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An Idea or elim.

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  • An Idea or elim.

    Geting tired of those times wen there are 2 people left in the elim match, both got only like 5 deaths and the match is to 10...
    that could take ages to end...
    so we all know (I hope all..) the suddon death system, both players agree that the first person to die goes into spec mod and lets the other player win, but things can happen like as the lossing player not going spec and thats just innoying, so why not just add an option for the bot to set suddon death mod wen 2 players are left and both have same death count?

    Please post reply, I wana know what you think about this idea, hope fully the staff will make this mod I thought of to work



  • #2
    If you didnt suck so bad you wouldnt be out with a nice 2-10 and then have to spec others for 15 minutes.
    Anyway they deserve their 10 deaths unless they refuse to
    fight eachother.

    Hell it used to be more of a "problem" when you could use a
    2000 rez and basically run and dodge any bullet (while still shooting one back occasionally).

    So stop whining and prac more.


    • #3
      Well you dont have to be rude and I dont have 2-10 scores lol.

      I'm talking about baseelim wen theres 2 people left they start playing difrently, then shoot and run, shoot and run, untill some one dies it can take up to 30 minets, From personal expiriance I've been in some fights that the other player got tired and left so I won.. That sucks, and I only loss alot of times wen I'm 1 o the 2 players left because I dont chicken out like them, I dont shoot and run, I rush towards them and die its fun you should try it out

      any way thnx for the rude comet though no one here wanted to hear it



      • #4
        Oh and because you're out it means they just to stop playing so you can get back in? Oh Lord of Crap


        • #5
          this will only happen if both of them have same death count so it will be as i they had 9 deaths (both of em) out of 10, it wont make any thing diffrent.. if they both have 5 deaths it will make it an elim to 6 and so on...



          • #6
            Like Roxy said, go get some experience. Try posting again in a few years.


            • #7
              Originally posted by e-il
              That sucks, and I only loss alot of times wen I'm 1 o the 2 players left because I dont chicken out like them, I dont shoot and run, I rush towards them and die its fun you should try it out
              Grammar, game knowledge, skill, intelligence, common sense.
              You lack them all.
              I hate democracy. It gives the likes of you the right to exist =\

              1:Eeks> well that bichix was trying to start conversation with me today
              1:Eeks> and got excited when i said i wanna go drink today =/
              1:Eeks> but i didn't propose anything
              1:Zloy> Why
              1:Eeks> i didn't have anything to fill that box zloy


              • #8
                e-il, go back to pub. seriously. come back to elim when you can at least pull a 10-10 even. then you wont have to wait so long after you're out.
                5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                • #9
                  I am starting a movement, called Get Those Fucking Greens Back In Baseelim! aka

                  Baseelim is fucked up -more then ever. They made it impossible for us, hiders, to get high btys.

                  EDIT:made something [b]
                  some are wise, some are otherwise

                  1: PolluX> People say I talk too much
                  1: Louis XV> Dude you seriously need to stfu!
                  1: Louis XV> I still love you, k?


                  • #10
                    rofl, you guys are the n00bs here, i get 10 - 10 easly, if i play siriously i win the elim but i dont play like that, i play for fun, maybe you guys dont know how, you are those dumb asses that say "ez." after each kill thinking your the king of the world, well news for you, your a fucking newbie. Dont call me a newbie because ive been playing this shit game for 3 years and i have never seen so many people fucked up like ive seen here on the forum, espeshely on this post, say a real commet you imbosol! dont say : noob go away, say "I dont like the idea but this is how you can improve it, bla bla bla" or "Good point! this should be done" Else, GTFO!

                    p.s. im not american so dont laugh about my grammer please.

                    and hell no im not canadian.. :P

                    Now leave a real commet or GTFO!!



                    • #11
                      i dont play base elim much, so my opinion doesnt really count, but i think it would be neat to have a bot to let each of the two players remainding decide if they want to go to sudden death or not, even in regular elim.

                      all these people attack this guy, just for thinking of a new idea, very immature


                      • #12
                        It's quite obvious you're an ignorant person. Some Americans have bad grammar. Some have good. Same goes for Isreal.
                        It's also obvious that you are only thinking about yourself when you suggest such things. When you get good you'll be on this side of the arguement. Until then you'll just be laughed at. SHHH
                        It's not whether you win or lose.
                        It's how you place the blame.


                        • #13
                          lol, Your an idiot, insted o saying some have bad gramer but u just suck you coulda said, well thats interesting, so maybe the bot would ask the 2 player what they like, if they both want it then it will happen if 1 or both of them dont want then it wont, now thats better SO FUCK OFF YOU BLOODY PRICK! THINK B4 YOU TALK!

                          good point there machine of god, FUCK OFF phYst we call all see your a fucking ass hole who doesnt read shit! didnt you read my last reply!! stupid idiot i hope you die.



                          • #14
                            Stick to AA e-il. The TW community will only give you headache after headache. :\
                            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                            • #15
                              Heheh. I love watching stupid foreigners.
                              It's not whether you win or lose.
                              It's how you place the blame.

