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The Ultimate 1v1 Javelin Tournament

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  • haha amp needs his big bro to help him diss someone.
    gg USA, you couldnt suck more!
    1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
    1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
    1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
    1:Vitja> afk
    1:Underground> haha vit
    1:Kian> LOL VITJA

    -Sk8 site and forums:


    • Originally posted by Underground
      haha amp needs his big bro to help him diss someone.
      gg USA, you couldnt suck more!
      I need my bro? he's not even here dont feel so bad that you got dissed by a 15 yr old
      and atleast USA plays more then 1 sport lol
      Syndicate - 2 time TWL-D/TWL-J Champions
      Thunder - Season 11 TWL-J Champions
      Amputate - TWEL-J Champion


      • jav nerds

        1v1 ultimate gay yellow ship tourny
        Last edited by Dwopple; 07-06-2006, 03:08 PM.
        zidane> big play
        Omega Red> dwop sick
        mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
        WillBy> ^^

        1:Chief Utsav> LOL
        1:Rule> we dont do that here.

        cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


        • Originally posted by Dwopple
          jav nerds

          1v1 ultimate gay yellow ship tourny
          Ease was tough! :fear:


          • show the scores maybe like winner - xxx:20 Loser - abc:13
            1:cripple> guys i am sorry for all the inconvenience of my virginity that i have let out on this squadron, i love u all

            1:Chief Utsav> please leave me alone


            • Nah dont i lost 10-4:P


              • I'll be away for 2 weeks starting tomorrow so if you had any plans at all of going through with this give my spot to amp
                "People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."

                "Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you." Seijuro Hiko


                • so what is happening with this, i was on on sunday after all twl games had been played, and there's nothing going on, is this dead?
                  revolt> my girl
                  Golden_Aim> nice lips, i bet she gives u awesome blowjobs
                  Metal Headz> she looks good for bjs
                  Golden_Aim> LOL MHZ
                  Metal Headz> ROFL

                  1:kesser> MENTION ME
                  1:kesser> MOST KILLS

                  kess is homo


                  • You just killed me in belim GA
                    lol GA trying to make a joke:

                    1:Golden_Aim> sle
                    1:sleuth> sup
                    1:Golden_Aim> you wanted the bd for saturday?
                    1:Golden_Aim> is your dada gay
                    1:sleuth> ?
                    1:revolt> rofl
                    1:revolt> ur so bad
                    1:Golden_Aim> LOL
                    1:Golden_Aim> DAMN
                    1:sleuth> i dont get it
                    1:Golden_Aim> im laffin irl im so bad

                    Sweeper> .?ignore is for weaklings


                    • In the end it was a close final between me and Pjotter but I won 10-0,

                      GG to everyone


                      • wtfuq lolol

                        damn been so busy and you fawkers never showing up, THANKS ALL. NUBS
                        Failure teaches success.

