The tourny will start at 3pm EST on Sunday, April 2, 2006. There are only 3 arenas that are usable (javduel, javduel2, javduel3)
20 minutes for the first matches: 1&2, 4&5, 7&8, = total of 3 going simulatenously
20 minutes for the second matches: 10&11, 9&[7 or 8], 12&[10 or 11] = total of 3 going simulatenously
20 minutes for the third matches: 3&[1 or 2], 6&[4 or 5], top bracket semis = total of 3 going simulatenously
20 minutes for the fourth matches: bottom bracket semis = total of 1 going simulatenously
20 minutes for the last match: Finals = total of 1 going
Once the zoner is given, the host will begin the *timer 5 (5 minutes), and will set an cap or asst cap for the squad as team captain. If a team has only 4 players, they are still elligible to play, and can add a 5th player 2 minutes into the start of the game. If a captain or asst cap is not present, the host will be the temporary cap for squad and add players as requested by the squad. Captainship will be given to a member of the host's choice AFTER the teams have been warped into safe (so that the squad can coordinate their own subs). Adding of non-rostered players is auto-disqualify. Players who join a squad on the same day as the Tournament date is NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY. Any suspicious players will be looked into, ask for staff assistance.
Squad status on accepting invitation...ACCEPTED or NOT ACCEPTED YET
All invitation messages to the squad captains have been sent. Check your rostered name's messages in game, captains.
12. Syndicate - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
9. dicE - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
6. SLAM - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
3. Pirates - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
11. Sk8 - Accepted on March 27, 2006.
10. Grapevine - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
8. BoZ - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
7. Venus - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
5. -FINAL- - Accepted on March 27, 2006.
4. Plade - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
2. Disoblige - Accepted on March 26, 2006.
1. Shinobi - Accepted on March 28, 2006.
YOU CANNOT accept the invite after Wednesday, March 29 @ 12:00am EST. Meaning, you should have accepted anytime on the 28th.
Replacement squads in this order: Passion, Pandora. If a team does not accept by the due date, your squad will be asked if you would like to participate.
Replacement squad invite acceptance deadline is: March 30, 2006.
Some rules for this tournament
1. If both squads agree to a 4v4, then it shall be. But if only 1 squad wants 5's, it must be 5's. If the game is 4v4, but one squad adds a 5th, this squad will be disqualified.
2. Players put into play must be elligible players on the squad's roster. Players who join the squad ON THE DATE OF THE TOURNAMENT, are disallowed. Requesting the referee to put in an illegal player will get the team disqualified, and the other team wins by default.
3. The bot being used will be the MatchbotR used in Javduel currently. Therefore the DO NOT CROSS line is in effect.
4. All lag issue decisions are reserved to the decision of the referee. Any visual lag matched up sufficient packetloss / tinfo, will be all grounds for speccing a player.
5. Tournament setting is single elimination. Each player will have 10 deaths like a normal TWJD match. There will only be one round.