sb would be nice for a change
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?go autosb
I didn't mean that sb is part of twd.. I meant the squads that are participating that they are not registered in the same database of twd, because then you would get marked for doublesquadding if you join a sb squad under a different name..Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
How to prevent every week being a 'no-show' like last time
I'd just like to chip in to add caution to the usual enthusisasm:- Around 4 squads max please.
- Make the squadleaders people who know how to play and know what they're doing.
My reasoning for this:- Half-assed players/squads (no matter how well-meaning) just don't turn up for games. This instantly kills the league before it has started.
- This will make the squadleaders selective in recruiting and make the squads large enough in size to support absentees.
- Fewer squads means a shorter season. People can tend to get bored after 3-4 weeks.
After a short league is over, only then could true interest grow to support a full, 'real' league. Think about it: How can a full-sized league spring up from nowhere, based on an arena which is empty most of the time? This isn't about elitism but practicality. Make people ooh and ahh about sb first so they actually want to play.
This comes from harsh experience - I iterated this before the start of the previous season but only to deaf ears. I'm trying again.Half the 'hell-yea-sb-ROCKS' posters in this thread won't even play a single game.
Last edited by Nockm; 02-22-2006, 03:58 AM.
i don't want to read all this
god i don't know what's wrong with me but i'm so lazy, i got behind on this thread and reading it all now seems like a chore... point is this, we will field a team every sunday, standard TWL times if someone starts a league, no problem. 5 on 5 right? let's do that. so yes we're in, you can always leave messages for us at forums... we'll be there. also, we're playing pick-up games at night (PST). see you in there, let's get this shit going... it's too much fun and too sweet when it's done well to not be played.
Originally posted by Divine RidesI can't play this coming sunday but any sunday after that there's a good chance i'll be free.Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?
Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005
I'd rather people just played it all the time instead of the broken ships than to try and create another cracked up beast of a ranking machine for it that exists over weeks. A game or two a week is ok, but being able to jump into a strikeball arena with plenty of people playing at any given time would be better.sage
Originally posted by NockmI'd just like to chip in to add caution to the usual enthusisasm:- Around 4 squads max please.
- Make the squadleaders people who know how to play and know what they're doing.
My reasoning for this:- Half-assed players/squads (no matter how well-meaning) just don't turn up for games. This instantly kills the league before it has started.
- This will make the squadleaders selective in recruiting and make the squads large enough in size to support absentees.
- Fewer squads means a shorter season. People can tend to get bored after 3-4 weeks.
After a short league is over, only then could true interest grow to support a full, 'real' league. Think about it: How can a full-sized league spring up from nowhere, based on an arena which is empty most of the time? This isn't about elitism but practicality. Make people ooh and ahh about sb first so they actually want to play.
This comes from harsh experience - I iterated this before the start of the previous season but only to deaf ears. I'm trying again.Half the 'hell-yea-sb-ROCKS' posters in this thread won't even play a single game.
The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard CreagerAll space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
Originally posted by Nockm
This comes from harsh experience - I iterated this before the start of the previous season but only to deaf ears. I'm trying again.Half the 'hell-yea-sb-ROCKS' posters in this thread won't even play a single game.
There are dedicated players and those that as soon as TWD or TWL started, would rather play in their squads Jav Duel match or whatever.
Out of all the squads, perhaps 3 of the squads from last season actually had interest as an entire SB squad.
The other problem was we only had Holy to be our moderator in matches. Warthog, of whom was supposed to be a mod and help, never did! So that screwed us!!! & when TWL started and we wanted the Bot...we where told NO!
We had 10 squads with very very few active squads 3- 4 as mentioned above.
So I agree with ya nockm....have 4 squads and a quick season.
After thinking about SB again.....I actually will most likely sit this one out, but would help if need be on a non-player level.May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.