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New Strikeball Rankings

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  • OTwinner is a great player.

    I'd also like to see randedl higher on the list. We played a killer 2v2 game the other night, randedl and I vs trice and div.

    It would also be nice if people stopped trashing others rankings, dont you have better things to do? Its a matter of opinion, and anidas opinions aren't too bad considering he plays a lot more SB than most of those who are giving him shit.

    Long live sb, come check it out if you haven't already. ?go autosb


    • Originally posted by Weaver
      OTwinner is a great player.

      I'd also like to see randedl higher on the list. We played a killer 2v2 game the other night, randedl and I vs trice and div.

      It would also be nice if people stopped trashing others rankings, dont you have better things to do? Its a matter of opinion, and anidas opinions aren't too bad considering he plays a lot more SB than most of those who are giving him shit.

      Long live sb, come check it out if you haven't already. ?go autosb

      afkz. drunkz.


      • i forgot i had signed up for this board B)

        anida's rankings seem fair. i dont see why everyone has to have something to constantly bitch about


        • Originally posted by Jason
          hi bike

          use insert to pass

          ctrl gives you a delay, insert doesn't

          as for sb, it rocks so play a lot and you'll pick it up quickly

          edit: damn you phatass, i'm still leaving the insert thing in my post
          When using the insert, just look out for the dreaded print screen button that seems to get in the way during a match. Screen shots are a pain in the ass.
          May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


          • When using insert, use the insert that is on your right hand thingy.. the numbers part, you can use insert with your pink without leaving the keys with your other fingers.
            Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


            • I changed it to Caps Lock :P


              • Edit: Scratch that. I just disagree with 3/4 of the rankings of the players that I have actually seen play.
                Last edited by Volcs; 04-25-2006, 08:48 PM.
                Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

                Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


                • Divine Rides AFK

                  hey homies and speedball friends-

                  listen ya'll, i'm moving up to LA this weekend (moving in with long lost pallies co-founder RogerMexico)... and we don't have internet plugged in yet up there, so i may not be around for a short while, need to get the job thing sorted out before I call the cable co.
                  In my absence, see that tooty bot is fully updated and a league is further in the makings.

                  I'll try to overload you all with my presence here until move-out day (sunday) so get your fill of rides while you can.

                  see you on the grid
                  Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

                  Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

                  okie dokey baby?


                  • Have a good trip

                    Welcome to $3.00+ a gallon :grin:


                    • Hope everything works out div, I'm lookin for some orgasmic butterscotch play in the near future so get back ASAP.
                      Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

                      Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


                      • This is the part where I heckle you for saying 'orgasmic butterscotch.'


                        • And I, in return, heckle you for having used the word heckle.
                          Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

                          Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


                          • Scotch my butt, er, would you? It'd be orgasmic.


                            • note to self: when playing castro wait till he is not visible on tha screen to pass/shoot otherwise he will end up with tha ball.

                              ps have fun div, Art Brut-Moving To L.A.
                              Last edited by Jeenyuss; 04-26-2006, 05:29 PM.
                              Originally posted by turmio
                              jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                              Originally posted by grand
                              I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                              • If you're talking about my obesity, can we keep this off the board? I have a skinny indie rock dude persona to keep up.

                                If this is in reference to my lag, two more days and then no more bandwidth stealing roommates!!!!!!!!

                                Good luck, div.

