laggers, im hitting everyone and they arent dying.
                    me> your getting hit too.. ive hit u and u didnt die.

                    yeah, gotta love those 36 hour newbs who dont understand lag. now in the pubs we also got 36 hour newbs saying

                    newb> OK im going to ELIMINATION now!! the tournament!!

                    (to get a 4 and 10 record...?)

                    elim's usage restriction should be 500. this ensures quality not many people would sit in usage arenas to get to 500 anyway.

                    or maybe instead of 500 hours there should be elim1 and elim2. There would be no usage restrictions on elim1 and when a player wins elim 1 10 times they are elgible for elim2.

                    i dunno tho, i never play elim. its boring and it ruins my spider skills and i have to practice for an hour to get them back.
                    Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                    apt>yes u can wtf
                    apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                    apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                    apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                    Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                    apt>ill show you pictures
                    apt>next time I masturbate


                    • #25
                      You act like your newb friends are annoying pets. Put them to sleep kid.
                      1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
                      1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
                      1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
                      1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes


                      • #26
                        i don't know about you, but when i get killed by someone and they end up being 2-10, i feel bad because i suck THAT much .... it deffinatly should be higher, not to descriminate or whatever the hell you wanna call it, but imagine "Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go elim to play" and then all these people rushing in... i don't care about alias' and what not, it's just the fact if there's 400 people playing, chances are more than 3/4 of them are new.... imagine them in elim. strays.. spawns... wait that's how it is anyways. it'll give something for new players to strive for... they'll play more to get their usage up, and naturally become better in that process, becoming good for elim 'n such.... well it sounds good.
                        1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat

                        1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
                        1:trashed> wha
                        1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
                        1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
                        1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
                        1:trashed> i download my own


                        1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come

