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When You First Started TW

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  • When You First Started TW

    Do you remember? I never really thought about it... I found all the other zones crappy, except trench wars.

    Do you remember when pub was still fun? When there were so many ships! Omgzor so many play styles! Where you get stressed because you didn't have the flag...

    And when you get into your first squad... start dding/jding/bding. You feel nervous, eager to prove yourself.

    For me, I was hardly playing trench wars after my first pub phase. Then, while I was doing particulary good in wb, a guy called Material pm'd me asking if I want to join Onager. I was sooo arrogant back then :wub: and said only if you beat me in a duel. He said, "ok, jav or wb?" I was like "wtf javs dont duel"

    So I duelled him in wb. I lost 5-0. So I joined his squad. This was all about 2 years ago. Wb'd a bit, and we also did some jds. I was so fucking bad at javs, its not even funny (even worse than I am now!). I was so proud when I did 3-10. 0-10 or 1-10 was the norm.

    But Material taught me... tbh he got me into the game. Without him, I would of quit long ago. He taught me how to jav, how to shoot, how to dodge... Onager eventually dissolved but I continued to jav... And the rest is history. I've been in a fair few squads... from Wingmasters to DvA (aliased... for one jd :grin: ) to shit like EliteX.

    But TW has just become... lame. I remember my first Zombies came... it was zombies3, and TWCity was hosted right after. Amazing, so much fun. All my chats were full.

    Now it feels like zombies is never hosted. All my old friends never play much at all now. Javelwin... Nestori... Material... Shas... fuck the list goes on. My chats are empty, no one ever speaks. The fun that I had in TW has gone. My first belim win... There were times when i could play TW for a whole day. Now, I get bored in less than an hour.

    So I guess I am "retired". I rarely play as it is - I will still come to get pwned in belim and javs every so often, but it looks like my goal of getting into TWLJ will never be realised. Big deal.

    Eh... a thread that was meant to be about old memories turned out to be a retirement post. Too much MCR ftl.

    So yeah... just in case anyone ever wondered where ol' Ante was.

    Thanks to the following for the fun times:

    HMS Stargazer
    Nyamo :wub:

    And mostly... Pillow. <3 If it wasn't for you, my usage would be 1/4 what it is now.

    btw, the following people are dicks:


    That is all :> Gl hf, team for the win!

  • #2
    Soupero > Antega


    • #3
      Bding and jding were not in when I started, WB was the ship to play. Private arena duels, hours of intense pubbing with squadmates and the feeling you were getting better and better in what you were doing. Only pubscores matter.
      Then came the basing at #mythrandir and then later on TWD and then WB went out of fashion and jav was the shit and I never felt I was good again.
      Regency> not in for dd lol
      Regency> would rather eat some cock ;<


      • #4
        When I started TW my main goal was to get a positive record in pub. Then try to get a really good record, etc. At one point I usually was getting 4:1 or so ratio. I was proud at the time. :wub:


        • #5
          used to pub and my neighbour had a squad called *Corp* so he wanted me to get a 2:1 ration in pub and it had to be over 1000 kills, and i ended up doing it and joining, although i cheated by using LT. Had some damn sweet duels in private arenas where you had to go to left and right safe, ahahhaah. Those were the days.
          the price is right, bitch.


          • #6
            I remember those duels in priv arena's where you had to switch arena's 6 times before you could start because some numbnuts would start killing and then the kills and deaths in the table would be all screwed, so everyone would be like

            ALL GO TO #SCDUEL18
            OMFG YOU KILLED
            ALL GO TO #SCDUEL19
            Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


            • #7
              lol i remmeber those times.. haha

              i remember when i care about pub so much.. i would try to get my squad to #1 in pub score b4 resets with the best ration or something...

              and i always remember playing some private duels against Implosive and Fate
              9 TWL Titles - 5 TWLJ 3 TWLD 1 TWLB

              4:Akuun> Did Neth tell u about his Sims game?
              4:Nimrook> No?
              4:Nethila> omfg.. i have babies with your girl in Sims!
              4:Nimrook> ooo.. well i understand Neth, it's not your fault that u cannot make real ones.. cause u were born like that.. i guess u will have to make babies in your Sims game
              4:Akuun> ROFL
              4:Akuun> Hahahahahaha
              4:Thundermare> Neth = owned
              4:Nimrook> lol

              3:Zell> popped boners a couple of times, couldnt aim at the cue ball


              • #8
                Originally posted by Antega
                Thanks to the following for the fun times:

                HMS Stargazer
                Nyamo :wub:
                I WAS ON NEMOWNED TOO! Bye Antega, I had some fun with you
                Originally posted by turmio
                jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                Originally posted by grand
                I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Antega
                  Thanks to the following for the fun times:

                  HMS Stargazer
                  Nyamo :wub:
                  I WAS ON NEMOWNED TOO! Bye Antega, I had some fun with you


                  • #10
                    i think Javelwin still plays
                    Gun remembers.


                    • #11
                      I remember starting and (quitting) for like a year, and then comming back. But anyways, I remember playing all the ships and finding WB to be the most fun. Haha anyone remember the old subspace thing where you could do the practice mission? It was offline and you could shoot the decoys and shit? looool, i remember doing that. Anyway, i remember pubbing a lot and trying to get the most points in public with a wb. Never really wanted to play anything else. Then some guy I called new in public and i was like "yeah well look I have the most points, im the best!" and he was like "my rec is better" and we got in a big duel at the bottem safe. I won and called him new, even tho I was new too.

                      I forget what squads I was in... bunch of newbie ones. I do remember being in one called V@mp!res though. Had a few ppl like GEN and springy (squeezer), widgeon (fourtwenty) etc in it. Always was one of the best players in them and so I figured I was elite. Elim had like 100 hour usage or something I forget, but I figured all the elites were there so I made sure to get enough usage for it back then. Was so much more fun than pub in my mind. This was back when elim wasn't split, and everyone good would hang out there. Used to think getting like 14-10 in elim was a great accomplishment haha.

                      What else... oh yeah, remember when instead of DD people would ask for squad duels? All would go to a priv arena and go to your diff safes. If you didn't have a staff member to host it, or no one on your squad was staff, you would have to tell them to spec at 10 hahaha. And you would always have some dumbass shoot in the beginning to ruin the recs, so they would be like "spec at 11" or you would switch arenas. Remember playing some squad like Blasphemous or something a lot. haha had nimbostratus and cumulonimbus when they were still reletively new. Played melee a lot too i think. Izor and wark were in some squad I)efenderz or something hahahahahaha. Fun times. Miss that shit.

                      twd was fun when it first started, helped a lot of newer players become good, because instead of playing a game once a week, they could play like 10 a day. Now its just old news and kinda sucks :/
                      RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                      RaCka> mad impressive


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Nimrook
                        lol i remmeber those times.. haha

                        i remember when i care about pub so much.. i would try to get my squad to #1 in pub score b4 resets with the best ration or something...

                        and i always remember playing some private duels against Implosive and Fate
                        I remember getting invited to FMM. :fear:


                        • #13
                          confliction $$
                          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                          There wont be another election for president.
                          Obama is the Omega President.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Antega
                            Thanks to the following for the fun times:

                            HMS Stargazer
                            Nyamo :wub:

                            btw, the following people are dicks:

                            Haha, I liked you first but one time you just got messed up, don't really know what I did wrong, but tho I haven't talked to you in a very long time I think its great you still remember me !!!!
                            And maketso is cool!!!
                            You were/are a good jav!!!



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Divine
                              Soupero > Antega

