I enjoy the feeling I get when I'm just owning up everyone, that's why.
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The Earnestness of Elim
I play elim only for practice. I try to ignore the lames as best I can, but I usually get annoyed and swear a couple of times. That's why I turn messages off (so I don't flame).
I can't play lots of games though such as gatez because of my lag... (I have AOHell). Well I do live in the middle of nowhere.
WTF Crven? Why?
Same here Nailed. I used to care about my ranking and such, but now i just use it to practice every now and then. I like playing base,dm,and javs more than either elims. But i do like elim spec chats, always funny as hell(RoboHelp)>Erathia is your worst nightmare, he has been twice removed from staff for massive corruption, yet has
(RoboHelp)>weaseled himself back on each time. If he begins to talk to you RUN, if you cannot run, close SS immediately and hide.
Oni link is a faggot. I have him on perma ignore.(RoboHelp)>Erathia is your worst nightmare, he has been twice removed from staff for massive corruption, yet has
(RoboHelp)>weaseled himself back on each time. If he begins to talk to you RUN, if you cannot run, close SS immediately and hide.
I agree with Epi - elim would be way cooler if people actually had some sort of competitive spirit again. Where did it go? The reason why there's so much whining is not because people take it too seriously, but because they don't take it seriously enough to respect the game. Elim is generally much more fun when you take it seriously (in the sense that you play to compete with others and/or yourself). That's the spirit of elim. Newbies/assmunches just don't understand the concept of sportsmanship and respect, two things that would make elim a much more fun arena to play in.'vet' is the new 'newb'.
sit ez vet, sit.
i play elim for fun. its better than pub because of tighter lag limits. i prefer to base or play hosted events which are more fun.
some of the people in elim are cool too. and sometimes you get enough in ther youcan have crazy fuin things happen. like a shark win an any ship elim. and have lotsa fun with out the spawning. of course this happens late at night for me(USA). thats my thoughts for what they are worthTo all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
Are we allowed to post logs in these forums?
This is levi elim after I kill 2 people with one levi shot and go to 8-0. I like the reUOGreug comment the best.
Sleepy Weasel> $
Russian Assassin> OMFG
Russian Assassin> YOU FUKCING
Russian Assassin> reUOGreug
Russian Assassin> someone needs to kill weasel in real life
pv=nrt> why?
Russian Assassin> he has no life anyway ~
Cpt.Guano!> whats wrong with weasel?
Russian Assassin> he hunts me !
Cpt.Guano!> oh
Russian Assassin> oh and has no life
Cpt.Guano!> but if he has no life then how can you kill him?
Russian Assassin> i don't kill him
Elvis Rockn> lol Sleepy
Bearz is out. 5 wins 3 losses
pv=nrt> gg
Cpt.Guano!> ok bye!
joemoma> $
Bearz> kill sleepy
Hiders: joemoma at L11
Bearz> team him
Russian Assassin> team him
I love making friends.
Originally posted by Annux
sometimes I park in handicapped spaces
while handicapped people make handicapped faces2: DaNuMbA1OrGaZmO> virginia is where all faggots are from that wear a condum
Overwhelm> Maisoul used to be a loser
Overwhelm> then he joined paladen and became leet ;)