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?go base needs zoners

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Ignominy
    when pubs STILL had new players?
    And had quality basing (including squads), so intense and organized that levis would come and ruin it. That was the reason I started playing ?go base, it had no levis, but now there's pure basing publics without levis.
    I don't see how shielding off new players is going to make the game better in the long run.
    You rather should be focusing on eliminating disturbance as much as possible, then you will only benefit from playing with newbies on both teams.
    Basing itself won't suffer much if both teams have a few clueless people as long as you don't allow them to disturb the gameplay.

    If you would have staffers in public rather than playing base and elim, they could guarantee less teamkilling.
    That's not that hard, you should just have at least one mod playing in publics at all times. They could just change clueless teamkillers in spiders.

    Maybe even put a module in the bot which allows ER's to set people into spider ONLY IF the target player is a javelin or shark.
    You ate some priest porridge


    • #62
      Ultimately, the difference is this: basing is a team game.

      Getting 50% of a pub team to spider is next to impossible. Teaching and then getting them to smoothly coordinate is impossible. If you don't coordinate in go base, you lose. Because there, everyone else knows how. All it takes is one misguided ship for you to lose.

      I prefer to play a team game with people who will coordinate with me. Anytime you rob me of that and force me to play with people who don't know what they're doing or not play at all, well... that just isn't fair. Doing that 70% of the time, well... that's just insane.


      • #63
        spidering in pub isnt always a good idea. 1 misguided ship wont lose flag in pub, even a tking jav can be dealt with. What tends to lose a pub game is lack of sharks. or the other team having more sharks. People do tend to corrdinate in pub, but many people just arnt very good (like me) you cant expect them to perform amzingly, and not fuck up frequently.

        pub basing has some tactics different to ?go base but the essentials are still there

        I think a good comparison would be football (soccer to all the americans im a brit).

        kicking a ball about in the park = pub
        amateur game = twbd
        professional training = ?go base
        professional game = twlb
        would cup = bwc

        pub is never going to be the same as ?go base but they share the essentials in that they are both about holding a flag. Like football the aim is to score more goals to win. How you do this depends on your skill level and the kind of competition you are playing in.
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        Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
        Kitty> true

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        • #64
          This is funny, I sit here watching basers cling to some small hope that their little league will survive another year with the end of a boring twlb season. I see everyone working so hard to bring back basing, by making pure_pubs so that some lucky pubbers will learn how to really base and get better so they can eventually move to ?go base, and now having hourly zoners for ?go base, when mods would generally just zoner for ?go base every 30 minutes if you wanted them to. The funny part is, you are killing basing. Pure_Pub creates two high level pubs where most of the "good pubbers" and people that know how to play but are just bored play. All of the other pubs are just dead weight, with a bunch of morons flying around in cloakers shooting at each other. When you enter TW at a decent hour, you never start in a pure pub because they are always full, now imagine newbie A entering TW and not really understand what a pure pub is, and thinking TW is about cloakers shooting at cloakers. I would have quit honestly. I disagree with the ?go base zoner, I even disagree with mods zonering for ?go base, it was never needed before, it shouldn't be needed, and yes base is the equivalent of ?go wbduel/javduel and so should get zoners also. If elim was the primary entrance into TW arena, then I would say why zoner for elim.. As for basers exclusiveness, it is much worse now, I got known in pub for being half decent and got invited to #mythrandir to base with people. When is the last time a good baser watched some people in pub and decided to give them a shot in ?go base? You are killing the league you are trying to save the most and don't even realize it.
          Rabble Rabble Rabble

