god almighty, 3 weeks without internet, went from borderline overcrowding to not once seeing anyone in there.
Start playing again, what's wrong with you guys?
Strikeball's really great. We just got done playing a lot of it. A good time for Strikeball is 11PM Pacific Standard Time (because that's when I play).
There's a ton of different levels to the game that make it really deep. If you consistently team up with certain people you learn you can read eachothers movements and are able to execute truly dazzling passes/goals.
Strikeball will only be successful if you play it and tell people about it! The current arena is ?go autosb. The arena runs automated games to ten with two teams; warbirds going right and javelins going left. Press insert to pass or shoot and pass often! Ball movement is totally croosh!
Strikeball is really, really fun.
Animol> the solution for crimelization is openetion of heartization
it's NBA finals time and World Cup time, what sweet sweet glory in the world of sports, the two best sports in their elite events. Speedball is a combination of both sports, with weapons heavy spaceships as players, and a rock filled galactic grid as a pitch/court. Find your way there (?go autosb) more often.
chicks really dig speedball players, it's more athletic than your average subspace player, speedball makes your penis look bigger. mine looks like a hammer with warts
seriously, pass pass pass pass! the ball needs to move fast, don't wait til you're out of ball-holding-time to pass, pass when the team mate is open, let him catch and move. the enemy will follow the bal in the air, leading your team mate too far can lead to immediate death. pop pop pop, move the ball, move it forward. if you're going to be killed and there's no open team mate, get the ball moving forward, as fast as possible. pop pop pop- MOVE THE BALL
get the ball, then shoot it in the goal (you'll be in a spacecraft superior to the aircraft shown) use insert to shoot/pass (some people adjust their keys, you can if you like)